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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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1st Article Marriage Notice for  Edward MEEHAN to Genevieve E. Kennedy, 18 Sep 1928

* See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Sept. 20, 1928, page unknown:

[ MEEHAN is the Groom. ]

The marriage of Miss Genevieve E. KENNEDY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. KENNEDY of Fanny street and Mr. Edward MEEHAN of Gregg, took place in St. Alphonsus? church at 7:30 o?clock on Tuesday morning, September 18th, with nuptial high mass being sung. Rev. Father J. A. BURGOON officiated, the ring ceremony being used. Miss Mary MURPHY presided at the organ. Miss Mary MEEHAN, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and Mr. Ralph KENNEDY served as best man. A wedding breakfast in the bride?s home, with covers laid for ten supplemented the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. MEEHAN later left for an auto trip to Cleveland, Buffalo, and Niagara and will at home in Gregg, Pa. after September 24th.

kennedy_mechan_09-20-1928_outlook (LD)  Also typed by (CT-L).

2nd article Part 1 Marriage Notice for Edward MEEHAN to Genevieve E. Kennedy, 18 Sep 1928
2nd article Part 2 Marriage Notice for Edward MEEHAN to Genevieve E. Kennedy, 18 Sep 1928
From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of Sept. 21, 1928, page unknown:


Miss Genevieve KENNEDY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. KENNEDY of Fanny street, and Mr. Frank Meehan of GREGGS were united in marriage at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, September 18, 1928, before a nuptial high mass in St. Alphonsus' church, McDonald, sung by the bride's pastor, the Rev. Fr. Joseph A. BURGOON. Miss Mary MEEHAN, sister of the bridegroom, was the bridesmaid. Mr. Ralph KENNEDY, brother of the bride, was best man. After the wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. KENNEDY left by auto for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Canada. They will be at home after October first in the MEEHAN home on the Nobelstown road, one mile east of Oakdale.

[ Edward MEEHAN to Genevieve E. Kennedy, 18 Sep 1928 ] Meehan-Kennedy 9-21-1928 (AD)

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

Edward MEEHAN to Mrs. Patrick Dolan, no date in 5-5-1917 paper

Marriage Notice for Francis Patrick MEEHAN to Bernadette Susan Baier, 30 Aug 1922

* See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook  newspaper of Aug. 17, 1922, page unknown:

[ MEEHAN is the Groom. ]

Miss Eleanor BAIER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred BAIER of North Avenue and John MEEHAN of Gregg, Pa., were quietly married Monday morning at 8 o'clock, the Rev. Father J. A. BURGOON officiating. Miss Mary MEEHAN, sister of the groom, and Vincent GILLESPIE were the attendants.

[ Francis Patrick MEEHAN to Bernadette Susan Baier, 30 Aug 1922 ] meehan_baier_08-17-1918_outlook (CT-L) 

Marriage Notice for Francis Patrick MEEHAN to Bernadette Susan Baier, 30 Aug 1922 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook  newspaper of Sept. 1, 1922, page unknown:

[ MEEHAN is the Groom. ]

The marriage of Miss Bernadette Susan BAIER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred BAIER of North street, McDonald, and Francis Patrick MEEHAN, son of Mrs. Mary MEEHAN of Greggs, was solemnized at eight o'clock Wednesday morning, August 30, 1922, before a nuptial mass in St. Alphonsus' church, the Rev. Fr. D. J. COX, rector of St. Patrick's church, Noblestown, officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a traveling suit of brown broadcloth with a hat to match and carried a corsage of bride's roses. Miss Ellen CONWAY, cousin of the bride, in a gown of brown velvet with hat to match and a bouquet of red American Beauty roses, was the bridesmaid. Mr. Edward MEEHAN was his brother's best man. A wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents supplemented the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. MEEHAN left the same day for Atlantic City and Philadelphia, and on their return will be at home in the McDonald Hotel apartments. Mr. MEEHAN is employed as an engineer for the South West Pipe Line company at Greggs. 

[ Francis Patrick MEEHAN to Bernadette Susan Baier, 30 Aug 1922 ] bemeehan_baier_09-01-1922_outlook  (CT-L) 

Marriage Notice for Francis Patrick MEEHAN to Bernadette Susan Baier, 30 Aug 1922 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook  newspaper of Sept. 7, 1922, page unknown:

[ MEEHAN is the Groom. ]

The marriage of Miss Bernadette Susan BAIER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred BAIER of North street, McDonald, and Francis Patrick MEEHAN, son of Mrs. Mary MEEHAN of Greggs was solemnized at eight o'clock Wednesday morning, August 30, 1922, before a nutial mass in St. Alphonsus' church, the Rev. Fr. D.J. COX, rector of St. Patrick's church, Noblestown, officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a traveling suit of brown broadcloth with a hat to match and carried a corsage of bride's roses. Miss Ellen CONWAY, cousin of the bride, in a gown of brown velvet with hat to match and a bouquet of red American Beauty roses, was the bridesmaid. Mr. Edward MEEHAN was his brother's best man. A wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents supplemented the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. MEEHAN left the same day for Atlantic City and Philadelphia, and on their return will be at home in the McDonald Hotel apartments. Mr. MEEHAN is employed as an engineer for the South West Pipe Line company at Greggs.

[ Francis Patrick MEEHAN to Bernadette Susan Baier, 30 Aug 1922 ] meehan_baier_09-07-1922 (SF) 

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Francis Patrick MEEHAN, Jr. to Pauline Marie Skoff, 7 Apr 1947
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Francis Patrick MEEHAN, Jr. to Pauline Marie Skoff, 7 Apr 1947
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April 11, 1947, page unknown:


Miss Pauline Marie SKOFF, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James SKOFF of Chestnut street, Noblestown, and Francis Patrick MEEHAN, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. MEEHAN, Sr., of Arabella street, McDonald, were united in marriage at a nuptial high mass at nine o'clock Monday morning, April 7, 1947, in St. Patrick's church, Noblestown. The Rev. Fr. Martin P. FLAHERTY performed the double ring ceremony.

The bride wore a blue suit with navy blue accessories and a corsage of freesia. The matron of honor, Mrs. David HOWELLS, sister of the bridegroom, wore a beige suit with brown accessories and a corsage of pink sweetpeas. Joseph SKOFF, brother of the bride, served as bestman. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Hazel A. MCLAUGHLIN, church organist, and the mass was sung by Jerry MULLOOLY and Frank
SOVACK, all of Noblestown. 

Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast for seventeen guest was served in the home of the bride's parents. Blue and white streamers were hung from the chandalier [sic] to the candles on either side of the two-tiered wedding cake which was topped with a bell and miniature bride and groom.

The bride is a graduate of Clark high school, Carnegie, and was employed as secretary in the Jones-Laughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh. The bridegroom is a graduate of McDonald high school and is employed by the McDonald Water Co. 

After a short wedding trip the young couple will be at home in McDonald. 

Open house was held Monday evening for friends and relatives of the couple. Joseph SKOFF of Burgettstown, a sophomore at Penn State college and a cousins of the bride, furnished accordion music and Irma LaRue SKOFF of Oakdale, niece of the bride, sang. 

Mrs. George SKOFF of Oakdale entertained at a bridal shower Saturday evening in honor of Miss Pauline Marie SKOFF. Guests were present from Noblestown, Oakdale, Presto, Slovan, and Burgettstown. She received a number of useful gifts. The hostess served refreshments. 

[ Francis Patrick MEEHAN, Jr. to Pauline Marie Skoff, 7 Apr 1947 ] meehan_skoff_04-11-1947_ro  Parts 1, 2  (CT-L)


* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.


This page includes:  Edward MEEHAN to Genevieve E. Kennedy, 18 Sep 1928
Edward MEEHAN to Mrs. Patrick Dolan, no date in 5-5-1917 paper
Francis Patrick MEEHAN to Bernadette Susan Baier, 30 Aug 1922
Francis Patrick MEEHAN, Jr. to Pauline Marie Skoff, 7 Apr 1947


This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Aug. 23, 2009 ; updated Oct. 2, 2009



White wedding bells with pink hearts

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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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