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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M



Marriage Notice for Joseph MARLEY to Anna Kanachne, 20 Nov 1937 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 26, 1937, page unknown:


Miss Anna KANACHNE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John KANACHNE of Muse, and Mr. Joseph MARLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MARLEY of McDonald R.D. [Pa] were united in marriage with nuptial high mass at 11:30 o'clock Saturday
morning November 20, 1937, in the Greek Catholic church, Canonsburg [Pa]. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. Nicholas T. ELKO, before an altar embankment of palms and ferns in the presence of approximately
200 friends.

The bride wore a gown of white velvet and veil with matching accessories, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies-of-the-alley. 
Miss Mary GRAYTOK of Canonsburg, maid of honor, wore red velvet and carried red roses, and Miss Josephine DURALL of Pittsburgh [Pa], bridesmaid, wore blue velvet and carried pink roses. Mrs. Wasil PANCHURA was matron of honor.

Michael KANACHNE, brother of the bride was best man, and Michael LEVCOLUGE of Cecil[Pa], ushered. 

Following the ceremony a reception was held in the home of the bride's parents, and in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John PETIKA, Mrs. PETIKA being
a twin sister of the bride. About 200 guests attended the reception. 

[ Joseph MARLEY to Anna Kanachne, 20 Nov 1937 ] marley_kanachne_11-26-1937-r-o (SF)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for James Edward MARLIER to Mary G. Blake, 6 Nov 1942
Part 2 Marriage Notice for James Edward MARLIER to Mary G. Blake, 6 Nov 1942
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 13, 1942, page unknown: 


Miss Mary G. BLAKE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. BLAKE of East Liverpool, Ohio, and James Edward MARLIER, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. MARLIER of Follansbee, W.Va., were united in marriage Friday evening, November 6, 1942, in St. Stephen's Episcopal church, East Liverpool, in the presence of members of the immediate families and close friends. The Rev. R. K. CAULK, rector of the church, performed the single ring ceremony.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a poudre blue ensemble with a small hat and shoulder veil of the same shade. Her corsage was of orchids. Miss Betty PATTERSON, the maid of honor, wore beige crepe with brown accessories and a shoulder corsage of orchids. Ensign John W. SANT served as bestman.

Immediately following the ceremony, a reception for relatives and friends was held in the East Liverpool Country club. Later Mr. and Mrs. MARLIER left for a brief trip to Cleveland. 

Mrs. MARLIER graduated from East Liverpool high school in 1938 and attended Ohio Wesleyan college. 

Mr. MARLIER graduated from Follansbee high in 1938 and is a senior at Carnegie Industrial School of Technology. He will graduate December 20 from the department of
metallurgical engineers. Upon graduation he will take officer's training with the U.S. navy. He is a member of the Beta Theta Pi, the American Society of Metals, and 
the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Mrs. MARLIER will remain with her parents for the duration. 

Among the guests attending the wedding were Will T. BLAKE of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. MARLIER, Mr. and Mrs. V.M. CHAMBON, Mrs. Albert JAMES, and Miss
Kathleen JAMES of Follansbee, W.V., Cyril JAMES of Steubenville, and Webster N. JONES of Pittsburgh. 

James MARLIER is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. V. F. MARLIER of McDonald. 

[ James Edward MARLIER to Mary G. Blake, 6 Nov 1942 ]
marlier_blake_11-13-1942_ro (CT-L)

LICENSE notice for Clement MARMAGIN to Helen Tennyson in 11-27-1914 newspaper - license - see Helen 

*Always check marriage returns to see if an engagement resulted in marriage.

From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Nov. 27, 1914:

Marriage Licenses

Leigh L. CRUMMY........McDonald
Maude DAVIS..............Midway

Charles W. Brabson.....Midway
Elva McCARTY.............Midway

Clement MARMAGIN....Sturgeon
Helen TENNYSON........Noblestown

[ Clement MARMAGIN to Helen Tennyson in 11-27-1914 newspaper - license - see Helen THOMPSON ]
marmagin_tennyson_license_11-27-1914-record (F)


Wedding Notice Clement MARMAGIN to Helen Thompson, no date, in 12-4-1914 paper

[ Clement MARMAGIN to Helen Thompson, no date, in 12-4-1914 paper ] 

From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 4 December 1914, page unknown:


Married at St. Patrick's Church Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Father D. J. COX, Miss Helen THOMPSON and Clement MARGAGIN.

Part 1 marriage notice for Stanley Anthony MAROLEY to Maude Mae Black, 2 Aug 1939
Part 2 marriage notice for Stanley Anthony MAROLEY to Maude Mae Black, 2 Aug 1939
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 11, 1939, page unknown:


Miss Maude Mae BLACK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. BLACK of Sturgeon [Pa], and Mr. Stanley Anthony MAROLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. John  MAROLEY of Morgan [Pa], were united in marriage at 10:35 o'clock Wednesday morning, August 2, 1939, in the Dormont  [Pa] Lutheran church, the Rev. J. Bernard SAUSE officiating. 

The bride was gowned in white crepe and wore a turban trimmed with white flowers, from which fell a white veil. She wore a corsage of red roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Florence BENNETT of Sturgeon [Pa], was gowned in blue crepe trimmed in white lace and wore a white picture hat. Her corsage was of tea roses. Mr. Rudolph DROBNE of Sygan [Pa] served as bestman. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the bride's home with nine seated at her table. The young couple returned Tuesday from a wedding trip to Detroit [Mi] and will reside in Sturgeon [Pa]. 

Both Mr. and Mrs. MAROLEY attended the South Fayette high school [sic]. Mr. MAROLEY is employed by the Flannery Bolt Co. in Bridgeville [Pa].

Present at the ceremony besides members of the immediate families were Mr. and Mrs. Harry WEISE of Dormont, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MOSTI, Mrs. Mary PUSTOVER and son Paul, and John MAROLEY, Jr., all of Morgan [Pa], Mr. and Mrs. Edward ORCUTT of Cecil, and Mrs. Thomas BENNETT, Mrs. Ray BOOCKS, Miss Carmen SCHEERS, and Miss Dorothy COLLINS, all of Sturgeon [Pa]. 

[ Stanley Anthony MAROLEY to Maude Mae Black, 2 Aug 1939 ] maroley_black_08-11-1939-r-o (SF)

Marriage Notice for Geo. MARPLE to Mrs. Margaret McCartney, 27 Aug 1924 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Oct. 10, 1924, page unknown: 

[ MARPLE is the Groom. ]

Mrs. Margaret McCARTNEY of Mechen, W. Va., formerly of Bulger [missing, was] united in marriage with Mr. George ]missing MARPLE of  McMechen on Wednesday, ]missing=August] gust 27, 1924, by the Rev. Robe [missing] HILL, pastor of the Baptist chur [missing= church] Wellsburg, W. Va.  Mrs. MARPLE [missing=was a] resident of Bulger for twenty-four [missing=years].

[ Geo. MARPLE to Mrs. Margaret McCartney, 27 Aug 1924 ] marple_mccartney_10-10-1924  (CT-L)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Silas H. MARSH to Avanell E. McElhaney, 14 Nov 1942
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Silas H. MARSH to Avanell E. McElhaney, 14 Nov 1942
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov. 20, 1942, page unknown: 


Miss Avanell E. McELHANEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McELHANEY of Center avenue, McDonald, and Pfc. Silas H. MARSH, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John S. MARSH of Grove City, were united in marriage at 4:00 p.m. Saturday, November 14, 1942, in the chapel at Ft. Bliss, Texas, by Chaplain E. E. ACKERMAN.

The bride wore a street-length two-piece soldier blue dress with matching accessories and a corsage of Johanna Hill and Hoover roses with blue delphinium. The matron of honor, Mrs. Jaqueline JORDAN of Ft. Bliss, Texas, wore navy blue with matching accessories and a corsage of sweetheart rosebuds. Sergeant Earl JORDAN of Ft. Bliss, Texas, served as bestman. The chapel organist played "O Promise Me," "I Love You Truly," and Lohengrin's wedding march.

Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Battery hall, where the young couple received the officers and men of the company. Ten were seated at the bride's table. The centerpiece was a large three-tiered wedding cake. Preceding the dinner, the couple was presented with a beautiful set of Rogers silverware, service for eight.

Mrs. MARSH is a 1935 graduate of McDonald high and of Penn State Commercial college, Washington.

They reside at present at 111 Terrace drive, El Paso, Texas. 

[ Silas H. MARSH to Avanell E. McElhaney, 14 Nov 1942 ] marsh_mcelhaney_11-20-1942_ro  (CT-L)


* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  Joseph MARLEY to Anna Kanachne, 20 Nov 1937
James Edward MARLIER to Mary G. Blake, 6 Nov 1942
Clement MARMAGIN to Helen Tennyson in marmagin_tennyson_licenses_11-27-1914-rec
Clement MARMAGIN to Helen Thompson, no date, in 12-4-1914 paper
Stanley Anthony MAROLEY to Maude Mae Black, 2 Aug 1939
Geo. MARPLE to Mrs. Margaret McCartney, 27 Aug 1924
Silas H. MARSH to Avanell E. McElhaney, 14 Nov 1942


This page was added July 5, 2007 ; updated Oct. 28, 2007 ; updated Mar. 11, 2009 
; updated July 8, 2009 ; updated Aug. 22, 2009


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