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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M



Marriage notice for 
        David McCLAIN to Fay McGinnis, 23 Feb 1938 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown: 


Miss Fay McGinnis of Mt. Lebanon and David McClain of Follansbee were united in marriage Wednesday, February 23, 1938, in Wellsburg by the Rev. Mr. RuBest, pastor of the Methodist church. The attendants were Miss Agnes McCaffrey of McDonald, Steve Moxson of Weirton, and Miss Doris and John McClain, sister and brother of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. McClain will reside in Follansbee.

[ David McCLAIN to Fay McGinnis, 23 Feb 1938 ]
mcclain_mcginnis_03-04-1938-ro (CB)

Marriage Notice for Harry C. McCLAIN to Sadie E. Smith, no date in 3-28-1896 paper From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of March 28, 1896, page unknown:


Harry C. McCLAIN and Sadie E. SMITH, both of Burgettstown.

[ Harry C. McCLAIN to Sadie E. Smith, no date in 3-28-1896 paper ] mcclain_smith_03-28-1896_outlook  (LD)

Marriage Notice for John Gesner McCLAIN to Maude Lane Ellington, 28 Aug 1934 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 7, 1934, page unknown: 


Mr. and Mrs. John ELLINGTON of Rennerdale announce the marriage of their daughter Miss Lois Marie ELLINGTON to James Alexander STEWART, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. STEWART of Valley street, McDonald. The marriage took place in Burgettstown Tuesday, August 28, 1934, with the Rev. Mr. CASTEL officiating. Miss Maude Lane ELLINGTON of Rennerdale, sister of the bride, and John Gesner McCLAIN of Burgettstown were also married at the same time.

[ John Gesner McCLAIN to Maude Lane Ellington, 28 Aug 1934 ]  mcclain_ellington_09-07-1934 (CT-L)  
Also typed by (LD).

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Fred NASER to Hazel Bell Paul 28 Dec 1922
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Fred NASER to Hazel Bell Paul 28 Dec 1922

[From "The bridal couples were Miss Beulah Mae TILTON, daughter of Clark A. TILTON of Midway,..." the article overlapped and was typed twice, up through "... at a 6 o'clock turkey dinner at the home of the bridegrooms parents."  Typists of the 2 parts were Carol and Doris.] 

[Note: The same image is used for naser_paul and for mcclain_tilton ] 

From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Jan. 5, 1923, page unknown:

[ McCLAIN is the Groom. ]

[ NASER is the Groom. ]

A double wedding of much interest and one which comes as a surprise to the many friends of the young couples, took place on Thursday evening, December 28, 1922, at 5:45 o'clock at the parsonage of the First Christian church in Allison avenue, Washington, Pa., the officiating clergyman being the Rev. J. W. LOVE.

The bridal couples were Miss Beulah Mae TILTON, daughter of Clark A. TILTON of Midway, and Sweeney Hamilton McCLAIN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCLAIN of Jefferson avenue, Washington, and Miss Hazel Bell PAUL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. PAUL of West Beau street, Washington, and Fred NASER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. NASER of North Main street, Washington.

The double ring service was used, there being no attendants. The brides wore gowns of dark blue satin canton crepe and carried pink and white roses. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. NASER left for their home in North Main street while Mr. and Mrs. McCLAIN were entertained at a 6 o'clock turkey dinner at the home of the bridegroom's parents. A color scheme of pink and white was effectively used in the [begins Part 2] appointments. The guest list included only the immediately families and a few close friends. That day marked the twenty-third anniversary of Mr. McCLAINS parents' wedding day. The young couple will reside at 427 Jefferson avenue, Washington.

The two brides are well known young women. Mrs. McCLAIN, a former resident of Midway, graduated from the Washington Business college with the class of 1921. For the past year she has been girls matron at the Children's Home. Mr. McCLAIN and Mr. NASER are both employed at the Duncan-Miller glass factory.

[ Sweeney Hamilton McCLAIN to Beulah Mae Tilton, 28 Dec 1922 ]
[Part 1 -- CT-L) (Part 2-- (DG) ]


* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.


This page includes:  David McCLAIN to Fay McGinnis, 23 Feb 1938
Harry C. McCLAIN to Sadie E. Smith, no date in 3-28-1896 paper
John Gesner McCLAIN to Maude Lane Ellington, 28 Aug 1934
Sweeney Hamilton McCLAIN to Beulah Mae Tilton, 28 Dec 1922


This page was added July 14, 2007 ; updated Apr. 8, 2009 ; updated Sept. 19, 2009
; updated Sept. 23, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009 ; updated Oct. 17, 2009



White wedding bells with pink hearts

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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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