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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H



Part 1 Marriage Notice for William A. HOEVELER, Jr. to Mary Amelia Robb 14 Jun 1924
Part 2 Marriage Notice for William A. HOEVELER, Jr. to Mary Amelia Robb 14 Jun 1924
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 20, 1924, page unknown: 

[ HOEVELER is the Groom. ]

An attractive home ceremony of Saturday evening, June 14, 1924, was that which solemnized the marriage of Miss Mary Amelia ROBB, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott ROBB Jr. of Washington avenue, Carnegie, and William A. HOEVELER Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. HOEVELER Sr. of Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. The service was read on the veranda of the ROBB home, which had been latticed with wisteria and hung with clusters of lanterns. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white crepe back satin with seed pearl trimmings and having a train of net bound with satin. Her tulle veil, fitting close around her head, was secured with a band of rose pointed lace and caught at one side with orange blossoms. The bridal bouquet was formed of yellow calla lilies, blue delphinium and clusters of yellow orchids. Mrs. James K. HAMILL of LaFayette, Ind., as matron of honor, wore a gown of orchid chiffon, trimmed with silver lace built over yellow crepe. The maid of honor, Miss Sara L. SPENCER of Philipsburg, was gowned in yellow crepe trimmed with bands of lace. The bridesmaids were Miss Mary H. RUSSELL, cousin of the bride, in yellow chiffon, and Miss Emmaline Foster ROBB, the bride's sister, in orchid chiffon. Both frocks were trimmed in lace of the same color as the dress. The bouquets of all the attendants were combinations of calendulas, dark blue larkspur, pink roses and yellow orchids. The best man was James H. HOEVELER, a brother of the bridegroom, and the ushers included Edmund W. RIDALL, Alden BAUM and John Scott ROBB III, brother of the bride. The Rev. W. R. WILSON, a former pastor of Carnegie, performed the ceremony at five-thirty o'clock. 

A reception and dinner supplemented the ceremony. The rooms of the ROBB home were decorated with a profusion of garden flowers in shades of lavender, purple, yellow and orange. Mr. and Mrs. ROBB and Mrs. HOEVELER received on the veranda, Mrs. ROBB wearing sapphire chiffon adorned with crystal trimmings in the same shade and Mrs. HOEVELER appeared in black lace with beige trimming. Both wore corsages of yellow and lavender orchids. 

[ William A. HOEVELER, Jr. to Mary Amelia Robb 14 Jun 1924 ] 
hoeveler_robb_06-20-1924_outlook  Parts 1&2  (CT-L) 


Marriage Notice for Leroy Kingsley HOFMANN to Marian Glenn Craig, 22 Sep 1926

NOTE: This was mis-indexed under HoFFman (double 'h').  Will need to change this in four places. The image has been moved to its proper position on this page.


From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Oct. 1, 1926, page unknown:

[ HOFMANN is the Groom. ]

The marriage of Miss Marian Glenn CRAIG, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. CRAIG of Noblestown, and Leroy Kingsley HOFMANN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. HOFMANN of Rosslyn heights, Carnegie, was solemnized Wednesday morning, September 22, 1926, at 9:15 o'clock in the Noblestown Methodist Episcopal church, the Rev. Dr. W. C. WEAVER officiating. The bride was gowned in shell pink taffeta and carried sweetheart roses. Mrs. Grace FEICK of Brookline, sister of the bride, sang "At Dawning" and played the wedding music from Lohengrin. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. HOFMANN left for a motor trip through West Virginia and Kentucky.

[ Leroy Kingsley HOFFMANN - HOFMANN - to Marian Glenn Craig, 22 Sep 1926 ] hofmann_craig_10-01-1926  (CT-L)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Frank Alter HOFFMAN to Harriett Elizabeth Conklin, 7 Jun 1924
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Frank Alter HOFFMAN to Harriett Elizabeth Conklin, 7 Jun 1924
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 13, 1924, page 9:

[ HOFFMAN is the Groom. ]

The marriage of Miss Harriett Elizabeth CONKLIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. CONKLIN of Delaware, Ohio, and Frank Alter HOFFMAN of Des Moines, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. HOFFMAN Jr. of Oakdale, was solemnized on Saturday evening, June 7, 1924, at eight o'clock at the home of the bride's parents in Delaware. The home was artistically decorated with pink roses, snap dragons and purple iris, and the ceremony was performed before a beautiful altar of pink roses, purple iris and ferns. The impressive ring ceremony of the Methodist church was used by Dr. John W. HOFFMAN, president of Ohio Wesleyan university, and an uncle of the groom. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Margaret HOFFMAN, sister of the groom, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Elizabeth HOFFMAN, cousin of the groom, and Miss Clarine [sic] MOREHOUSE, both of Delaware. John CONKLIN, brother of the bride, was best man, while Barney ROSSER and Harold HOFFMAN, brother of the groom, acted as ushers.

The bride was beautifully attired in ivory [word missing] trimmed with viennese [sic] lace, and wore an attractive veil. She [carried?] a shower bouquet of white roses [and?] lilies of the valley. The maid of [honor] wore light blue crepe trimmed in [words missing] lace and carried a shower bouquet [of] pink roses and lilies of the valley.  [Miss?] Elizabeth HOFFMAN wore coral crepe [words missing] trimmed with cream lace and [? Miss Clarine ?] MOREHOUSE wore orchid crepe trimmed [with?] cream lace. Both carried bouquets [of?] pink roses. Preceding the ceremony Earl HUGHES, of Columbus, cousin of the bride, sang "Love's Paradise" and "All For You." Mrs. Loma Owen CONKLIN, aunt of the bride, sang "Because" and "My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose." Miss ACKERMAN of Columbus played Mendelssohn's wedding march.

The wedding was attended by 100 invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. HOFFMAN left immediately for Marion, and on Sunday left for Lake Chautauqua, New York, and Toronto, Canada, where they will spend a ten days' honeymoon trip. They will return to Delaware for the summer and in the fall will go to Des Moines, Iowa, where Mr. HOFFMAN will complete his studies in Still college.

[ Frank Alter HOFFMAN to Harriett Elizabeth Conklin, 7 Jun 1924 ]  hoffman_conklin_06-13-1924 Page 1&2  (LN)  [Note: page torn, words missing]

Marriage Notice for George W. HOFFMAN to Lillian Mae Wehner, 30 Dec 1939 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan 12, 1940, page unknown:



George W. HOFFMAN of Oakdale and his bride, the former Miss Lillian Mae WEHNER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. WEHNER of Crafton Heights, are at home in Oakdale since their marriage December 30.

They were married at a 6 o'clock ceremony in the Roosevelt hotel, Pittsburgh, by the Rev. Carl WHITE of the Oakdale Presbyterian church. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attended by her sister, Miss Alice WEHNER. Joseph HOFFMAN of Meadville was bestman for his brother, who is a son of Mrs. Elizabeth HOFFMAN of Oakdale and the late George W. HOFFMAN. A dinner followed the ceremony.

[ George W. HOFFMAN to Lillian Mae Wehner, 30 Dec 1939 ]
hoffman_wehner_01-12-1940_ro  (CR-K)

Marriage Notice for P. C. HOFFMAN to Estella Barnes, no date, in 6-12-1897 paper From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 12, 1897, page unknown: 


HOFFMAN - BARNES - On the 9th, Mr. P. C. HOFFMAN and Miss Estella BARNES, both of Noblestown. 

[ P. C. HOFFMAN to Estella Barnes, no date, in 6-12-1897 paper ]


* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.

This page includes:  William A. HOEVELER, Jr. to Mary Amelia Robb 14 Jun 1924
Leroy Kingsley HOFFMANN to Marian Glenn Craig, 22 Sep 1926
Note: the name above should be Leroy Kingsley HOFMANN to Marian Glenn Craig, 22 Sep 1926 (one "f")
Frank Alter HOFFMAN to Harriett Elizabeth Conklin, 7 Jun 1924
George W. HOFFMAN to Lillian Mae Wehner, 30 Dec 1939
P. C. HOFFMAN to Estella Barnes, no date, in 6-12-1897 paper

This page was added June 13, 2007  ; updated July 17, 2009 ; updated Aug. 9, 2009
; updated Aug. 25, 2009 ; updated Aug. 27, 2009 ; updated Sept. 4, 2009



White wedding bells with pink hearts

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