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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H



Marriage Notice for Harry HUFFMAN to Bess D. Ringler, 1 Jun 1921

* See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of June 10, 1921, page unknown:


Miss Bessie RINGLER, daughter of Mrs. Susan RINGLER of Burgettstown, and Harry HUFFMAN, of Wellsburg, W. Va., were united in marriage Wednesday morning, June 1 [1921] at 9:30 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L. THOME, Jr., pastor of he [sic] First United Presbyterian church at the home of the bride's mother.  Mrs. HUFFMAN was a former teacher in the McDonald schools. After a wedding trip to Atlantic City by automobile they will be at home at Wellsburg, where Mr. HUFFMAN has a home already furnished.

[ Harry HUFFMAN to Bess D. Ringler, 1 Jun 1921 ]  huffman_ringler_06-09-1921_outlook (AD)

Marriage Notice for  Harry HUFFMAN to Bess D. Ringler, 1 Jun 1921 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 10, 1921, page unknown:

[ HUFFMAN is the Groom. ]

Miss Bess D. RINGLER of near Burgettstown and Mr. Harry HUFFMAN of near Wellsburg, W.Va., were united in marriage on Wednesday, June 1, 1921. On their return from an Eastern trip they will reside on the farm of the groom. The bride is well known in McDonald, having taught on of the primary rooms of the McDonald schools the past seventeen years. Her friends here, who are many, wish her every happiness. 

[ Harry HUFFMAN to Bess D. Ringler, 1 Jun 1921 ]  huffman_ringler_06-10-1921

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Lloyd W. HUGHES to Doris Cain, 15 Oct 1947
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Lloyd W. HUGHES to Doris Cain, 15 Oct 1947
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 24, 1947, page unknown:

[ CAIN is the Groom. ]

On Wednesday afternoon, October 15, 1947, in her home, Miss Doris CAIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. CAIN, Glenn avenue, Canonsburg, formerly of R. D. 3, McDonald became the bride of Lloyd W. HUGHES, son of Mrs. Elizabeth HUGHES, Grace avenue, Canonsburg, and the late William HUGHES, in the presence of relatives and close friends. The double ring ceremony was performed at 4:35 o'clock by the Rev. H. Ross HUME before an embankment of ferns and white pom pons. Preceding the ceremony wedding airs "I Love you Truly," "With This Ring," and "Through the Years," followed by the Wedding March were played.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in a beige gabardine suit with matching hat and brown accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of bronze and yellow pom pons. The something old, something borrowed tradition was carried out in her attire. Her only jewelry was her mother's wedding ring.

Miss Virginia CAIN, sister of the bride, as her only attendant, chose a burgundy wool suit with matching hat and black accessories and wore a corsage of white pompons.  William HUGHES served as his brothers bestman.

The bride's mother chose a black crepe dress with black accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore a burgandy [sic] crepe with brown accessories. Each wore a corsage of white pom pons. The bridegroom's maternal grandmother wore black crepe and also a corsage of white pom pons.

Supplementing the ceremony a dinner was served to twelve guests at the Coffee Shoppe, after which a reception was held at the bride's home with approximately seventy-five guests in attendance. A three-tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom served as an attractive centerpiece.

The bride is a graduate of Cecil high school and prior to her marriage was employed by the Union Supply Company, Chartiers store.  The bridegroom attended Chartiers high school and is an employee of the Eastern Air Lines in Miami, Fla. He served in World War II in the Army Air corps.

The couple left Thursday morning for Miami, Fla., where they will make their home.

A pre-nuptial shower was given the bride by her aunt, Mrs. M. J. WEBER, in her home in Canonsburg.

[ Lloyd W. HUGHES to Doris Cain, 15 Oct 1947 ] hughes_cain_10-24-1947_ro (AD)

Marriage Notice for Thomas HUGHES to Veronica McIntyre, 7 Nov 1923 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Nov. 15, 1923, page unknown:

[ HUGHES is the Groom. ]

Miss Veronica McINTYRE, daughter of Mrs. Margaret McINTYRE of Crafton was united in marriage to Mr. Thomas HUGHES, of Pittsburgh on Wednesday, November 7th, 1923 in St. PHILLIPS Catholic church, of Crafton.

The McINTYRE family were formerly residents of the south side, McDonald.

[ Thomas HUGHES to Veronica McIntyre, 7 Nov 1923 ] hughes_mcintyre_11-15-1923  (AD)

Marriage Notice for Charles McCormick HUGHEY to Rachel Carolyn Douglass, 9 Oct 1937 From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of Nov. 12, 1937, page unknown:


Mrs. John Allen Douglass has issued announcements of the marriage of her daughter,
Rachel Carolyn, to Charles McCormick Hughey, which was a quiet event on Saturday,
October 9, and took place in the residence of the officiating minister, the Reverend Alexandre Mage, D. D., pastor of the Irons Memorial U. P. church. 
The bride is a daughter of the late Dr. John A. Douglass, and of Mrs. Mary Robb Douglass of McDonald. She was graduated from McDonald high school, attended Allegheny college at Meadville, and graduated from the Homeopathic Hospital of Nursing. Dr. Hughey is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard Hughey of Burgettstown. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh Medial school and has been practicing his profession in McDonald since the summer of 1936. They will reside in McDonald.

[ Charles McCormick HUGHEY to Rachel Carolyn Douglass, 9 Oct 1937 ] hughey_douglass-r-c_11-12-1937 (AD)

Marriage Notice 
James Richard HUGHEY to Margaret Louise Douglass, 4 Sep 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 10, 1943, page unknown:


The marriage of Miss Margaret Louise DOUGLASS, daughter of Mrs. Arthur M. SMITH of McDonald, and the late Dr. John A. DOUGLASS, to Private first-class James Richard HUGHLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard L. HUGHLEY of Burgettstown,
was solemnized at 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening September 4, 1943. The bride's uncle, Dr. Edmund E. ROBB, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, McKeesport, officiated in the presence of members of the immediate families in the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Charles M. HUGHLEY, before a background of ferns.

The bride wore a traditional white satin gown, the neck and sleeves of which were trimmed with Aleucan lace, and a finger-tip veil. She carried a bridal bouquet of white gladioli. Miss Mary Robb DOUGLASS, as her sister's made of honor, wore a blue taffeta and tulle gown. She carried pink gladioli. Rachel HUGHLEY, the flower girl, was dressed in peach organdy. Dr. Charles M. HUGHLEY served as his brother's bestman.

Mrs. HUGHLEY graduated from McDonald high and attended Muskingum college.  Private HUGHLEY graduated from Burgettstown high school and is now attending the University of Pittsburgh medical school. He is in the Reserve corps of the
United States army.

After September 6, Private and Mrs. HUGHLEY will be at home in the Elsinore apartments, Kraft avenue, Pittsburgh.

[ James Richard HUGHEY to Margaret Louise Douglass, 4 Sep 1943 ]  hughey_douglass-m-l_09-10-1943-r-o  (AD)

Marriage Notice for Joseph R. HULD to Dorothy Elizabeth Ruschell, 9 Aug 1947 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 22, 1947, page unknown:


Miss Dorothy Elizabeth RUSCHELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice RUSCHELL of Tyre,
was united in marriage to Joseph R. HULD, son of Mrs. Julia HULD of Coraopolis, at St. Columbkille's church, Imperial, August 9 at 9 o'clock.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white marquisette with fitted waist and long train and her fingertip veil of white tulle was held in 
place with a crown of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white roses.

Shirley Ann RUSCHELL, a cousin of Clairton, was maid of honor and was attired in a marquisette gown with shoulder veil and carried a bouquet of white roses.  Mary Ann DOLINER of Imperial was bridesmaid and was attired in white marquisette with shoulder veil and carried a bouquet of white roses.

The bride's mother wore white with black accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore blue with brown accessories. James C. BONNER of Coraopolis was bestman.

A reception was held in the evening in the Oakdale YMCA, after which the couple left for a western trip. Upon their return they will reside at Tyre, near Imperial.

[ Joseph R. HULD to Dorothy Elizabeth Ruschell, 9 Aug 1947 ] huld_ruschell_08-22-1947_ro (AD)


* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  Harry HUFFMAN to Bess D. Ringler, 1 Jun 1921
Lloyd W. HUGHES to Doris Cain, 15 Oct 1947
Thomas HUGHES to Veronica McIntyre, 7 Nov 1923
Charles McCormick HUGHEY to Rachel Carolyn Douglass, 9 Oct 1937
James Richard HUGHEY to Margaret Louise Douglass, 4 Sep 1943
Joseph R. HULD to Dorothy Elizabeth Ruschell, 9 Aug 1947

This page was added June 13, 2007 ; updated Feb. 24, 2009 ; updated Aug. 12, 2009
; updated Sept. 4, 2009 ; updated Oct. 8, 2009


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