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 Genealogy and Family History



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Marriage notice for Edward O. SHOUP to Alberta Gorman, 25 Jun 1936 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 3, 1936, page unknown:


Miss Alberta GORMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John GORMAN of Noblestown, and Edward O. SHOUP, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles SHOUP of Highland avenue, Oakdale, were united in marriage at 7:00 o'clock Wednesday evening, June 25, 1936, in the residence of the Rev. Father C. M. KEANE of Noblestown. The bride was attired in a blue chiffon grown with rosebuds all through. Her bouquet was pink rosebuds. The bridesmaid, Miss Catherine GORMAN, sister of the bride, was attired in a pink organza gown trimmed in blue. Mr. Frank MULLOOLY of Noblestown was the best man. After the ceremony a reception was held in the home of the bride's parents in Noblestown. Twenty-four guests were present at the reception, all seated at one table. The table was beautifully decorated in pink and blue. The guests at the reception included the brothers and sisters of both the bride and the bridegroom and the wedding attendants. The young couple are at home to their many friends in Eighth avenue, Carnegie.

[ Edward O. SHOUP to Alberta Gorman, 25 Jun 1936 ] shoup_gorman_07-03-1936 (S)

Marriage Notice for Samuel E. SHOUP to Dolores M. Lash, 22 Jun 1946 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 28, 1948, page unknown:


Miss Dolores M. LASH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave WINTERS of Fannie street, McDonald, and Samuel E. SHOUP, son of Mrs. Mary SHOUP of Latrobe, were united in marriage at 4:00 p.m. Saturday, June 22, 1946, in the manse of the First Presbyterian church, McDonald. The Rev. S. A. McCOLLAM, D. D., performed the ceremony. The bride wore a blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Freda M. LASH, sister of the bride, wore a blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. The mothers of the young couple each wore black with a corsage of red rosebuds and carnations. Louis E. KREIKEMYER of R.D. 4, McDonald, served as bestman.  Following the ceremony, a wedding supper was served to the
immediate families at Van's Tavern. Miss LASH is a granddaughter of Ernest KREIKEMYER of R. D. 4, McDonald. The young couple will reside in Latrobe, where Mr. SHOUP is employed by the Pennsylvania railroad.

[ Samuel E. SHOUP to Dolores M. Lash, 22 Jun 1946 ]  shoup_lash_06-28-1946_ro (DG)

Marriage Notice for Thomas SHOUP to Maude Rogers, no date, in 11-1-1902 paper From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 1 Nov 1902, page unknown:


Miss Maude ROGERS, formerly of this place, and Thos. SHOUP, were married at the home of the bride's parents in Meadville, Wednesday evening. Both are well known here, and the Outlook joins with their many friends in congratulations.

 [ Thomas SHOUP to Maude Rogers, no date, in 11-1-1902 paper ]  shoup_rogers_11-1-1902  (S)

Article 1 Marriage Notice for Frank O. SHRUM to Dorothy Leona Gibson, 28 Oct 1922

* See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Nov. 2, 1922, page unknown:

[ SHRUM is the Groom. ]

A very pretty wedding took place Saturday morning, October 28, 1922 at 10:30 o'clock in the home of the groom's aunt, Mrs. HERRINGTON of the North side, Pittsburgh, when Miss Dorothy Leona GIBSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. GIBSON of State street, Oakdale became the bride of Mr. Frank O. SHRUM, son of Mr. and Mrs. William SHRUM of Noblestown. The ring ceremony being performed by Rev. GROVE, pastor of the U. P. church of Noblestown. The bride wore a traveling suit of brown Duvet de LAINE with hat to match and brown furs. Only the immediate families were present. After a wedding breakfast in the William Penn Mr. and Mrs. SHRUM left for Youngstown, Ohio where they will visit in the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. John MCDONALD and her cousins, Mrs. Ralph GILLEN. The bride is a member of the Senior class of O. H. S. and very popular in social circles. The groom is a graduate of Clarksburg high and attended 2 years at Duquesne university. For the winter Mr. and Mrs. SHRUM will reside in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. GILSON of State street, Oakdale.

[ Frank O. SHRUM to Dorothy Leona Gibson, 28 Oct 1922 ] shrum_gibson_11-02-1922 (CT-L)

Article 2 Marriage Notice for Frank O. SHRUM to Dorothy Leona Gibson, 28 Oct 1922 From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Nov. 3, 1922, page unknown:

[ SHRUM is the Groom. ]

A pretty wedding took place Saturday morning, 
October 28, 1922, at ten-thirty o'clock in the home of the groom's aunt, Mrs. HERRINGTON, in the Northside, Pittsburgh, when Miss Dorothy Leona GIBSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. GIBSON of State street, Oakdale, became the bride of Mr. Frank O. SHRUM, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. William SHRUM of Noblestown. The Rev. W. V. GROVE pastor of the Noblestown United Presbyterian church, officiated, the ring ceremony being used. 
The bride wore a traveling suit of brown duvet de laine with hat to match and brown furs. Only the immediate families were present. After a wedding breakfast in the William Penn hotel, Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. SHRUM left for Youngstown, Ohio, where they will visit in the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. John McDONALD, and her cousin, Mrs. Ralph GILLEN. The bride is a member of the senior class of the Oakdale high school and very popular in school circles. The groom is a graduate of 
Clarksburg high school and attended two years at Duquesne university. For the winter Mr. and Mrs. SHRUM will reside in the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. G. D. GIBSON, in Oakdale.

[ Frank O. SHRUM to Dorothy Leona Gibson, 28 Oct 1922 ] shrum_gibson_11-03-1922_record  (DG)

Marriage Notice for Edgar Blakely SHUCK to Blanceh Forester Lockhart, 12 Dec 1923 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Dec. 20, 1923, page unknown: 

[ SHUCK is the Groom. ]

On Wednesday, December 12, 1923 Miss Blanche Forester LOCKHART, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. LOCKHART of Station street, McDonald, and Mr. Edgar Blakely SHUCK, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. SHUCK of Corliss, were quietly married in Pittsburgh. The bride is a graduate of the McDonald High school and attended Westminster College and at present was training for a nurse in the Homeopathic hospital, Pittsburgh.  Mr. SHUCK is a graduate of State college and now holds a very responsible position with the KOPPER's Company with offices in the Union Trust building, Pittsburgh. The ceremony was supplemented by a wedding supper in the home of the groom's parents in Corliss, with covers laid for twelve.  Mr. and Mrs. SHUCK have gone to housekeeping in Ashlyn avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.

[ Edgar Blakely SHUCK to Blanceh Forester Lockhart, 12 Dec 1923 ] shuck_lockhart_12-20-1923 (CT-L)


* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  Edward O. SHOUP to Alberta Gorman, 25 Jun 1936
Samuel E. SHOUP to Dolores M. Lash, 22 Jun 1946
Thomas SHOUP to Maude Rogers, no date, in 11-1-1902 paper
Frank O. SHRUM to Dorothy Leona Gibson, 28 Oct 1922
Edgar Blakely SHUCK to Blanceh Forester Lockhart, 12 Dec 1923


This page was added July 8, 2007 ; updated June 24, 2009 ; updated Aug. 10, 2009
; updated Oct. 3, 2009 ; updated Oct. 15, 2009


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