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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter S



Marriage Notice for John H. SCOTT to Almeda E. Cousins, 30 Jun 1914 From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of July 3, 1914, page unknown: 

Married In a Hurry at New Castle


A dispatch from New Castle, Pa., dated June 30, says that when John H. SCOTT, aged 28, of Canonsburg, and Miss Almeda E. COUSINS, aged 23, of McDonald, entered the court house for a marriage license, they were in a hurry; both were anxious to have the ordeal terminated at the earliest possible minute. Their license was secured in record-breaking time. 

They waltzed out into the breezy corridor with the precious document and gazed around. "Ah," ejaculated the bridegroom to be, "that office looks good to me," pointing towards the headquarters of the county commissioners. 

"I'll say so," assented the bride-to-be; and in they went. 

"We're strangers in the city and want to get married. Here's our license," explained SCOTT to County Commissioner McFARLAND.

"Well, we don't make a business of matrimony here," said Mr. McFARLAND, "but if you are in a hurry we'll see what we can do; sit down till I call a minister."

Five minutes and the Rev. S. C. GAMBLE of the Second United Presbytarian [sic] Church was on the scene. The principals took the center of the floor and surrounded by all the court house attaches who were "wise" were quickly united in the holy bonds of wedlock. They entered the commissioners' office at five minutes to 5 o'clock and departed in double harness at exactly five minutes past. 

"My!" exclaimed Mrs. SCOTT, "aren't they nice people here, John?" 

[ John H. SCOTT to Almeda E. Cousins, 30 Jun 1914 ]  scott_cousins_07-03-1914_record  (CT-L)

Marriage Notice for John SCOTT to Wilma Nourigat, 6 Mar 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of March 12, 1943, page unknown: 


Miss Wilma NOURIGAT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert NOURIGAT of Midway, and Pvt. John SCOTT of Ft. Belvoir, Va., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. SCOTT of Midway, were united in marriage a 7:00 o'clock Saturday evening March 6, 1943, in the manse of the United Presbyterian church, McDonald. The pastor, the Rev. S. A. McCOLLAM, D.D., performed the single ring ceremony.

The bride was attired in beige and brown with brown accessories. Her corsage was of American Beauty roses. The bridesmaid, Miss June SCOTT, a sister of the bridegroom, wore a black gabardine suit with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Ronald Hannan of Midway served as bestman.

Mr. Scott is a 1937 graduate of McDonald high school and has been in the armed services the past eight months.

[ John SCOTT to Wilma Nourigat, 6 Mar 1943 ]  scott-john__nourigat_03-12-1943_ro (S)


Marriage Notice for John SCOTT to Elsie Scott, 11 Jun 1924

John Scott (Sr.) of Scott's Station had 2 children, 1 male and 1 female, marrying the respective soon-to-be-spouses.


From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 13, 1924, page unknown: 


On Wednesday evening, June 11, 1924, at 7:45 o'clock, in the Union church, Steubenville pike, occurred the marriages of Miss Laura SCOTT, daughter of John SCOTT of SCOTT's station, and George HAUDENSHIELD of Greentree borough and Miss Elsie SCOTT, daughter of John P. SCOTT of Carnegie, and John SCOTT, son of John SCOTT of SCOTT's station. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. HILDEBRAND, pastor of the Union church. After the ceremony a reception was held in the church dining room, after which both couples left for an Eastern wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. HAUDENSHIELD will reside in Carnegie and Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT will make their home on the SCOTT homestead at SCOTT's station.

[ John SCOTT to Elsie Scott, 11 Jun 1924 ]
scott_scott_06-13-1924   (WD)  Also typed by Carol Taylor-Lanza, same date, but may have been from a competing paper (either The Record ~or~ The Outlook).

Marriage Notice for John M. SCOTT to Mrs. Carrie O. Rankin, 12 Apr 1944 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April 21, 1944, page unknown: 


John M. SCOTT, president of the Washington National Bank, Burgettstown, and Mrs. Carrie O. RANKIN of 3967 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, a former Burgettstown resident, were united in marriage on Wednesday evening, April 12, at 7 o'clock in the Fort Pitt hotel, Pittsburgh. The marriage was performed by Rev. Lester M. BONNER, pastor of the Perrysville Avenue Methodist church, Pittsburgh, in the presence of the immediate families and friends.

Franklin MARONEY of Pittsburgh, an intimate friend of the bridegroom was bestman. Mrs. RANKIN was attended by Mrs. R. Stewart SCOTT of Ingram, daughter-in-law of Mr. SCOTT.

After spending a few days in New York, Mr. an Mrs. SCOTT will be at home at the Scott residence, 33 Dinsmore avenue.

[ John M. SCOTT to Mrs. Carrie O. Rankin, 12 Apr 1944 ] scott_rankin_04-21-1944_ro  (AD)


Newspaper Column header says Recent Weddings
Wedding Announcement part 1 for Matthew Burt SCOTT to Hazel Elva Stevenson, 5 Jun 1934
Wedding Announcement part 2 for Matthew Burt SCOTT to Hazel Elva Stevenson, 5 Jun 1934

* Unable to lighten the image any further than as shown above.

From a McDonald, PA newspaper on June 15, 1934:

Recent Weddings


With members of the immediate families and close friends in attendance, Miss Hazel Elva STEVENSON became the bride of Matthew Burt SCOTT.  The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Robert B. STEVENSON of Joffre.  Mr. SCOTT is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. SCOTT of San Gabriel, Calif., formerly of Washington [Pa].

The ceremony, which took place on June 5, the bride's [omitted], at 9:30a.m. in the Second Presbyterian church in Washington, was performed by Dr. George P. ATWELL.

The bride was beautifully gowned in white satin and lace, wore a small close fitting white hat with a tiny veil, and carried a shower bouquet of yellow bride's roses and lilies of the valley.

She was attended by her sister Miss Ethlyn Mae STEVENSON, who was gowned in poudre blue.  She also wore a small hat of the same shade of blue and carried an arm bouquet of pink bride's roses.  She wore white accessories. Carl Denny SCOTT of Burgettstown, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.

The bride has taught music, art, and history in the Smith township schools the past several years.  Mr. Scott is engaged in business in Burgettstown.

After an extended wedding trip to California and other Western States, the young couple will be at home with the bride's mother in Joffre [Pa]. 

[ Matthew Burt SCOTT to Hazel Elva Stevenson, 5 Jun 1934 ] scott_stevenson_6-15-1934


* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  John H. SCOTT to Almeda E. Cousins, 30 Jun 1914
John SCOTT to Wilma Nourigat, 6 Mar 1943
John SCOTT to Elsie Scott, 11 Jun 1924
John M. SCOTT to Mrs. Carrie O. Rankin, 12 Apr 1944
Matthew Burt SCOTT to Hazel Elva Stevenson, 5 Jun 1934


This page was added July 7, 2007 ; updated June 24, 2009 ; Updated June 6, 2009 ; updated Aug. 20, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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