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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S



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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

Paul Elmer SCOTT to Hazel Ivalyn Merville, 22 Sep 1920
Marriage Notice for Paul SCOTT, Jr. to Ruth Cousins, 7 Aug 1947 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 15, 1947, page unknown:


Miss Ruth COUSINS, daughter of Mrs. Florence COUSINS of Woodville, and Paul E. SCOTT, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. SCOTT, Sr., of McDonald, were united in marriage at eight o'clock, Thursday evening, August 7, 1947, in the parsonage of the First Methodist church, Noblestown. The Rev. G. M. CONNER, pastor of the church, officiated.

The attendants were Miss Lavaughn VanSICKLE of Washington and Rudy ILIK of Cherry Valley. After the ceremony they left for a wedding trip to Cleveland.

Mrs. SCOTT is a nurse attendant at the Woodville hospital and Mr. SCOTT is assistant manager of the Family Loan Finance Co., Carnegie.

[ Paul SCOTT, Jr. to Ruth Cousins, 7 Aug 1947 ]  scott_cousins_08-15-1947_ro  (DG)

Marriage Notice for Robert Lynn SCOTT to Jean Elinor Harrer, 27 Jun 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 9, 1943, page unknown:


Miss Jean Elinor HARRER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis HARRER of Federal, and Robert Lynn SCOTT of the merchant marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie SCOTT of Sturgeon, were united in marriage at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, June 27, 1943, in the Methodist church, Federal, by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. RICHARDSON.

The bride was given in marriage by her father. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served in the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT left for a wedding trip to Pensacola, Fla., where they will visit the bridegroom's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert TUCKER. Upon their return, the bridegroom will return to New York.

[ Robert Lynn SCOTT to Jean Elinor Harrer, 27 Jun 1943 ] scott_harrer_07-09-1943_ro  (AD)

Marriage Notice for Robert Stewart SCOTT to Dorothy Fabre, 13 Feb 1929 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

[ SCOTT is the Groom. ]

Miss Dorothy FABRE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L FABRE of McDonald, and Mr. Robert Stewart SCOTT, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. SCOTT, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon, February 13. The ceremony took place in the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. I. K. TEALE of Negley avenue, Pittsburgh. There were no attendants. Mr. SCOTT is employed in the Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh, and Mrs. SCOTT has been employed in the store of M. H. Levison here. Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT for the present are making their home with the groom's 
father in Burgettstown. 

[ Robert Stewart SCOTT to Dorothy Fabre, 13 Feb 1929 ]  scott_fabre_02-21-1929  (CT-L) 

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Wallace Aiken SCOTT to Ruth Elizabeth McCoy, 26 Dec 1938
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Wallace Aiken SCOTT to Ruth Elizabeth McCoy, 26 Dec 1938
Part 3 Marriage Notice for Wallace Aiken SCOTT to Ruth Elizabeth McCoy, 26 Dec 1938
From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan. 6, 1939, page unknown:


Miss Ruth Elizabeth McCOY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCOY of R. D. 1, McKees Rocks and Mr. Wallace Aiken SCOTT, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John SCOTT of Scott's Station, R. D. 2, Coraopolis, were united in marriage at 7:30 p.m. Monday, December 26, 1938, in the Union U. P. church, Gayly, the Rev. Frank C. Davidson officiating. The bride wore white satin and carried a bouquet of gardenias. The matron of honor, Mrs. Lloyd McCOY, and the maid of honor, Miss Helen McCOY, wore blue gowns with hoopskirts and carried colonial bouquets. The four bridesmaids wore rose gowns with hoopskirts colonial bouquets. Mr. Breese DICKERSON of Coraopolis R. D. was the bridegroom's bestman. Other attendants were Rufus CLARK and Joseph SCOTT of R. D. 1, Oakdale, Harry TRAUTMAN and Jack SCOTT of R. D. 2, Coraopolis, George HAUDENSHIELD of the Campbell's Run road, and Lloyd McCOY.  Miss Dorothy PROVOST of R. D. 1, Oakdale, the church organist, played the wedding music. A buffet lunch was served in the bride's home to the immediate families and attendants. After the couple's return from a Southern wedding trip, they will reside at Scott's Station. Mrs. SCOTT is a graduate of McKees Rocks high school and of the Slippery Rock State Teacher's college. She is a teacher at the McKee's Rocks school. Mr. SCOTT is in business for himself in Coraopolis.

[ Wallace Aiken SCOTT to Ruth Elizabeth McCoy, 26 Dec 1938 ]  scott_mccoy_01-06-1939  (DG)


* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.


This page includes:  Paul Elmer SCOTT to Hazel Ivalyn Merville, 22 Sep 1920
Paul SCOTT, Jr. to Ruth Cousins, 7 Aug 1947
Robert Lynn SCOTT to Jean Elinor Harrer, 27 Jun 1943
Robert Stewart SCOTT to Dorothy Fabre, 13 Feb 1929
Wallace Aiken SCOTT to Ruth Elizabeth McCoy, 26 Dec 1938


This page was added July 7, 2007 ; updated June 6, 2009 ; updated Aug. 24, 2009
; updated Sept. 23, 2009


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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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