Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


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Edwin D. Hahn, who resides on his well-cultivated farm of fifty-one acres in Muhlenberg township, was born Dec. 21, 1865, in that township, son of Henry and Rosie (Bernhart) Hahn, and grandson of Daniel Hahn.

Daniel Hahn, who until 1852 pursued the trade of a hatter in Reading, located in that year on the Ulrich farm, now owned by his grandson, which he had purchased two years previously. Here he carried on farming until 1867, when he retired, and thereafter lived a quiet life until his death, March 15, 1886, when he was aged seventy-eight years. His wife preceded him to the grave. They had children as follows: Emma m. William Kauffman; Mary Ann m. Jacob Spangler; one died in infancy; Elizabeth m. William Reeser; Henry; and Franklin. In religious belief the family were Lutherans. Daniel Hahn was a Democrat in politics, and for some years held the office of tax collector of Muhlenberg township.

Henry A. Hahn, father of Edwin D., was born in the city of Reading, Pa., and was a lad of eight years when his father located on the farm. On his father's retirement, in 1867, he took charge of the home property, which he continued to cultivate until he died in 1900, at the age of fifty-seven years. In 1865 he married Rosie Bernhart, daughter of John Bernhart, a farmer of Muhlenberg township, and to this union there were born children as follows: Edwin D.; and Katie A. m. Harrison Rothermel. Mr. Hahn was a member of the Hinnershitz Lutheran Church, in which he served as elder. In politics he was a Democrat, and for some years served as a school director. Mrs. Hahn is still living, and is a highly esteemed lady of Muhlenberg township.

Edwin D. Hahn was educated in the schools of his native township, also taking an advanced course at the Keystone State Normal school, Kutztown, and Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Philadelphia. After leaving the latter he commenced teaching school in Muhlenberg township, but in 1885 gave up this profession to engage in the fruit and produce business at Philadelphia. After one year in that city he returned to Muhlenberg township, and turned his attention to agricultural pursuits in which he has been engaged ever since.

In 1885 Mr. Hahn married Sallie A. Sailer, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Ahrens) Sailer, and four children have been born to this union: Olivia P.; Effie M.; Harry S.; and Edna S. In religious belief the family are Lutherans, Mr. Hahn being an elder and deacon in the Hinnershitz Church, and organizer and for eighteen years superintendent of the Sunday school. He is a Democrat in politics, and for ten years was a member and secretary of the board of school directors. He is a director of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Berks county. Fraternally he is connected with Muhlenberg Castle, No. 372, K. B. E., Hyde Park. Mr. Hahn's residence, which was built in 1770, was plastered with mortar which is mixed with grass instead of hair, as is used to-day, and when occasional cracks have appeared the grass has shown itself to be as green as the day it was mixed with the mortar. The log barn, with thatched roof, which stood on the farm, was razed in 1876 to make way for a modern structure.


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Rev. Frederick Bender Hahn, pastor of Faith and St. James Refomed Churches, whose useful life was brought to an unexpected and untimely close, May 16, 1901, was one of the best known ministers of his faith, and was greatly beloved by all who came within the radiance of his pure Christian life.

The Rev. Mr. Hahn was born in Plainfield, Northampton Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1847, son of Richard and Sophia Hahn, pious , industrious people of the sturdy pioneer type. His early education was acquired in the public schools of his native town, and he afterward attended the Normal School at Kutztown, graduating in 1869. For some time then he studied in the Academy at Mercersburg, after which he went to Lancaster and entered Franklin and Marshall College there, whence he was graduated in 1875. Having determined to consecrate his life to the service of his Master, he at once entered the Theological Seminary, completing his studies there in 1878, in the spring of which year he was examined and licensed by the Lancaster Classis, and then dismissed to St. Paul's Classis in the Pittsburg Synod.

In 1878 he was ordained by St. Paul's Classis, and received a call from the Reformed Church at Greenville, Mercer county, where he served six years, and where he accomplished the building of a much needed church edifice. He was then one year in Mt. Pleasant, resigning to accept a call to a broader field of work in Meadville, Pa., where he labored three years. From Meadville he accepted a call from the Board of Home Missions to become pastor of the First English Reformed Congregation in Cleveland, now known as the Hough Avenue Church, and there he performed a very difficult work, being compelled to hunt for members of the Reformed faith all over the city, finally beginning to hold service in a hall which he rented at one dollar per night. In every parish to which he gave his services he accomplished much from his missionary work in all the territory round. He often preached three sermons on Sunday, besides conducting Sunday-school, and this, in addition to visiting the sick, and performing the countless tasks that fall to the lot of the average minister, often left him tired and worn at night, but never too tired to answer the call of the poor or afflicted. In 1889 he resigned at Cleveland, and was made pastor of the Kutztown charge, consisting of St. Paul's Church at Kutztown, and St. Peter's Church at Topton. In 1892 he resigned and moved to Reading, taking charge of two congregations- Faith and St. James- and in this field he closed his well-spent life, and his labors were not in vain. It was largely through his personal effort that the debt on St. James was paid, and both charges were left in much better condition than when he became pastor. In 1895 at the organization of Reading Classis, the Rev. Mr. Hahn was elected stated clerk, and he served most efficiently until his death. He was a hard and earnest worker, promptly responding to the call of duty, and he considered at no time his own comfort or well being. Often when ill he was urged for his own good to abandon some part of his work, but he always declined, and his last labor was to assist a fellow worker by holding service in Boyertown. In his school days he was an industrious student, and the habits there formed clung to him all his life. No time was wasted , every minute of his waking hours was spent in accomplishing some part of the great work in which he was engaged. Little children instinctively loved him, and he was never so happy as when surrounded by them. Over thirty ministers of the Reformed Church came to do him honor at his funeral, as well as about a dozen ministers of other denominations. Interment was made in the Charles Evans cemetery.

The following resolutions were passed by the Joint Consistory:
"Reading, Pa., May 21, 1901
"WHEREAS, It hath pleased an all-wise Providence to remove by the hand of death from our midst our beloved pastor and friend, Rev. F.B. Hahn, be it "Resolved. That we the Joint Consistory of faith Reformed Church of Reading, and St. James Reformed Church, of West Reading, hereby express our humble submission to divine will. That we acknowledge our debt to him as friend and faithful pastor, who for eight years preached to us the pure and simple gospel of Jesus Christ, and led us in paths of justice, peace, righteousness and truth. That we, in behalf of the congregations we represent, do consecrate ourselves anew to the work of the Master whom he loved, with the determination, by the help of this same Master, of making constantly and increasingly effective his teaching and labors among us. "Resolved, That we express our heartfelt sympathy for the stricken family, so suddenly bereft of its head and support, and that we will keep them in remembrance as the widow and orphans of a good man, a dear friend and a faithful pastor. "Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family and to the Record.

"By order of the Joint Consistory, "G. B. Trechsel, Secretary" Faith Reformed Sunday-school passed the following resolutions:
"WHEREAS, The great and supreme Ruler of the universe has in His infinite wisdom removed our worthy and esteemed pastor, Rev. F.B. Hahn: and "WHEREAS, the long and intimate relation held with him in the faithful discharge of his duties as pastor of this church and Sunday-school makes it eminently be fitting that we record our appreciation of him; therefore be it "Resolved, That his labors in church and Sunday-school will long be held in grateful remembrance. "Resolved, That the sudden removal of such a life from our midst leaves a vacancy that will be deeply felt by all the members and friends of the Church and Sunday-school, and will prove a serious loss to the community and public. "Resolved, That with deep sympathy for the bereaved family and relatives of the deceased, we express our hope that even so great a loss to us all may be over-ruled for good by Him who doeth all things well. "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Sunday-school, a copy printed in the local papers, and a copy forwarded to the bereaved family. "Horatio Jones, "A. L. Bush "G. B. Trechsel, "Committee."

On June 4, 1878, Mr. Hahn was married to Miss Ella R. Bridenbaugh, sister of Rev. Dr. S.R. Bridenbaugh, of the Second Reformed Church. Six children blessed this union, two of whom preceded their father to eternal life. Those surviving are: Mary, Edith, Ruth and John. Mrs. Hahn has been a tireless worker in the cause of Christ., and was with her husband's very able assistant in the up-building of his parishes. Her charity is broad, and she has proved herself a ministering angel in the homes of those sore oppressed; while her own home has ever been open to the poor, the needy and the stranger.


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Abraham U. Hain, a representative business man of West Reading, Berks county, the first coal merchant of that place, and one of its most progressive and substantial citizens, was born Aug. 13, 1838, in Bern township, this county. His ancestors have been located here for many years.

John C. Hain, his grandfather, was born Aug. 3, 1786, on the land now occupied by the Wernersville State Asylum, and himself came into possession of that property. His real estate holdings were extensive, and he became a prominent man in many ways. He died Nov. 9, 1854, and is buried at the Hain's Church-named after the family.

John C. Hain married June 4, 1815, Barbara Reber, who was the second eldest of the fourteen children born to Johannes and Madgalena (Rathmacher) Reber. To them were born four children: Benneville R. was father of Abraham U. Hain; Polly (Mary) m. John Fox, of Bern township; John R. became a farmer in Bern township; Ellen m. George W. Yeager, superintendent of the Union canal.

Benneville R. Hain, born Aug. 3, 1816, at Wernersville, died Dec. 29, 1852, aged thirty-six years, four months, twenty-six days. But though his life was not a long one, he accomplished much, making a substantial success of all his undertakings. He started life with a wood axe and fifty cents in money, but he possessed more than ordinary intelligence and enterprise, and when he died, in the prime of early manhood, he had attained very comfortable circumstances through the well-directed exercise of his natural gifts. He was a boatman on the old Union canal, owning three boats, which he used in transporting his coal, lumber and merchandise, for he kept a small store in Penn township, near Bernville, at the place called Port Penn.

Mr. Hain married Susanna Ulrich, born Jan. 29, 1818, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Fromm) Ulrich, of Bern township; she died March 12, 1852, just a few months before Mr. Hain's death. They are buried at Epler's Church, in Bern township. To Benneville R. and Susanna (Ulrich) Hain were born four children: Nathan, who died in infancy; Abraham U.; William U., who was a wheelwright of Bern township; and Mary Ann (m. Benjamin Hall, of West Reading).

Abraham U. Hain was educated in the township schools of Bern and in a private school in Reading which was under the supervision of Prof. William A. Good, and which he attended for over a year. He was reared to farming, but when he was seventeen began teaching school under the first county superintendent of schools, William A. Good, in Berne township, where he continued at that profession for four terms. He also taught one term in Maxatawny township. At that time the term consisted of only four months, and he received $25 a month. Since he gave up teaching Mr. Hain has been engaged at merchandising, having begun as clerk in a general store which did both a wholesale and a retail business, on the present site of the "Merchants' Hotel," corner of Third and Penn streets, Reading. It was conducted by Geiger, Kauffman & Kissinger, in whose employ Mr. Hain remained for a period of five years, until, in 1862, he started business on his own account. For fifteen years he dealt in lime, coal and stone, at Felix dam, and since 1890 he has been in the coal business at West Reading, where his establishment was the first of the kind. His patronage is large, and he includes among his customers many residents of Reading. His coal chutes are at the west end of the Lebanon Valley bridge.

Ever since his removal to West Reading, Mr. Hain has been active and public-spirited in its improvement and development. He was instrumental in the incorporation of the borough, where he is regarded as one of the most substantial and progressive citizens. He owns ten acres of finely located land, lying along Tulpehocken avenue, some of which has been cut up into building lots, and also four dwellings in West Reading. Mr. Hain has devoted all his time to his personal interests and the general welfare, having never had any taste for the honors or emoluments of public office. Though he is a stanch Republican he has not taken any active part in politics. He enjoys the complete confidence of his associates in all the relations of life, his character and habits being above reproach. His family is a credit to the community.

In 1866 Mr. Hain married Matilda Miller, born Sept. 20, 1842, daughter of Samuel and Susanna (Startzler) Miller, of Windsor township. Eight children have been born to this union, namely: (1) James M. is deceased. (2) George M. is a successful business man of West Reading, where he is engaged in carriage building, employing seven men. (3) Albert died in infancy. (4) Charles M. is in the butcher business on Penn avenue, in West Reading. (5) Peter died in infancy. (6) Frank M. is engaged in the coal business with his father. He m. Alice Dietrich, of Greenwich township, Berks county. (7) Agnes m. George Fritz, a carpenter of Reading, who is at present in the employ of L. H. Focht, the extensive contractor, as foreman. (8) Mary M. is a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School, class of 1904, and is now teaching the fourth grade in West Reading. She resides at home with her parents. The family residence is a comfortable brick house at No. 528 Penn avenue. Mr. Hain and his children are members of Epler's Reformed Church of Bern township, and he was a liberal contributor toward the purchase of St. James Reformed Church of West Reading, his interest in the promotion of religious work being real and his assistance practical. He has also given generously to the Lutheran Church of the borough, of which his wife is a member. All in all, he is a citizen universally respected for his sterling qualities and upright life.

James M. Hain, eldest son of Abraham U. and Matilda (Miller) Hain, was born Feb. 10, 1867, in Bern township, where he spent his entire life. He received a good education, graduating from the Keystone State Normal School in 1889, at the head of his class, and he taught school in Bern township for six years. When the Schuylkill Valley Bank was established he became teller of that institution, holding that position until his death, Aug. 15, 1907, at the age of forty years, six months, five days. Mr. Hain had been ailing for almost three weeks, and was confined to his bed for ten days before his death, with typhoid fever, but his demise was unexpected. He was at the home of his parents, No. 528 Penn avenue, West Reading, when he passed away. He was unmarried. When the borough of West Reading was organized James M. Hain was one Of the leaders in the movement, and at the time of his decease he was serving as president of the borough council. There was no more valuable citizen in the community, where he was universally esteemed, and the large number that attended his funeral showed that he had friends among all classes. Many beautiful floral tributes were sent to the family in token of the sympathy felt throughout this section of the county. Mr. Hain possessed high intelligence and equally high principles, was an able as well as an upright man, and left a large estate, accumulated by his own efforts. He is buried at Epler's church, in Bern township. He was a member of St. James Reformed Church, and a Republican in political connection.


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David H. Hain, M.D., a well-known physician in Penn township, who has been engaged in the practice of his profession at Obold, Pa., for more than twenty-five years, and is said to have the largest practice of any county doctor in Berks county, was born May 12, 1861, in Lower Heidelberg township, son of Frederick and Sarah Hain.

Frederick Hain was born Nov. 22, 1822, in Lower Heidelberg township, where his entire life was spent in agricultural pursuits. He died April 23, 1875. He married Sarah Hain, and to them were born these children: John, who died in Lower Heidelberg township: Eva, m. to Henry B. Werner: Henry, living at Wernersville: Emma, m. to Jacob Huyett, of Franklin Grove, Lee Co., Ill.: Mary m. to William K. Ludwig, of Wernersville: and Dr. David H.

Dr. Hain secured his primary education in the public schools of Wernersville, and later he attended Palatinate College at Myerstown, and Prof. D. B. Brunner's Business College at Reading. Then he became a student at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and graduated from that institution in 1881. On March 1, 1882, he located at Obold, where he has built up a very large country practice.

Dr. Hain married Sallie A. Fisher, daughter of Reiley Fisher, and to this union there have been born three children: Edna, a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School, class of 1902, now teaching at Wernersville: Raymond, a graduate of the same institution, now a senior at Bucknell College: and Stella, a member of Class of 1910, at the Normal School at Kutztown.


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Among the old and honorable families of Berks county none are more numerous than that of Hain, representatives of which have for many years been prominently identified with the agricultural, educational and official interests of their several communities. Prominent among the present-day members of this family may be mentioned Benjamin A. Hain, a prosperous farmer of Lower Heidelberg township, and Prof. Milton I. Hain, one of the best known educators in that section of Berks county.

George Hean (also spelled Hane, Hehn and Hain) was a native of Germany and early in the eighteenth century came to America, landing at New York. From Schoharie, N. Y., he came to Heidelberg township, Berks county, in about 1723, and settled along the Berks and Dauphin turnpike in what is now known as Lower Heidelberg township, where he owned 2,100 acres of land. He had eight sons, Peter, Adam, George, Frederick, Heinerich, Joseph, Casper and John, one of whom (probably Joseph) went to live with the Indians. He suddenly disappeared from home, and nothing was heard of him for many years, when Indians told the family that he was well cared for. George Hean gave 300 acres of his property to each of his seven remaining sons.

Henry Hain, the great-great-grandfather of Benjamin A., lived in Lower Heidelberg township, where he carried on farming. He had these children: John; Adam, who settled near Harrisburg; Frederick; Daniel; Joseph; and a daughter who married a Mr. Locksley.

Joseph Hain, the great-grandfather of Benjamin A., lived on the farm on which the State Asylum is now situated, which was then a large property, but which has since been divided and subdivided. Born May 21, 1759, he died Jan. 21, 1834. He was married in 1782 to Catherine Shower, who was of English extraction, and they had these children: Benjamin S.; Hannah, who married Abraham Guldin; and Elizabeth, who married (first) Leonard Schaeffer and (second) George Gernand, the latter of whom was at one time sheriff of Berks county.

Benjamin S. Hain, grandfather of Benjamin A., was born May 23, 1785, in Lower Heidelberg township, and died Oct. 27, 1867; he was buried at Hain's Church, of which he was an official member. In the early days, when the church was surrounded by a dense forest, in which wolves and other wild animals still roamed in great numbers, Mr. Hain assisted in protecting the worshippers from these beasts. He was one of the well-known men of his day, and was well-to-do, owning three farms, one of which is now the property of the State of Pennsylvania and occupied by the Wernersville State Asylum. The house which stood near this institution was erected by Mr. Hain. He married Elizabeth Hain, who was born Oct. 11, 1788, and died April 7, 1861, and to this union were born the following children: Maria, who married Michael Nunnemacher; Catherine, who married Michael Seltzer; Joseph, who was a farmer near Wernersville and who died when comparatively young; Hannah, who married Peter Hill; Amelia, who married John Miller; Ellen, who married David Bucks; Harriet, who married Jacob Beaver; Adam, who lived on the original Hain farm and later in Reading, where he died; George; Eliza, who married John Huyett; and Sarah, who married William Zimmerman.

George Hain, the father of Benjamin A., was born in Lower Heidelberg township March 26, 1824, and died Feb. 11, 1903, being buried in the old cemetery at Hain's Church. He was a lifelong farmer, owning the property now in the possession of his son Benjamin A., on which the present house was erected in 1902, and the barn in 1828 (built by Daniel Bucks). Mr. Hain was one of the township's most esteemed citizens, was progressive and enterprising, and a stanch Republican. He was a member of Hain's Reformed Church, of which he was a member and elder for many years.

On Oct. 6, 1853, Mr. Hain was married to Elizabeth Ruth, born Han. 8, 1829, who died Feb. 8, 1901, daughter of John and Margaretha (Ulrich) Ruth, and ten children were born to this union: A son died in infancy; Frank, born June 1, 1855, died Nov. 14, 1896 (he was a farmer in Spring township); George, born Nov. 5, 1856, is a farmer near Dixon, Ill.; Daniel, born Nov. 2, 1858, met his death in 1900, when he accidentally fell from an overshoot in his barn, on his farm at Wernersville; Benjamin A.; Rebecca, born Oct. 16, 1862, m. Abraham Schanover, a clerk at Wernersville; a daughter died in infancy; Sallie, born Feb. 25, 1865, m. Samuel Wenrich, of near Hain's Church; Mary, born June 24, 1866, m. Jacob M. Greth, a farmer of Lower Heidelberg township; Kate, born Feb. 28, 1868, m. James Kegerise, and resides with her brother Benjamin A.

Benjamin A. Hain was born on the farm of his grandfather, Benjamin S. Hain, in Lower Heidelberg township, March 3, 1861, and attended Bucks school, in his native district, and a school near Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa., for two terms. He worked for his father until forty-one years of age, in 1902 commencing operations on his own account on the homestead, which became his in 1905. This property, which is situated about one mile from Wernersville, is one of the finest truck farms in this section of Berks county, and is furnished with fine machinery and good farm stock. Mr. Hain has been very successful in his operations, and readily disposes of his produce at stand No. 68, in the market at Ninth and Buttonwood streets. His father attended this stand for more than thirty years, and the trade built up by him is being supplied by his son. Mr. Hain's sisters, Mary and Kate, keep house for him, in the large, comfortable residence, and are all very well known and highly esteemed in this community. They attend Hain's Reformed Church, where more than one hundred of the family name are buried. Johannes Hain, the great-great-grandfather of Prof. Milton I. Hain, was a farmer in Heidelberg township. He was a son of Adam and grandson of George Hehn, the German ancestor of the family who came hither from the Palatinate.

Adam Hain, son of Johannes, was a native of Heidelberg township, where he was extensively engaged in agricultural operations, and where he died, being buried at Hain's Church, of which he was a member. He married a Miss Gushour, and they had these children: Elizabeth, who married Benjamin Hain; Catherine, who married John Gernand, of Maiden-creek township; Johannes A., and Peter, of Lower Heidelberg township.

Johannes A. Hain, grandfather of Milton I., was born Aug. 15, 1891, on a part of the original Hain homestead, and died Jan. 4, 1865. He followed farming all of his life. He is buried at Hain's Church, of which he was an official member. On Sep. 21, 1817, he was married to Catherine Gernand, born Dec. 25, 1799, who died Jan. 2, 1882, and they had these children: Maria, Ellen, Elizabeth, Sarah, Hannah, Reuben, Kitty, Ann, and Barbara (born in 1835, died in 1865, married Jacob Schepp). The parents spent a happy married life of forty-seven years.

Reuben Hain, father of Milton I., was born Nov. 23, 1828, in Heidelberg (now Lower Heidelberg) township, and is now living retired, after a long and useful life spent in agricultural pursuits. He is a Democrat in politics, and was township auditor for some years; he served as deacon and elder in Hain's Church. In 1849 Mr. Hain was united in marriage with Susannah Beidler, born Dec. 29, 1830, daughter of William Beidler, and five children have been born to this union, as follows: John W., born Nov. 22, 1852, who is a farmer near Mount Pleasant, in Penn township; Lewis A., born June 4, 1857, who is a farmer of Lower Heidelberg township; Prof. Milton I.; Mary E., born May 13, 1865, who married Jacob W. Snader, of Reading; and Emma I., born Jan. 27, 1869, who died Aug. 13, 1879.

Milton I. Hain was born July 9, 1862, in Lower Heidelberg township, and his preliminary education was gained in the common schools. Later he attended the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown, Pa., the Reading Academy, and Business College, under the direction of the late Professor D. B. Brunner. Professor Hain was first licensed to teach in the public schools in 1880, by Dr. S. A. Baer, who was then superintendent of schools, and since that time he has continued to teach in Lower Heidelberg township, where perhaps no educator is better known or more popular. He was granted his professional certificate by Prof. D. S. Keck in 1889 and his permanent certificate was awarded him in 1890 by the State. During his long incumbency Mr. Hain has seen many changes made in the school system, and he has done his part to bring about these changes. He has kept pace with the times, and his methods are modern and calculated to bring about the best results.

Mr. Hain is active in church work, being a member of Hain's Reformed Church, of which he is at present deacon, and was superintendent of the Sunday-school for one year and assistant superintendent for a like period. He is a Democrat in politics, and served his township very efficiently for six years as auditor.


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The Hain family has been prominent in Berks county, Pa., for several generations, and members in each generation have been active in furthering the advance of religious and social life. The first of the family of whom there are well authenticated data is George Hean, who settled in the vicinity of Hain's Church. He was one of the chief donors to that church, was a very prominent man in his community. He engaged in farming and was accounted one of the wealthy men of the day. At his death he left much property. To him and his wife, Veronica, were born children as follows: Peter, Adam, George, Frederick and Heinrich (or Henry).

Henry Hain married and became the father of the following children: Adam, who settled in Dauphin county; Frederick; Daniel; Otto; Joseph; and a daughter who married a Mr. Locksley. The family belonged to the Reformed Church.

Daniel Hain was born at the old homestead near Hain's Church. He, too, became a prosperous farmer. He was twice married. By his first marriage he had a son, John.

John Hain, son of Daniel, married Magdalina Haak, and their children were: Jacob, William, Ellen, Hannah, Absalom, Mary, Daniel, Elizabeth and Rebecca. The children were all reared in the faith of the Reformed Church.

Jacob Hain, son of John, was a harness-maker by trade, and was located at No. 321 Penn street, where he carried on a flourishing business for many years, becoming one of the best known of his day in the city. He married Mary Ann Goodhart, daughter of Jacob and Mary (Beidler) Goodhart. Their union was blessed with three children, namely: Clara L. m. George P. Zieber, and has two children, Blanche and Florence (m. Clarence Fencil, and had two sons, George P. and John N.); Alice V. m. Jonathan P. Mengel, and had three children, Ralph H. (m. Deborah De Turk), J. Hain and Mary A. (deceased); and S. Agnes m. Henry M. Otto. Mr. Jacob Hain was a member of the Second Reformed Church, of which he was one of the organizers, and in which he held the offices of deacon and elder. He was a prominent worker in the Democratic party, and held the office of the Quarter Sessions Court of Berks county. His fraternal connections were with Salome Lodge, I. O. O. F. He was a man who kept well abreast of the times, and was well posted on matters of public import, and was looked up to as an authority, his advice being often sought and carefully followed. His word was as good as his bond, and he had the unqualified esteem of all men.


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Dr. Leonard G. Hain. Among the members of the medical profession in Cumru township, Berks county, may be mentioned Dr. Leonard G. Hain, who has an extensive practice in the pleasant borough of Shillington. Dr. Hain was born Oct. 27,1872, in Wernersville, Berks Co., Pa., son of John H. and Rebecca (Gerhard) Hain. The early home of the Hains was in Holland, where the name was spelled Heyn. Through various changes, Hayn, Hohen, Hein, Hean, it is now generally used Hain. At Delftshave (now Delfshaven), a suburb of Rotterdam, in 1590 lived Piet Heyn, with his wife and four sons, the eldest of whom was Piet Peterson Heyn, born Nov. 27, 1577. The latter was a strong-willed boy, bold and adventurous, full of energy, and he was looked upon by the townspeople with some concern. School masters would have none of him. After being expelled from school he went to Rotterdam, where he found work on a boat. His father was a fisherman, and was often away on long voyages, so the elder son, who was not by any means the hopelessly bad boy many thought him, went home twice a week to see his mother. His old enemies, young relatives of the master who had expelled him from school, would lie in wait for him, and endeavor to beat him. He was stronger than they, and in spite of their numbers would always defeat them. One night these boys gathered their friends until they had fourteen to wait for the one lad coming home to his mother. Too many were in the secret, however, and Piet's younger brothers heard of it, but they could muster champions enough to make but nine on their side. The fourteen met Piet first, with sticks and stones, but the noisiest one of all he threw into the water, and by that time the brothers and their friends joined him and together they completely routed the superior numbers, and would had done them violence, but Piet interposed and insisted that all shake hands. That same night he proved his courage and his ability to act quickly in an emergency by assisting in preventing a fire to spread, and the boy who had been looked upon as bad and unruly was lauded by all as the bravest boy in town. Shortly after this he went to sea, and became a prisoner on a Spanish vessel, being held a very long time. He then shipped as second mate on the man-of-war "Samson," commanded by Capt. Gerbrandt Jansroon Sael.

Before 1601, with nine other war ships all under the command of Admiral Obdam, and English men-of war under Admiral Lewison, they sailed to find the Spanish fleet. The Spaniards were beaten at great price, the first mate of the "Samson" being one of the many victims. In a storm a few days later the captain was swept overboard, and young Heyn became master of the ship. On his return home, after transacting business in Batacalo, he married Anetje De Reus, and settled in Rotterdam. He was not to be permitted to live quietly, however, and the next voyage he sailed was as Vice-Admiral of the West Indian Company's fleet of men-of-war sent against the Spanish Admiral Willeneus being in command. They captured San Salvador in April, 1626, and Piet Peterson Heyn became Admiral, and was sent after the Silver Fleet of Spain. After many adventures, and the capture of many Spanish vessels, in one battle taking twenty-six ships from the enemy, he eventually found and defeated the famous Silver Fleet (with 12,000,000 florins captured as booty) and carried his prizes triumphantly home to Holland, where great honors were heaped upon him. At the battle off Dunkirch (Dunkirk), France, in the North Sea, Admiral Heyn was killed June 20, 1629. His remains were interred in the Church of the Leaning Tower at Delft, and a magnificent tomb was erected there to his memory. In 1870 his statue, made of Udelsfenger stone, was unveiled by the people, and the King, his brother and many noblemen were present to pay tribute to his memory. His portrait hangs in the Admirals room in the Art Gallery at Amsterdam.

The first settlers in the vicinity of Hain's Church were a part of the 150 families who emigrated from Holland, and settled in1722 or 1723 at Schoharie, N.Y. In 1729 some dissension caused a removal of several families to the Tulpehocken valley, and others to Heidelberg township, Berks county. Among these first settlers we find the name of Hain, or Hohen or Hean. With great industry and self-denial these pioneers erected a church and founded a congregation of the German Reformed Church. The five acres (since increased to seven) belonging to Hain's Church were donated by George Hean (Hain) about 1830, and according to the custom of the time the church became known as Hain's, though its name was St. John's Church from the time it was dedicated to the "service of the Tri-une God." Early pastors of this church were Pastors Boehm, Weisse and Schlatter, followed by the well known Rev. Jacob Lishy, of Lancaster county, George Hain, who gave the land for the church, died in 1746. John H. Hain, father of Dr. Leonard Gerhard, was born in Lower Heidelberg, on the farm on which, now stands the Wernersville Asylum. This was the original home of the Hains in this section. He was born Aug. 18, 1843, and died May 4, 1903., after a long and useful life. Mr. Hain owned the homestead of 130 acres, which is still in the family's possession, and was engaged in farming and cattle dealing, being known throughout Berks and Lancaster counties as a man of sterling worth. A stanch Democrat in politics, he was active in the ranks of his party, serving ably as school director for a period of nine years. Fraternally he was connected with the Odd Fellows at Wernersville, and he and his family attended Hain's Church, where he is buried. Mr. Hain married Rebecca Gerhard, daughter of Adam and Catherine (Strunk) Gerhard., and to them were born: Harry G., foreman at the Hampden Planing Mill; Dr. Leonard Gerhard; Frederick, who cultivates the old homestead farm; and Leah, m. to Charles Hain, who is engaged in the hosiery business at Wernersville.

Dr. Leonard Gerhard Hain, was reared upon his father's farm, on which he resided until entering college. His early education was obtained in the township schools, later he attended the Hughes Academy at Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa., where he prepared for college, and in the fall of 1888 he entered Palatinate College of Medicine, at Myerstown, where he completed his preparatory course for medicine. Entering Jefferson Medical College in the fall of 1890, he graduated May 4, 1893, and on June 5th of the latter year engaged in practice at Shillington, being the first physician in the borough. He has gradually built up a large and lucrative practice in a densely settled community within a radius of five miles, and his skillful services have won for him the confidence and respect of the entire section. Personally the Doctor is pleasant and courteous, and as a consequence he is very popular with all who know him. He was one of the organizers and is a director of the Mohnton National Bank, of Mohnton.

In political matters Dr. Hain is a Democrat, and for three years served as Almshouse physician. He is a member of Teutonia Lodge No. 367, F.& A. M., Reading; Reading Chapter, No. 52, R. A. M.; De Molay Commandery No. 9, K. T.; Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Reading; Reading Elks, No.115; Aerie No. 66, F. O. E., Reading; Independent Americans of Shillington; Knights of Pythias No.385, Mohnton; and Knights of the Golden Eagle, of Kutztown. He and his family are Reformed members of the Hain Church, of Lower Heidelberg.

On Nov. 12, 1892, Dr. Hain was married to Annie K. Miller, daughter of John H. and Sarah (Kinser) Miller, of Wernersville, Pa., and to this union have been born two children: Stuart J., who died in infancy; and Marguerite L.


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Lewis J. Hain, a progressive and successful farmer of Lower Heidelberg township, was born in that township near Wernersville, July 16, 1865.

Adam Hain, his great-grandfather, was born near Wernersville, and there married Anna Maria Ruth, daughter of Christian Ruth. They had four children; Peter; John m. Catharine Gernant, of Maiden-creek; Elizabeth m. Benjamin Hain; and Catharine m. John Gernant, of Spring.

Peter Hain, grandfather of Lewis J., was a farmer of Lower Heidelberg township. He was born in 1796 and died in 1874. He married Catharine Laucks, born in 1799, daughter of Peter and Susannah (Lorah) Laucks, of Tulpehocken township; she died in 1888. They had four children: Adam L. m. (first) Hannah Gauland, and (second) Rebecca Gassert; Peter L. m. Susan Oberholtzer; Levi L. m. Anna Laucks; and David L. David Laucks Hain, father of Lewis J., was educated in the township schools, and brought up to farming, which he followed successfully until 1898 when he retired, living since then at Wernersville. He married Sarah Hain, daughter of Joseph and Mary Hain, and by her had eight children: Reilly (m. Anna Gaul); Lewis J.; Cora (m. William Stoudt); and five who died in infancy.

Lewis J. Hain received his education in the local schools, at Myerstown Palatinate College, and at the Reading Interstate Commercial College. Upon finishing his education, he directed his attention to farming, first under his father and then for himself, and he has followed this pursuit with great success to the present time in the vicinity of Wernersville. Besides the regular operations on the farm, he has made a specialty of fattening from sixty to seventy-five steers each year. He operates two farms, the one which he purchased from his father, and his wife's farm which she inherited from her father. They reside on the latter place.

Mr. Hain married, in 1889, Ella Miller Hain, daughter of Isaac Hain and Sarah Miller. They have two children, Isaac A., born Jan. 21, 1891, and William P., born Dec. 14, 1898.

Mrs. Lewis J. Hain is a descendant of George Hain, who was the founder of the Hain family in Berks county. He emigrated from the Palatinate to Pennsylvania and settled in Heidelberg township in 1711. He married Veronica Hain, and they had nine children, Christian, Peter, Adam, George, Frederick, Henry, Casper, Sybilla (m. Jacob Freymeyer) and Elizabeth Gertrude (m. William Fisher).

Casper Hain, son of George, and great-great-grandfather of Mrs. Lewis J. Hain, was born in Germany in 1724, and emigrated to America with his father. He carried on farming in Heidelberg until his decease in 1762. His wife, Catharine, was born in 1727, and died in 1809, and by her he had five children: Elizabeth (m. Conrad Eckert); John; Frederick; David (m. Barbara Ruth); and Peter (m. Magdalena Ruth).

Frederick Hain, son of Casper, was born in 1756, carried on farming and died in 1812. He married Catharine Haak, who was born in 1754 and died in 1815. They had four children: Daniel; Hannah and Elizabeth, unmarried; and Catharine (m. John Klopp).

Daniel Hain, son of Frederick, was a farmer of Lower Heidelberg township. He was born in 1787, and died in 1862. He married Magdalena Hain, daughter of Isaac Hain, who died in 1882, aged seventy-five years. She was the mother of five children: Richard (m. Anna Huyett), Isaac; Anna (m. William Krick); and two died in infancy.

Isaac Hain, son of Daniel and father of Mrs. Lewis J. Hain, was born in 1835, and was a farmer of Lower Heidelberg township. He married Sarah Miller, daughter of Abraham Miller, who was born in 1841, and is yet living in Wernersville. Isaac Hain died in 1895. He was the father of two children: Daniel (m. Catherine Huyett); and Ellen (m. Lewis J. Hain).


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Peter A. Hain, a farmer of Lower Heidelberg, residing at Wernersville, was born Oct. 19, 1867, in the township named, and was educated in the public schools. After assisting his father on the farm until he became a young man he learned the trade of milling in the Peter Hain mill, and then carried on the business for himself from 1899 to 1904. Recently, besides looking after his farm, he has directed his attention to painting. Mr. Hain's father was Levi L. Hain, who married Eva Laucks, and they and earlier ancestors of Mr. Hain are referred to elsewhere.

In 1899 Mr. Hain married Kate S. Linsman, of Reading, daughter of William H. Linsman and his wife Sarah Yoder, a daughter of William Yoder, of Wernersville. She was born in 1850, but died at the early age of twenty-three years. They had one child, Kate, now Mrs. Peter A. Hain. William H. Linsman was born at Reading in 1849, was there educated, and learned the trade of carpenter in the car shops of the Philadelphia & Reading Company. He has been continuously in the employ of that company from the time he was fifteen years old, a period exceeding forty years. For his second wife Mr. Linsman married Emma Moll, a daughter of David Moll, of Molltown, and after her decease wedded Ellen Strasser, daughter of David Strasser, of Hamburg.

Mr. Linsman's father was William Linsman, of Wurtemberg, Germany. He emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1847, locating at Lancaster, and after living there a year settled at Reading, where he followed the occupation of carpenter and builder until his death, in 1889, at the age of seventy-nine years. Her parents and five other daughters emigrated at the same time, locating at Lancaster. In their journey across the sea they were fifty-seven days on the way.

Mrs. Hain's grandfather, William Yoder, was a farmer in Lower Heidelberg, east of Wernersville, living for twenty-five years on the same farm. He was born in 1820, and died at the age of sixty-nine years. He married Susanna Strunk, of the same township, a daughter of Jacob Strunk, carpet weaver, and she died in 1897, aged seventy-two years. They had five children: Jacob m. Jennie Wenrich; Daniel m. Cornelia Lengel; Sarah m. William H. Linsman; Lydia m. Darius Spohn; and Kate m. Aaron Lieb. Mrs. Hain's great-grandfather was John Yoder; he m. Lydia Brown.


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Richard Hain, a retired farmer at Wernersville and supervisor of that section of the Berks and Dauphin turnpike for over forty years, was born in Lower Heidelberg township Jan. 6, 1827, son of Daniel and Magdalena (Hain) Hain. He received his education in the township school and at a private academy which was conducted by Prof. Jeremiah J. Brower, at Unionville, near Douglassville, Berks county. When seventeen years old he taught school for one term in Lower Heidelberg township, and then assisted his father on the farm for eighteen years, until 1862, with the exception of one year when he acted as clerk for Daniel B. Bucks, in the coal, lumber and hotel business at Wernersville. In 1862 he took the farm and carried on operations for himself for twenty- six years, until 1888, when he retired and has since been living in retirement.

In 1863 Mr. Hain became a director of the Berks and Dauphin turnpike, and, at the same time, supervisor of the section from Sinking Spring to Robesonia, and he filled these positions with the company until the turnpike was declared free, in 1905, from Reading to Wernersville by legal proceedings which extended over many years. His father had filled the same positions for twenty years until his death in 1862. Mr. Hein filled the position of school director of the township for one term, and served as a deacon and elder of Hain's Reformed Church for several years.

Richard Hain married Anna Esther Huyett, daughter of John Huyett, a farmer of Cumru township, and has two children: Franklin ( m. Sadie J. Beam, of Chester county, and has one child, Richard Beam, born Feb. 14, 1906 ); and Charles (m. Oct. 4, 1908, Leah K. Hain, their marriage taking place in Hain's Reformed Church, and being the first wedding ever held in this historic church). Leah Hain was a daughter of John H. Hain, and his wife Rebecca (Gerhart) Hain.

Daniel Hain, father of Richard, was born in Lower Heidelberg in 1787, and died in 1862. He married Magdalena Hain, daughter of Isaac Hain, of the same township. She died in 1882, at the age of seventy- five years. They had five children: Richard; Isaac, who married Sarah Miller; Anna, Mrs. William B. Krick; and two who died in infancy.

Frederick Hain was the grandfather of Richard, and his great- grandfather was Casper Hain. (See sketch of Lewis J. Hain elsewhere.)

Mrs. Richard Hain's father was John Huyett, a farmer of Cumru township, born in 1799 and died in 1887. He married Elizabeth Hartman, a daughter of John and Sophia (Maurer) Hartman of Muhlenberg township. She was born in 1796, and died in 1868. They had eleven children: Garson (m. Eva Gaul); Sarah (m. Daniel Zacharias); Charles (m. Elizabeth Beidler); Daniel (m. Lydia Gaul); James (m.Mary Gaul); Anna; Leah, John, Lewis and Elizabeth, unmarried; and one who died in infancy. Her grandfather, John Hartman, had six children, John, Daniel, Frederick, Elizabeth, Mary and Sophia.


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Joel W. Hainly, proprietor of the original "Sinking Spring Hotel," one of the oldest hotel stands in Berks county, was born in Lancaster county, Pa., July 21, 1861, son of Michael and Lydia (Wiest) Hainly. Michael Hainly, grandfather of Joel W., was a farmer in Lancaster county, and owned a small property near Blainsport, where he died. He was twice married, (first) to Susanna Bergman, and (second) to Susanna Gushert. His children, all by the first marriage, were: Joseph, who settled near Schoeneck, Pa.,: John, who lived at Cocalico; Michael: Susanna, m. to Samuel Betcher; Sophia, m. to Abraham Royer; and Polly (Mary), m. to Adam Noll.

Michael Hainly, father of Joel W., was born July 6, 1831, and died Oct. 5, 1906, after a long and successful life spent in agricultural pursuits. He was a prominent member of the Swamp Church, belonging to the Lutheran denomination, and was a man universally esteemed and respected. Mr. Hainly married Lydia Wiest, born April 17, 1834, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Stover) Wiest, and she now resides at the old home. They had a family of nine children, all of whom are living: Sarah, m. to Martin DeHart, of Fritztown: Benjamin, m. to Kate Kessler, and living on a farm at Vinemont; Joel W.; Susan, m. to Wallace Eckenroth, of Gouglersville; Emma, m. to John Burkert, of Vinemont; Amanda, m. to Fred Artzbecher, of Cocalico, Mary, m. to Harry Showalter, of Reinholds, Pa.; Kate, m. to Harvey Gehret, of Blainsport, Pa.; and Michael, a painter now living on the old homestead, m. to Cora Keener.

Joel W. Hainly spent his boyhood days at Reinholds, Lancaster county, where he was reared on his father's farm, and remained with his parents until twenty-one years old, at which time he learned the milling business with Richard Leinbach, near Reamstown, Pa., where he worked about one year. For the following five years he worked in August D. Keener's mill at Fritztown, and in August, 1886, he removed to Reading and for a short time operated a stationary engine at a stone crusher. In 1886 Mr. Hainly engaged in the hotel business at the Cacoosing, conducting that place successfully for one and one-half years, at which time he purchased the "Fritztown Hotel," which he greatly improved. He succeeded in building up a large trade, and during his seven years' occupancy of that site did a very profitable business. Mr. Hainly sold out this place in 1896 at a large profit, and in the spring of 1897 he removed to Reading, in the fall of which year he bought the "Sinking Spring Hotel," one of the oldest hotel stands in Berks county. The sinking spring, after which the village was named, is located on his premises, 100 feet from the hotel building. This interesting spring, which was given its name by the Indians, is very strong and runs from about January to August, when the water disappears into the earth to reappear during January of the year following. The spring never runs dry during the months from January to August.

One part of Mr. Hainly's hotel building was erected prior to 1767, being built of stone nearly two feet thick, is substantial, and to all appearances will remain so for a century or two to come. The fourteen rooms are large and spacious, and the Colonial style of architecture prevails. Mr. Hainly, who is genial and affable, makes an ideal host, and has won many friends in this community. He serves the best of liquors, beer and cigars, has excellent table service, and his prices are moderate. His fine park, immediately in the rear of the hotel, covers an area of about two acres, and here is found the historic sinking spring. The park contains a large pavilion, and is thickly grown with shrubbery and trees, the latter including the Norway, Austrian, Excelsior and Stone pines, and the Douglass, Colorado Blue and oriental spruce, with Arbor White American and Golden Arbor. Pyramid and Siberian plants are found scattered about in artistic fashion, and the place is a delightful retreat, where one may find rest from the noise and rush of town life.

On Sept. 19, 1885, Mr. Hainly was married (first) to Kate Hain, born April 27, 1867, who died Oct. 31, 1897, daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth (Halt) Hain, the former a coachbuilder of Fritztown. Mr. and Mrs. Hainly had three children, namely: George Frederick, Mamie Elizabeth and Robert Michael. On June 20, 1903, Mr. Hainly m. (second) Valeria J. Addams, daughter of Daniel and Susanna (Ulrich) Addams, of Fritztown. Mr. Addams is an old resident of this section, and was an active worker in the Democratic party in his younger days. His children are: Hannah, m. to J. S. Strohl; Maggie, m. to John A. Fry; Ella, m. to F. M. Gaul; and Valeria J., m. to Joel W. Hainly. No children have been born of Mr. Hainly's second marriage. He is a Lutheran member of St. John's Church of Sinking Spring. In politics he is an active Democrat. Fraternally he is a member of Tribe No. 301, Order of Red Men, of Reading; and Castle No. 334, K. G. E., of Sinking Spring.

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