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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter T



Marriage Notice for Raymond TRITTLER to Betty Jane McFarlane, 17 Jan 1947 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Feb. 7, 1947, page unknown:


Miss Betty Jane McFARLANE, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Kress McFARLANE of Carrick, formerly of Midway, and Raymond TRITTLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry TRITTLER of Carrick, were united in marriage at 7:30 p.m. Friday, January 17,  1947, in the Lutheran church, Carrick. The pastor, Dr. M. Herbert MESSNER performed the ceremony by candlelight.

The bride was attired in a winter white suit with blue accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Eleanor KURNECK of Carrick, wore an aqua suit with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Henry TRITTLER, Jr., brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman and William McCOY of Wilkensburg and Harry HAYWORTH of Vienna, Ohio, were the ushers.

Following the ceremony a reception for 100 guests was held in the home of the bridegroom's parents.

The bride is a graduate of the Carrick high school and is employed as a teller in the Farmer's National Bank in Pittsburgh. The bridegroom, also a graduate of the Carrick high school, served 30 months in the army, 24 months of which were spent in the European area. They plan to make their home in Carrick. The bride is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. George KRESS of Station street and Mr. and Mrs. John KRESS of Fannie street.

[ Raymond TRITTLER to Betty Jane McFarlane, 17 Jan 1947 ]  trittler_mcfarlane_02-07-1947_ro  (DG)

Marriage Notice for William TROMBLA to Elsa Rose Schreiber, 6 Jun 1922 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of June 22, 1922, page unknown:


Miss Elsa Rose SCHREIBER, daughter of Mrs. Wilhemina SCHREIBER of Barr street, was married to Mr. William TROMBLA of Manitowac, Wisconsin on Tuesday, June 6th, 1922 at Manitowoc. They will make their home in Manitowoc where Mr. TROMBLA has a prosperous business.

[ William TROMBLA to Elsa Rose Schreiber, 6 Jun 1922 ]  trombla_schreiber_06-22-1922 (S)

Marriage notice for 
Carl TROPECK to Stella Dumaret, 25 Oct 1939 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 27, 1939, page unknown:


Miss Stella DUMARET, daughter of Mrs. John DUMARET of McDonald, and Mr. Carl TROPECK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl TROPECK of Sturgeon, were united in marriage at nine o'clock Wednesday morning, October 25, 1939, in St. Alphonsus' church, McDonald, the Rev. Fr. Joseph A. BURGOON officiating. The bride was gowned in white satin with a long veil and a crown of pearls. She carried lilies with long streamers. The bridesmaids were Miss Ann SMITH of McDonald and Miss Mary TROPECK of Sturgeon. One wore acqua blue and the other old rose. They carried chrysanthemums. Mr. John TROPECK of Sturgeon served as bestman and Mr. Joseph NEA of Sturgeon was the usher. Mr. John GIMA of Primrose played the wedding music. A reception followed in the bride's home. There were 100 guests with 24 seated at the bride's table. The young couple will reside in Sturgeon.

[ Carl TROPECK to Stella Dumaret, 25 Oct 1939 ]
tropeck_dumaret_10-27-1939-ro (LN)

Marriage Notice for Byron F. TROXEL to Nellie Taylor, no date, in 2-15-1896 paper From the McDonald, PA OUTLOOK newspaper of 15 February 1896:


On the 25th inst., at the First Presbyterian church of Neodesha, Kansas, will be married Mr. Byron F. TROXEL and Miss Nellie, daughter of Mrs. B. E. TAYLOR, of that place. The wedding reception will be held afterwards at the Hotel Houston. Mr. TROXEL was formerly well known here, being in the tank-building business on Barr St. with his father. Old McDonald friends send congratulations, Byron.

[ Byron F. TROXEL to Nellie Taylor, no date, in 2-15-1896 paper ] troxel-taylor-2-15-1896-out (S)

Marriage Notice for Norman TROY to Camille Bovil, 20 May 1939 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of May 26, 1939, page unknown:


Miss Camille BOVIL of Slovan and Norman TROY of McDonald were united in marriage at 4:50 o'clock Saturday afternoon, May 20, 1939, by Squire A. B. Cochran in his office in McDonald in the presence of a number of friends of the young couple. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Emile TROY.

[ Norman TROY to Camille Bovil, 20 May 1939 ]
troy_bovil_05-26-1939_ro (DG) 


* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.


This page includes:   Raymond TRITTLER to Betty Jane McFarlane, 17 Jan 1947
William TROMBLA to Elsa Rose Schreiber, 6 Jun 1922
Carl TROPECK to Stella Dumaret, 25 Oct 1939
Byron F. TROXEL to Nellie Taylor, no date, in 2-15-1896 paper Norman TROY to Camille Bovil, 20 May 1939


This page was added July 2, 2007 ; updated May 15, 2008 ; updated Apr. 4, 2009 ; 
updated June 22, 2009 ; updated Sept. 15, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

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This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023


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