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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter P



Marriage Notice for 
        Robert E. PHILLIPS to Edna Mary Daudet, 10 Mar 1938 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of March 10, 1938, page unknown:


Miss Edna Mary DAUDET, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William DAUDET of Midway, and Robert E. PHILLIPS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter PHILLIPS of Imperial, were united in marriage at two o'clock Thursday afternoon, March 10, 1938, in the Center United Presbyterian manse, the pastor, Rev. Alfred HUBBARD, performing the ring ceremony. The bride was attired in a two piece navy blue ensemble with matching accessories. She was attended by Mrs. A. Olen BRADFORD and Mrs. George DAUDET, both of Imperial. The bridegroom was attended by George DAUDET and A. Olen BRADFORD. The bride is a graduate of Midway high school, class of 1932. The bridegroom is a graduate of Findlay township high school, class of 1931. Mr. and Mrs. PHILLIPS left after the ceremony for a Southern trip. Upon ther [sic] return they will reside in Imperial.

[ Robert E. PHILLIPS to Edna Mary Daudet, 10 Mar 1938 ] phillips_daudet_03-11-1938-r-o (LN)

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

Robert PHILLIPS to Lida Soles, 27 Jul 1892

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Warren W. PHILLIPS to Britta E. Roessler, no date, in 9-5-1947 paper
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Warren W. PHILLIPS to Britta E. Roessler, no date, in 9-5-1947 paper
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 5, 1947, page unknown:


At a recent wedding in St. John's Lutheran church, Carnegie, Britta E. ROESSLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. ROESSLER, became the bride of Warren W. PHILLIPS, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. PHILLIPS of Coraopolis.

The bride wore a gown of white silk nylon over white taffeta and carried an arm bouquet of white carnations, snapdragons, and larkspur. Mrs. James WASSON, as her sister's matron of honor, wore pink marquisette and carried an arm bouquet of garden flowers. Her bridesmaids, Louise SCHNIEDER and Norma BROWN wore pink and blue marquisette and carried arm bouquets of garden flowers. C. Harry ROESSLER, the bride's brother, served as bestman and the ushers were Keith WATSON and Raymond PHILLIPS.

Irene SCHNIEDER, a friend of the bride, sang "Oh Promise Me" and "Because."

Out-of-town guests were present from Butler, Long Island, N.Y., and Punxsutawney.

The young couple have gone to housekeeping in their own home, R.D. 1, Coraopolis.

[ Warren W. PHILLIPS to Britta E. Roessler, no date, in 9-5-1947 paper ] phillips_roessler_09-05-1947_ro Parts 1 & 2  (WD)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for William L. PHILLIPS to June Rose Lee, 26 Jul 1946
Part 2 Marriage Notice for William L. PHILLIPS to June Rose Lee, 26 Jul 1946
Part 3 Marriage Notice for William L. PHILLIPS to June Rose Lee, 26 Jul 1946
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 2, 1946, page unknown:


Mr. and Mrs. George LEE of St. Petersburg, Fla., announce the marriage of their daughter June Rose [LEE] to William L. PHILLIPS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard PHILLIPS of Railroad street, McDonald, which was solemnized at 4:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, July 26, 1946, in the PHILLIPS home. The Rev. Joseph H. RODGERS, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, McDonald, performed the double ring ceremony, which took place on the 33d anniversary of the bridegoom's parents.

Due to the absence of the bride's father, she was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Herman CAPELLE of Sturgeon. She was attired in a street length bridal gown and a shoulder length veil and a corsage of pink roses and babies'-breath and carried a Bible that once belonged to Reaba CROFFERT, the "Broadway Angel." She also carried out the tradition of wearing something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Mrs. John ROBERTS of Railroad street was the only attendant and she wore a blue suit with blue accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Simpson CHATTERLY, cousin of the bridegroom, served as bestman.  The mother of the bride was attired in a rose pink dress and Mrs. PHILLIPS the mother of the bridegroom, wore a white flowered jersey dress. Each wore a corsage of red roses.

Following the ceremony a wedding supper was held at Van's Tavern with twenty-four seated at the bride's table. A reception followed at 8:30 o'clock.

Mrs. PHILLIPS was employed at Webb's store, Florida. Mr. PHILLIPS was in the service for four-years and met his bride while in training in Florida. He is employed in the Champion store, Westland.

Mr. and Mrs. William L. PHILLIPS will make their home at 349 Johns avenue, McDonald.

The out-of-town guests who attended the wedding supper and reception were the Simpson CHATTERLYS and son Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis PERSHIN of Imperial, the Seward DIDAYS and son of Coraopolis, Miss Dorothy ALLSHOUSE, Miss Dorothy WALCHUCK, Mrs. Jance FLON, Miss Dolly CREQUET, Mrs. Ethyl HARBAUGH, Mr. and Mrs. John WEBBER, Mr. and Mrs. Robert SIMON, and Mrs. Sara Marie LEWIS, employees of the Champion store, Westland, and the August BONNAUREs and son Paul, Mrs August BONNAURE, Jr., Mrs. Odilon BASTIDE, the Jules DELANEYS and daughter, Gilbert BONNAURE, Leah BONNAURE, Doris BASTIDE, and Edward BALMER, all of Sturgeon.

[ William L. PHILLIPS to June Rose Lee, 26 Jul 1946 ]  phillips_lee_08-02-1946_ro 
Parts 1, 2, 3  (DG)

Image never

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

[ William PHILLIPS to Dottie Blair, no date, in 1-26-1907 paper ] 


* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.


This page includes:  Robert E. PHILLIPS to Edna Mary Daudet, 10 Mar 1938
Robert PHILLIPS to Lida Soles, 27 Jul 1892
Warren W. PHILLIPS to Britta E. Roessler, no date, in 9-5-1947 paper
William L. PHILLIPS to June Rose Lee, 26 Jul 1946
William PHILLIPS to Dottie Blair, no date, in 1-26-1907 paper


This page was added July 6, 2007 ; updated Mar. 17, 2009 ; updated Aug. 29, 2009 ; updated Sept. 29, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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