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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M



Marriage Notice for Lawrence MERIAGE to Vashti Louise Reasonover, 2 Jun 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 25, 1943, page unknown:


Miss Vashti Louise REASONOVER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry REASONOVER of Austin, Texas, and First Sgt. Lawrence MERIAGE, stationed at Bergstrom field, Texas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MERIAGE of Primrose, were united in marriage at 10:00 o'clock Wednesday morning, June 2, 1943, in the base chapel of Bergstrom field by Chaplain H. M. K. FAHNSTROM.

The bride wore a two-piece white crepe suit with white hat and white accessories and a white orchid. The bridesmaid, Miss Amelia MERIAGE of Primrose, sister of the bridegroom, wore a two-piece pastel blue suit with white hat and accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds.  S\Sgt. John S. PLEWACKI of Texas served as bestman. Corporal WEDDING [sic] of Texas sang "I Love You Truly."

The young couple took a trip to San Antonio, Texas, and now reside at 1005 Gabriel street, Austin, Texas.

Mrs. MERIAGE graduated from the Austin high school and attended the University of Texas for three years. Sergeant MERIAGE graduated from McDonald high school.

[ Lawrence MERIAGE to Vashti Louise Reasonover, 2 Jun 1943 ] meriage_reasonover_06-25-1943_ro  (AD)
Marriage Notice for M. F. MERRILL to Florence C. Lillo, no date, in 6-25-1943 paper From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 25, 1943, page unknown:


Miss Florence C. LILLO of Oakdale and M. F. MERRILL of Rochester were married at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday in the home of the bride by the Rev. Carlisle CARSON, pastor of the Oakdale Presbyterian church. Mr. MERRILL is a contractor for government buildings. The couple have gone to Buffalo, where Mr. MERRILL is employed. Later they will reside in Rochester.

[ M. F. MERRILL to Florence C. Lillo, no date, in 6-25-1943 paper ]  merrill_lillo_06-25-1943_ro  (AD) 

Marriage Notice for Jack MESSLER to Sadie RICHARDS, Mon., Feb. 1, 1915 From the McDonald, PA Record of Feb. 12, 1915:


On Monday, February 1, Miss Sadie RICHARDS of Fanny street was united in marriage with Jack MESSLER of East Liberty.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. McKEE, a Presbyterian minister of Pittsburgh.

[ Jack MESSLER to Sadie RICHARDS, Mon., Feb. 1, 1915 ] messler_richards-2-12-1915-record (F)

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

T. D. METCALF to Lizzie C. White, 4 Sep 1894
Marriage Notice for S. A. METHENY to Maggie Slater, 1 Sep 1892 From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 10 September 1892, page unknown:


Miss Maggie, daughter of Thomas SLATER, of Cecil, was married on the first inst., to a Mr. S. A. METHENY.

[ S. A. METHENY to Maggie Slater, 1 Sep 1892 ]
Metheny_Slater_9-10-1892-outlook (S)

Marriage License between John E. METZGER and Margaret V. JAMISON, in June 7, 1912 newspaper

* Researchers should check marriage returns to see if the wedding actually took place.


From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of June 7, 1912, page unknown:

Marriage Licenses

Walter E. GILES...McDonald
Mary A. FABRE.....McDonald

Luigi ANDREA.................McDonald
Clementina VENESCA..... [unreadable]

John E. METZGER...Car... [Carnegie ?]
Margaret V. JAMISON......McDonald

[ Marriage License between John E. METZGER and Margaret V. JAMISON, in June 7, 1912 newspaper ] Licences_andrea_6-7-1912-record (S)

Marriage Notice for Raymond MEUTE to Janet Sneddon, 18 Jun 1936 From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of June 26, 1936, page unknown:


The marriage of Miss Janet SNEDDON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John SNEDDON of Midway, and Raymond MEUTE of McDonald took place at noon Thursday, June 18, 1936, in the home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. David THOMPSON, in Saltsburg.

The bride wore a traveling suit of pink with accessories of white, and her corsage was of American Beauty roses. She was attended by Mrs. John McEWEN as matron of honor. The Rev. John McEWEN, a cousin of the bride's mother, served as bestman. 

A dinner was served in the bride's home at 5 o'clock. Covers were laid for 14 at the bride's table where a color scheme of yellow was carried out, the wedding cake forming the centerpiece.

Mr. and Mrs. MEUTE left for a motor trip. They are at home to their friends at 311 West Lincoln avenue, McDonald.

[ Raymond MEUTE to Janet Sneddon, 18 Jun 1936 ]  meute_sneddon_06-26-1936 (AD)

Marriage notice for 
Anthony J. MEUTZ to Virginia Craig, 10 Jul 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 23, 1943, page unknown:


Miss Virginia Craig, daughter of Mrs. Helen Craig of Key street, McDonald, and Pfc. Anthony J. Meutz, son of Mrs. Frances Meutz of R. D. 1, Oakdale, were united in marriage at 8:35 a.m., Saturday, July 10, 1943, in the main chapel at Aerdeen Proving grounds, Md., by Chaplain Major Gilbert F. Hyde of the U. S. army.

The bride wore a navy blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. The bridesmaid, Miss Janet Dunbar of McDonald, wore yellow with white accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds. Pfc. Adam Zaney of R. D. 3, McDonald, stationed at Aberdeen, served as bestman.

After the ceremony, the young couple left for Philadelphia and New York.

[ Anthony J. MEUTZ to Virginia Craig, 10 Jul 1943 ] meutz_craig_07-23-1943-r-o (AD)


* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.


This page includes:  Lawrence MERIAGE to Vashti Louise Reasonover, 2 Jun 1943
M. F. MERRILL to Florence C. Lillo, no date, in 6-25-1943 paper
Jack MESSLER to Sadie RICHARDS, Mon., Feb. 1, 1915 
T. D. METCALF to Lizzie C. White, 4 Sep 1894
S. A. METHENY to Maggie Slater, 1 Sep 1892
Raymond MEUTE to Janet Sneddon, 18 Jun 1936
Anthony J. MEUTZ to Virginia Craig, 10 Jul 1943


This page was added July 18, 2007 ; Updated Oct. 28, 2007 ; Updated Apr. 4, 2009
; updated Aug. 8, 2009



White wedding bells with pink hearts

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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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