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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M



Part 1 Marriage Notice for Henri M. MARC to Laura J. Marlier, 7 Sep 1929
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Henri M. MARC to Laura J. Marlier, 7 Sep 1929
Part 3 Marriage Notice for Henri M. MARC to Laura J. Marlier, 7 Sep 1929
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

[ MARC is the Groom. ]

A pretty wedding ceremony took place at seven-thirty o'clock on Saturday evening, September 7th in the French United Presbyterian church when Miss Laura J. MARLIER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. F. MARLIER of Summit street, became the bride of Mr. Henri M. MARC, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. MARC of North McDonald street, with the pastor, the Rev. Auguste DEVOS officiating. The ceremony was performed before an improvised altar of palms and ferns offset by garden flowers. The bride who was given in marriage by her father was attired in a gown of water lily satin fashioned with a semi-basque and skirt of lace with uneven hem line. Her tulle veil was arranged with a net cap held by a bandeau of pearls and orange blossoms. She wore a diamond pendant, a gift of the groom, and carried a bouquet of white roses showered with lilies-of-the-valley. Mrs. Herman G. LEONARD was her sister's matron of honor, wearing a frock of sunset brocaded taffeta with bouffant skirt and carried tea roses. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Louis CANFIELD, a recent bride, wearing a frock of blue and Miss Florence GOSSIEAU wearing a frock of coral stain [sic] and carrying sweetheart roses.
Virginia TRIMMER and Dorothy MARLIER, nieces of the bride were flower girls. Their dresses were nile green satin crepe. R. W. ORTMILLER of Beechview, classmate of Mr. MARC, was best man and the ushers were F. R. MARLIER of McDonald and Louis CANFIELD of Wilkinsburg.  Mr. E. E. NIMAL sang "At Dawning" and "Perfect Love" accompanied by Mr. H. ROBERTS. An informal reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. Later the young couple left by motor for an Eastern trip. For traveling the bride wore a blue ensemble with all accessories to harmonize. Upon their return will reside in Igram [sic], Pa. where they will be at home to their friends after Octiber [sic] 1st. among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. SAYRE of Buffalo, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. WHALEN of Colo.

Just before the young couple left for their trip they received a cable of congratulations from their former pastor of the French U. P. of McDonald, Rev. and Mrs. MAGE of Paris and also a telegram from Miss J. SOUDET of Wymoning, a friend of the family.

[ Henri M. MARC to Laura J. Marlier, 7 Sep 1929 ]
marc_marlier_09-12-1929 Parts 1, 2, 3 (SF)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Joseph MARCHESKY to Monica Wronski, 6 Jul 1946
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Joseph MARCHESKY to Monica Wronski, 6 Jul 1946
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 26, 1946, page unknown:


Miss Monica WRONSKI, daughter of Mrs. Mary WRONSKI of Chicago, Ill., and Joseph MARCHESKY, son of Mr. and Mrs. William MARCHESKY of South McDonald street,  McDonald, were united in marriage at 4:00 p.m. Saturday, July 6, 1946, in St. Constance church, Chicago, The Rev. Fr. AUGUST performed the double ring ceremony before an altar of ferns and delphinium. Wedding music was furnished by the choir.

The bride given in marriage by her brother-in- law, wore a dress made of marquisette over satin and trimmed with imported lace. She also wore an eight-yard long illusion veil caught in a cap and trimmed with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of gardenias with an orchid in the center.  Mrs. Angeline SIVEK, sister of the bride, was the matron of honor. Emily ROPSKI, cousin of the bride, and Elizabeth
SLAKOR were the bridesmaids. They wore white dotted Swiss dresses trimmed with blue piping; also blue bonnet hats, and each carried a bouquet of blue delphinium. Edward MARCHESKY, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman. Robert PLISCOTT, friend of the bridegroom whoas was his pal in the army, served as an usher. 

Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the STEPHANIK hall with about 500 guests attending. 

Joseph MARCHESKY, a 1933 graduate of McDonald high school, spent three years and five months in the army, serving seven
months overseas.

The couple will make their home in Chicago.

Attending the wedding were Mrs. William MARCHESKY and Mr. and Mrs. Ted RUTTNER of McDonald. 

[ Joseph MARCHESKY to Monica Wronski, 6 Jul 1946 ] marchesky_wronski_07-26-1946_ro  (SF)

Wedding notice for 
Albert MARINO to Frances Lou Gibson, 21 Jan 1940 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan 26, 1940, page unknown:


Miss Frances Lou GIBSON, daughter of Mrs. Mae GIBSON of Fannie street, McDonald, and of Mr. William GIBSON of Carnegie, and Mr. Albert MARINO, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert MARINO of Washington, were united in marriage at 2:30 p.m. Sunday January 21, 1940, in the church of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, the Rev. Father HUGHES officiating. 

The bride wore navy blue with matching  accessories and a corsage of white roses  showered with lilies of the valley. The matron of honor, Mrs. Grace BRLETICH, sister of the bride, wore dubonnet and a corsage of pink rosebuds.
Mr. Alex MARINO served as his brother's bestman. 

[ Albert MARINO to Frances Lou Gibson, 21 Jan 1940 ] marino_gibson_01-26-1940-r-o (SF)
Marriage Notice for David MARKOVITZ to Cecelia Fox, no date, in 2-22-1923 paper From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Feb. 22, 1923, page unknown:

[ MARKOVITZ is the Groom. ]

On Sunday evening at 5 o'clock Miss Cecelia FOX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel FOX of McDonald, and David MARKOVITZ of Canonsburg, were united in marriage in the Orpheum hall by Rabbi GLENCE of Carnegie. The bride was dressed in a white canton crepe dress and veil. She carried a large bouquet of white carnations and lilies of the valley. 

Miss Pearl FOX was her sister's bridesmaid and wore a gray canton crepe lace dress and carried a bouquet of pink rose buds and a gray head band. Miss Pearl WEIMBER of Imperial acted as maid of honor and wore a light blue canton crepe dress and carried a bouquet of pink rose buds. The ceremony was performed according to the Orthodox ritual, under a canopy, eight large candles and three hundred small ones being used. Flower girls were Cecelia WEINBURGER of Imperial and Anna MARKOVITZ of Carnegie. They were dressed in white canton crepe dresses and carried pink roses. Max MARKOVITZ of Canonsburg was his brother's best man.

The groom is engaged in the manufacture of soft drinks in Canonsburg, at which place he and his wife will go to housekeeping.

[ David MARKOVITZ to Cecelia Fox, no date, in 2-22-1923 paper ]  markovitz_fox_02-22-1923 (CT-L)

Marriage notice Franklin Thomas MARKWELL to Ruth Dietrich, 19 Sep 1942 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 9, 1942, page unknown:


Miss Ruth DIETRICH, daughter of Mrs. E. A. DIETRICH of Chicago, Ill., and Dr. DIETRICH of Midway, and Franklin Thomas MARKWELL of Fair Grange, Ill, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin MARKWELL, were united in marriage at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, September 19, 1942, in the home of the bride's mother. The Rev. William E. 
BRIERLEY performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate families and a few close friends.

The bride, given in marriage by her mother, wore a navy blue crepe afternoon dress with matching accessories and a corsage of tea roses. The matron of honor and only attendant, Mrs. Dorothy CORBETT, wore a light blue afternoon dress with matching accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride's mother wore blue with white accessories and a corsage of yellow pompoms. Warren CORBETT served as bestman.

An Informal reception followed the ceremony.

The bride graduated from Lake View high school with the January class of 1942. Both the bride and bridegroom are employed at the Union station in Chicago. They reside with the bride's mother. 

[ Franklin Thomas MARKWELL to Ruth Dietrich, 19 Sep 1942 ]  markwell_dietrich_10-09-1942_ro (CT-L)
Marriage Notice for  Franklin MARLETT to Emma Clara Frizzle or Frizzie?, 6 Jun 1936 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June (unknown date), 1936, page unknown:


A. FRIZZIE of Midway announces the marriage Saturday, June 6, 1936, of his daughter Miss Emma Clara, to Mr. Franklin MARLETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis MARLETT of Deary street, Pittsburgh, by the Rev. Fr. COX, in his church in Liberty street. The bride wore a white suit with matching accessories and a corsage of pink tea roses.  The bridesmaid, Miss Margaret FRIZZIE, a sister of the bride, wore a white suit with matching accessories and a corsage of pink tea roses. Victor MARLETT, the groom's brother, was bestman. After the wedding, a breakfast was served in the bridegroom's home, with covers for eighteen at the bride's table. In the evening reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. MARLETT received many useful and beautiful gifts. They will be at home to their friends in Deary street, Pittsburgh. 

[ Franklin MARLETT to Emma Clara Frizzle or Frizzie?, 6 Jun 1936 ] marlett_frissle_06-no-date-1936  (CT-L)



* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  Henri M. MARC to Laura J. Marlier, 7 Sep 1929
Joseph MARCHESKY to Monica Wronski, 6 Jul 1946
Albert MARINO to Frances Lou Gibson, 21 Jan 1940
David MARKOVITZ to Cecelia Fox, no date, in 2-22-1923 paper
Franklin Thomas MARKWELL to Ruth Dietrich, 19 Sep 1942
Franklin MARLETT to Emma Clara Frizzle, 6 Jun 1936


This page was added July 5, 2007 ; updated Mar. 11, 2009 ; updated Sept 26, 2009
; updated Sept 28, 2009 ; updated Oct. 10, 2009


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