Bridegrooms by Surname Letter M
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 4, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Evelyn MCKAY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David MCKAY, and David MADER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles MADER of Slovan, were united in marriage on Tuesday,
May 25, at Wellsburg. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Curtis WISE. The witnesses were Mrs. Lula WISE and Frank Pickford, both of Wellsville.
[ David MADER to Evelyn McKay, 25 May 1937 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of July 3, 1936, page unknown:
Miss Mary POGAN of the Hankey Farm and James MADGWICK of Sewickley were united in marriage at 8 o'clock Monday morning in St. Columbkill's church, Imperial.
The Rev. Father KUPIEC performed the ceremony. The bride was attired in a white satin gown with shoulder cross straps, net sleeves, and a long veil with net frille.
There were four attendants. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to the immediate families in the home of the bride's parents. In the evening, the young
couple were taken for a ride in a truck screened by tree branches. Mr. MADGWICK is employed by the Pennsylvania State Department of Forestry as a foreman. The
bride was for several years employed as a beauty shop operator in Pittsburgh. The young couple in Pittsburgh. The young couple have gone to housekeeping in a cottage on the Hankey Farms on the Steubenville pike.
[ James MADGWICK to Mary Pogan, May 1936 ] madgwick_pogan_07-03-1936 (CT-L)
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[cut off.....]
From the McDonald, PA Outlook of June
14, 1902, page unknown:
Wedding Nuptials
[ MADGWICK is the Groom. ]
On June 10th, a quiet home wedding took place at the residence of
Victor DELOCHE, on Center avenue. The bride was Miss Denise C. DELOCHE,
and the groom
W. A. MADGWICK. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. JORDAN, of the
First Presbyterian church. The bride was attended by her sister,
Miss Louise, and the groom was attended by Carl LOGUE. The wedding
was witnessed... [rest was cut off].
[ W. A. MADGWICK to Denise C. Deloche, 10 Jun 1902 ]
madgwickk_deloche_6-14-1902-outlook (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Miss Clara POZNAK, daughter of the POZNAKs of Tyre, and John Philip MAGA, son of John MAGA of Montour No. 9 and the late Mrs. Jennie LAUFF
MAGA, were married October 29, 1943, in Wellsburg, W. Va. (19 November 1943)
[ John Philip MAGA to Clara Poznak, 29 Oct 1943 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 5, 1943, page unknown:
(Montreal, Canada, Gazette)
The marriage of Mathilde [PANNETIER], daughter of the late Leon
PANNETIER, Baron de St. Blanca, Ile de Reunion, to the Rev. Alexandre MAGE,
D.D., minister of the United Presbyterian church, at McDonald, Pa., U.S.A., took place Thursday afternoon, October 4, 1943, at the residence of the Hon. Mr. Justice and Mrs.
DUCLOS, Drummond apartments, the Rev. Henry JOLIET, cousin of the bridegroom, officiating. Autumn flowers were used as decoration throughout the house.
The bride, who was given away by Mr. Paul BLANE, wore a gown of Roman blue crepe trimmed with Egyptian yellow silk, a small matching hat, and a corsage bouquet of bronze chrysanthemums.
Mrs. A. E. M. HOPE, as the bride?s only attendant, was gowned in black satin and wore a matching hat and a corsage bouquet of gardenias. Mr. Justice DUCLOS acted as bestman for Dr. MAGE.
Mrs. DUCLOS wore a gown of green satin embroidered in black, a black hat and a corsage bouquet of rust chrysanthemums. A reception followed the ceremony.
Due to complications arising out of the war, Mrs. MAGE?s entrance into the United States has been delayed because of technicalities which are now in process of adjustment.
[ Alexandre MAGE to Mathilde Pannetier, 4 Oct 1943 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 20, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Assunta GOBLICK, daughter of Mrs. Josephine MAYO of Midway, and Stephen
MAHALIC, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. MAHALIC of Bulger, were united in marriage at nine o?clock Saturday morning, August 14, 1947, in St. Alphonsus church, McDonald, the Rev. Fr.
J.A. BURGOON, pastor, officiating. The bride was attired in white satin with a lace coronet veil and matching accessories. Her gown and accessories resembled those worn by Mrs. Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT, Jr. She carried white calla lilies. The maid of honor, Miss Rose
MAHALIC, of Bulger, a sister of the bridegroom, was attired in blue chiffon with white accessories and carried pink roses. Mr. Albert GOBLICK of Midway, brother of the bride, was the
bestman. Miss Esther DEBRASSIE of Midway, Miss Helen SMITH and Miss Lucy LITTLE of McDonald, Miss Mary TURKLY of
Bulger, and Miss Henrietta GOBLICK of Raccoon were the bridesmaids. Miss DEBRASSIE wore peach satin with a chiffon jacket and white accessories. She carried peach tea roses. Miss LITTLE wore rose chiffon with white accessories and carried rose tea roses. Miss SMITH wore peach satin with a chiffon cape and white accessories and carried peach tea roses. Miss TURKLY wore green chiffon with white accessories and carried tea roses. Miss GOBLICK wore pink satin with a chiffon cape and white accessories and carried pink tea roses. Miss Margaret MURPHY of McDonald played the wedding music. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride?s mother. There were 150 guests with 20 seated at the bride?s table. The guests present from McDonald, Midway, Raccoon, Oakdale, Sturgeon,
Bulger, Muse, McKees Rocks and New York, enjoyed dancing in the evening on a pavilion on the lawn of the GOBLICK home. Music was furnished by Jules MOTTE?s orchestra. The bride is a graduate of the Midway high school. Mr. MAHAIC is employed at Montour No. 9. The young couple received a large assortment of beautiful and useful gifts.
[ Stephen MAHALIC to Assunta Goblick, 14 Aug 1937 ]
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* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (PV) Some articles typed by volunteer Pamela Villafuerte
This page includes: David MADER to Evelyn McKay, 25 May 1937
James MADGWICK to Mary Pogan, May 1936
W. A. MADGWICK to Denise C. Deloche, 10 Jun 1902
John Philip MAGA to Clara Poznak, 29 Oct 1943
Alexandre MAGE to Mathilde Pannetier, 4 Oct 1943
Stephen MAHALIC to Assunta Goblick, 14 Aug 1937
This page was added July 5, 2007 ; updated July 8, 2009
; updated Aug. 5, 2009
More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023