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 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter N



Marriage Notice for George NELMS to Dora Marlier, 28 Feb 1924 From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of March 7, 1924, page unknown:

[ NELMS is the Groom. ]

Miss Dora MARLIER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor MARLIER, was married on Thursday evening, February 28, 1924, at six o'clock, to Mr. George NELMS of Rosslyn farms, Carnegie, at her home in Summit street, McDonald. The service was read by the Rev. Albert A. LOVE of Mt. Washington before an altar of palms, ferns, and spring flowers. The bride was escorted to the altar by her father, preceded by her bridesmaids, Miss Elizabeth NELMS of Rosslyn farms and Miss Laura MARLIER of McDonald. The bride's gown was of silver cloth with a girdle of French flowers and she carried a bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley with streamers of silver chiffon. Miss MARLIER wore orchid and Miss NELMS powdre blue taffeta. Both carried bouquets of sweetheart roses and orchids.  Mr. NELMS was attended by his brother, Mr. Harvey NELMS, of North Bessemer, as best man. Miss Victoria DELCROIX of Ford City played the wedding music and at the conclusion of the service Mr. Harold SEGRAVE of Rosslyn Farms sang "O Promise Me." Following the ceremony, which was witnessed only by the immediate families and a few intimate friends, supper was served. The bridal table, with covers for twelve, had as a centerpiece a mound of spring flowers. Later in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. NELMS left by auto for an extended Eastern trip and upon their return will be at home at Rosslyn Farms. 

[ George NELMS to Dora Marlier, 28 Feb 1924 ]
nelms_marlier_03-07-1924_outlook (SF)

Marriage Notice for Clifford G. NELSON to Gloria E. Kane, 11 Jun 1941 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 27, 1941, page unknown:  


Miss Gloria E. KANE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. KANE of Brookline, and Mr. Clifford G. NELSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. John NELSON of Highland avenue, Oakdale,
were united in marriage at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 11, 1941, in the chapel of the Brookline U. P. church by the Rev. R. S. COPELAND.

The bride wore a white suit and a corsage of white roses and bouvardia. The maid of honor, Miss Gwynne STERNAGLE, cousin of the bride, wore blue with a corsage of pink roses. Mr. William MOORE of Oakdale served as bestman.

Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Roosevelt hotel.

After a Southern trip, Mr. and Mrs. NELSON will reside in the Albert apartments, Coraopolis.

[ Clifford G. NELSON to Gloria E. Kane, 11 Jun 1941 ]  nelson_kane_06-27-1941_ro (AD)

Marriage Notice for Jack E. NELSON to Ruth Ann Moore, 8 Mar 1941 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of March 14, 1941, page unknown:  


A beautiful wedding was solemnized at 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening, March 8, 1941, when Miss Ruth Ann MOORE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore of Vincennes avenue, Oakdale, became the bride of Mr. Jack E. NELSON, son of Mr. and MRs. John E. NELSON of Highland avenue, Oakdale. The ceremony was performed by candlelight in the MOORE home before an improvised altar of palms and ferns by the Rev. W. R. McMUNN, D.D., of Oakdale.

Mrs. Marvel SLAUGENHAUPT of Oakdale played Lohengrin's wedding march as the bride entered the room on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage. During the ceremony, Mrs. SLAUGENHAUPT played "Luiebestraum." Mr. Slaugenhaupt sang "Because."

The bride wore white embroidered organiza, made colonial style, and a fingertip veil trimmed in orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and sweetpeas. The maid of honor, Miss Margaret Moore, sister of the bride, wore pink marquisette and carried pink rosebuds and lavender sweetpeas. Mr. Clifford NELSON of Coraopolis served as bestman.

Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the bride's home with thirty of the immediate families and close friends present. A buffet lunch was served.

After a short motor trip, the young couple will reside with the bridegroom's parents.

[ Jack E. NELSON to Ruth Ann Moore, 8 Mar 1941 ]  nelson_moore_03-14-1941_ro (AD)

Marriage Notice for James W. NELSON to Margaret Wood Thompson, 10 Sep 1927 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 15, 1927, page unknown:  

[ NELSON is the Groom. ]

A very simple and quiet home wedding took place last Saturday evening, September 10, 1927, at seven o'clock, at the home of the bride, when Miss Margaret WOOD THOMPSON, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. THOMPSON, of Marion avenue, became the bride of James W. NELSON, of Carnegie. The ring ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. DETWEILER, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oakdale. The bride wore a gown of white georgette crepe and carried a bouquet of pink bridal roses. They were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Elsie THOMPSON, who wore a gown of yellow crepe, and Mr. Francis CAVANAUGH, of Carnegie, who was best man. Only the immediate families were present. The bride is a graduate of the Oakdale High school and has been an employee of the Barber Asphalt company of Pittsburgh for several years. Mr. NELSON is employed by the Bell Telephone company of Pennsylvania. The young couple left Saturday evening for their new home in Beechview.

[ James W. NELSON to Margaret Wood Thompson, 10 Sep 1927 ]  nelson_thompson_09-15-1927  (CR-K) 

Marriage Notice for Neal J. NELSON to Helen McGregor, 26 Dec 1939 From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of Dec. 29, 1939, page unknown: 


Miss Helen McGREGOR of Oakdale and Neal J. NELSON of Gladden heights were united in marriage at 8:30 Tuesday morning, December 26, 1939, in St. Joseph's church,
New Kensington. The bride, an Oakdale school teacher, wore a white gown with a finger tip veil. The bridegroom teaches art in the McDonald schools.  The young couple will reside in Gladden heights.

[ Neal J. NELSON to Helen McGregor, 26 Dec 1939 ]  nelson_mcgregor_12-29-1939 (AD)

From the McDonald, PA Outlook of [error in date, not Jan. 1st, possibly 21st?], 1920:


Oscar Nelson of Rennerdale [Pa] and Miss Mary JAMISON of Ingram were united in marriage on January 24.
nelson_jamison_1-1-1920-outlook (F)

Marriage Notice #1 for Oscar NELSON to Mary JAMISON, Sat., Jan. 24, 1920


Marriage Notice #2 for Oscar NELSON to Mary JAMISON, Sat., Jan. 24, 1920

From the McDonald, PA Outlook of Jan. 29, 1920, page unknown:


[NELSON is the groom.]

Miss Mary JAMISON of Ingram, formerly of McDonald, and Oscar NELSON of Rennerdale [Pa] were united in marriage Saturday evening, Jan. 24, 1920 at the parsonage of the officiating minister, Rev. W. D. IRONS.  The attendants were Loyd SILL of Ashland, Ohio and Miss Mable JAMISON, a sister of the bride.  The young couple left on the five o'clock train for a short trip and later will reside near Pittsburgh.

[Oscar NELSON to Mary JAMISON, Sat., Jan. 24, 1920 ]
nelson_jamison_banner_1-29-20-outlook nelson_jamison_1-29-20-outlook_nt  (F)

Marriage Notice for George NEVERGALL to Rose Sincilin, 29 May 1939 From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of June 9, 1939, page unknown:  


Miss Rose SINCILIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SINCILIN of Sturgeon, and George NEVERGALL, son of Mr. and Mrs. George NEVERGALL of Fannie street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening, May 29, 1939, by the Rev. Fr. Charles M. KEANE, pastor of St. Patrick's church, Noblestown. The bride was attired in a white suit with matching accessories and wore a corsage of pink and white roses.  Miss Victoria SINCILIN of Sturgeon, sister of the bride, was attired in a white ribbon street dress and wore a corsage of pink and white roses.  Mr. Clark CHARLIER of McDonald served as bestman. The young couple are housekeeping in Sturgeon. 

[ George NEVERGALL to Rose Sincilin, 29 May 1939 ] nevergall_sincilin_06-09-1939 (CT-L)


* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (AD) = Some weddings typed by Amy Denecke.
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.

This page includes:  George NELMS to Dora Marlier, 28 Feb 1924
Clifford G. NELSON to Gloria E. Kane, 11 Jun 1941
Jack E. NELSON to Ruth Ann Moore, 8 Mar 1941
James W. NELSON to Margaret Wood Thompson, 10 Sep 1927
Neal J. NELSON to Helen McGregor, 26 Dec 1939
Oscar NELSON to Mary JAMISON, Sat., Jan. 24, 1920
George NEVERGALL to Rose Sincilin, 29 May 1939

This page was added July 5, 2007 ; updated Sept. 17, 2009 ; updated Oct. 2, 2009 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009


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