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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Part 1 Marriage Notice for Warren B. MEEK to Betty Lucile McKean, 28 Jun 1947
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Warren B. MEEK to Betty Lucile McKean, 28 Jun 1947
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 25, 1947, page unknown:


Charming simplicity characterized the wedding ceremony read Saturday afternoon, June 28, at 2:30 o'clock, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McKEAN, East Palestine, Ohio, when their daughter Betty Lucile [McKEAN] became the bride of Warren B. MEEK, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. MEEK, East Palestine, Ohio. The bride's parents formerly resided in Houston, and the bridegroom's parents are former residents of McDonald. 

Standards of white flowers, ferns, palms, and lighted white tapers adorned the livingroom and formed an attractive setting for the double ring ceremony which was witnessed by the immediate families. Rev. Ross WILSON read the marriage ceremony while the bridegroom's father presided at the piano and played traditional wedding marches, and the bridegroom's sister, Miss Jean MEEK, sang, "I Love You Truly."

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white gabardine suit with gold button trim with white accessories and an orchid corsage. Miss Juanita MCKEAN, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, wore a light blue suit with white hat and accessories, and a shoulder corsage of pink rosebuds. David B. MEEK served as his brother's bestman.

Mrs. MCKEAN, mother of the bride, wore a black and white crepe dress, and Mrs. MEEK, mother of the bridegroom, wore a navy blue dress with white accessories, each having a corsage of gardenias.

Supplementing the ceremony, a reception was held for friends and relatives. Buffet refreshments were served from a table which was laid with a lace table cloth. A three-tiered wedding cake centered the table and lighted white tapers were in crystal candelabra. Mrs. W. E. HEPLER, Beallsville, grandmother of the bride, poured.

The bride was graduated from Chartiers High school and her husband was graduated from McDonald high school. Both hold positions with Ing Rich Company, East Palestine, Ohio.

Upon their return from a wedding trip they will be at home to their friends at 92 West Clark street, East Palestine, Ohio. 

[ Warren B. MEEK to Betty Lucile McKean, 28 Jun 1947 ] 
meek_mckean_07-25-1947_ro  Parts 1 & 2 (CT-L)

Marriage notice for 
Michael MEHALIC to Laura Mae Green, 7 Sep 1937 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 17, 1938, page unknown:


Mr. and Mrs. Charles GREEN announce the marriage of their daughter Miss Laura Mae [GREEN] to Michael MEHALIC which took place September 7, 1937, in Norwalk, Ohio, Mrs. MEHALIC was a 1938 graduate of Pike high school.  Mr. MEHALIC graduated in 1937 from Cecil high school. The young couple reside with the bride's parents.

[ Michael MEHALIC to Laura Mae Green, 7 Sep 1937 ] mehalic_green_06-17-1938-r-o (AD)

1st article Marriage Notice for C. V. MELVIN to Pearl Cassidy, 25 May 1921

* See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of June 2, 1921, page unknown:


Miss Pearl CASSIDY and C. V. MELVIN of Eldersville were united in marriage Wednesday morning, May 25, at 4:30 by Rev. J. F. McKNIGHT at the parsonage. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. MELVIN left for a wedding trip to Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, N. Y. and Niagara Falls. They will be at home after June 1. Mr. and Mrs. MELVIN are both well known in the community. Mrs. MELVIN is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. CASSIDY, and Mr. MELVIN is a prominent farmer. 

[ C. V. MELVIN to Pearl Cassidy, 25 May 1921 ] 
melvin_cassidy_06-02-1921_outlook  (CT-L)

2nd article Marriage Notice for C. V. MELVIN to Pearl Cassidy, 25 May 1921 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook  newspaper of June 3, 1921, page unknown:


Miss Pearl CASSIDY and Mr. C. V. MELVIN of Eldersville were united in marriage Wednesday morning, May 25, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock by the
Rev. J. F. MCKNIGHT. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. MELVIN left for a wedding trip to Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, N. Y., and Niagara Falls.  They will be at home after June 1st. Mrs. MELVIN is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. CASSIDY, and Mr. MELVIN is a prominent farmer. 

[ C. V. MELVIN to Pearl Cassidy, 25 May 1921 ]  melvin_cassidy_06-03-1921  (CT-L)

Marriage Notice for William MELVIN to Grace Marilyn Feick, 23 May 1947 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 6, 1947, page unknown:


Miss Grace Marilyn FEICK, daughter of Mrs. James W. FEICK of Mt. Lebanon, and William MELVIN, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. MELVIN of Castle Shannan, were united in marriage at 7:00 p.m., May 23, 1947, in the Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian church. Dr. John Coventry SMITH, pastor of the church, performed the single ring ceremony. An organ recital preceded the ceremony.

The bride wore a soft, light gray street dress with pale pink hat and an orchid corsage. She was given in marriage by her brother, Robert Craig FEICK of Brentwood. Mrs. Russell C. LESTER of Pittsburgh as matron of honor wore a tan street dress with hat to match and a corsage of white carnations. Carol Lee FEICK of Brentwood, niece of the bride, as flower girl, a pink and net frock. She carried a basket of mixed flowers.  Ray MELVIN served as his brother's bestman. The ushers were Russell LESTER, cousin of the bridegroom, and Milton HUBERTUS, both of Pittsburgh.

A reception for more than one hundred guests was held in the church. The three-tiered wedding cake was topped with two white doves bearing wedding rings. 

After a wedding trip to Lake Erie, the young couple will reside at 44 Florence Place, Mt. Lebanon.

The bride is employed by the Peoples Natural Gas Co. and the bridegroom by Gimbel's department store, Pittsburgh.

[ William MELVIN to Grace Marilyn Feick, 23 May 1947 ]  melvin_feick_06-06-1947_ro  (CT-L)

Marriage notice for 
Nicholas MENDEK to Miriam Louise Clayton, 6 Nov 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 12, 1943, page unknown:


Mr. and Mrs. R. L. CLAYTON , of R. D. 3, McDonald, announce the marriage of their daughter Miriam Louise [CLAYTON] to Nicholas MENDEK , son of John MENDEK of Southview. The wedding took place on Saturday, November 6, 1943, in McDonald. Mrs. George GLASS was the only attendant. Mrs. MENDEK attended Cecil high school and Mr. MENDEK is employed by the Utah Construction Co.

[ Nicholas MENDEK to Miriam Louise Clayton, 6 Nov 1943 ]  mendek_clayton_11-12-1943-r-o (AD)


* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  Warren B. MEEK to Betty Lucile McKean, 28 Jun 1947
Michael MEHALIC to Laura Mae Green, 7 Sep 1937
C. V. MELVIN to Pearl Cassidy, 25 May 1921
William MELVIN to Grace Marilyn Feick, 23 May 1947
Nicholas MENDEK to Miriam Louise Clayton, 6 Nov 1943


This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated July 22, 2009 ; updated Aug. 22, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

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