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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter H



Marriage Notice for Peter S. HABYANET to Elsie R. McGinnis, 7 Aug 1939 From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 18, 1939, page unknown: 


Mrs. Elsie R. McGINNIS of Noblestown and Peter S. HABYANET of Pittsburgh were married Monday, August 7, 1939, by the Rev. James J. BUELL of McDonald [Pa]. The couple were attended by Anthony V. FLANDERS of Pittsburgh and Miss Frances FODSE of Sturgeon [Pa]. The wedding dinner was served by the bride's mother, Mrs. Clara BOUNDS. Mrs. Magdaline McCLOSKY and daughter Grace McCLOSKY were guests. Mr. and Mrs. HABYANET will reside with the bride's mother.

[ Peter S. HABYANET to Elsie R. McGinnis, 7 Aug 1939 ]  habyanet_mcginnis_08-18-1939_ro (F) 
Marriage Notice for Roger HACKNEY to Margaret Flaherty, 27 Aug 1928

* See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 30 Aug 1928, page unknown:

[HACKNEY is the groom]

Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Margaret FLAHERTY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. FLAHERTY of Coral Gables, Florida, to Mr. Roger HACKNEY of New York City, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. HACKNEY of Wellington, Kansas, which occurred Monday, August 27th, at one o'clock, in the William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh. Father R. L. HAYES, cousin of the bride, officiating. After a sojourn at Spring Lake, J. J., Mr. and Mrs. HACKNEY will reside in Larchmont, New York. Mrs. HACKNEY has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Philip a BRADY of Arabella street for the past month with her mother, Mrs. FLAHERTY and brother James.

[ Roger HACKNEY to Margaret Flaherty, 27 Aug 1928 ]  Hackney_Flaherty_8-30-28-out (S)

Marriage Notice for  Roger HACKNEY to Margaret Flaherty, 27 Aug 1928 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook of Aug. 31, 1928, page unknown:


Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Margaret FLAHERTY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. FLAHERTY of Coral Gables, Florida, and Mr. Roger HACKNEY of New York City, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. HACKNEY of Wellington, Kansas, which took place at one o'clock Monday, August 27, 1928, in the William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh. The Rev. Fr. R. L. HAYES, cousin of the bride, officiated. The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. P. A. BRADY of Arabella street.

[ Roger HACKNEY to Margaret Flaherty, 27 Aug 1928 ]  hackney_flaherty_08-31-1928  (F)

Marriage Notice for Rev. William A. HADDEN to Frances Lytle, 3 Aug 1937 From the McDonald, PA (probably)  Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 6, 1937, page unknown:


Miss Frances LYTLE, daughter of Mrs. Anna B.  LYTLE and the late Dr. W. B. LYTLE of Hastings avenue, Oakdale, and the Rev. William A. HADDEN of New Sheffield [Pa], son of the late Joseph A. HADDEN, also of Hastings avenue, Oakdale, were united in marriage at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon, August 3, 1937, in the home of the bride's mother, the Rev. W. V. RITCHIE, pastor of the Oakdale U. P. church, officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, William B. LYTLE of Oakdale, was attired in white net over white satin with white accessories.  She carried white roses and lilies of the valley.  The bridesmaid, Miss Betty McMILLAN of Wellsville, Ohio, a roommate of the bride at Muskingum college [sic] was attired in blue lace over blue satin with pink slippers and pink roses.  Mr. Raymond BRITTAN of Pittsburgh was the bestman.  Mrs. John McCORMICK of Coraopolis, sister of the bride, played the wedding music. Miss Mary McMURRAY of McMURRAY [Pa]. another college friend of the bride, sang "At Dawning" and "I Love You Truly," [sic] accompanied by Miss Emily FIFE of McMURRAY [Pa].  Following the ceremony [sic= , ] a reception was held in the home of the bride's mother.  Covers were laid for fifty.  The young couple left for a motor trip to the New England States.  After September 1 [comma] they will reside in New Sheffield [Pa] where Mr. HADDEN is pastor of the New Bethlehem United Presbyterian church. Mrs. HADDEN is a graduate of Muskingum college [sic], New Concord, Ohio, and Mr. HADDEN is a graduate of Muskingum college [sic] and of the Pittsburgh Xenia Theological Seminary.

[ Rev. William A. HADDEN to Frances Lytle, 3 Aug 1937 ] hadden_lytle_08-06-1937 (F)

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown: 

Alfred J. HAINAUT to Irma E. Briceland, 11 Nov 1909

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown: 

Charles Alfred HAINAUT to Elizabeth Mae Hookey, 18 Nov 1933

Marriage Notice for Frank HAINAUT to Ellen Gilbert, 26 Aug 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 10, 1943, page unknown: 


Miss Ellen GILBERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GILBERT of Primrose, and Sgt. Frank HAINAUT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip HAINAUT of Primrose, were united in marriage at 3:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon, August 26, 1943, in the Methodist parsonage, Midway.  The single ring ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. Carl E. CHAPMAN.

The bride wore a blue suit with luggage accessories and a corsage of American Beauty roses. For her something old, she wore a strand of pearls that belonged to a friend of the family, Mrs. Viola CALEFFE of Primrose. The matron of honor, Mrs. Edward BARONIO of Bulger, wore a two-piece red suit with black acessories and a corsage of American Beauty roses. lawrence J GILBERT of Midway, brother of the bride, served as bestman. The bride's mother wore royal blue and the bridegroom's mother wore apple green.

A dinner-reception was held in the home of the bride's parents.  A table for twelve was arranged for the bridal party. A wedding cake formed the centerpiece.  Lunch and refreshments were served during the entire evening.

The bride attended Hickory high school.  The bridegroom is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.  Ms. JAINAUT will reside will with her parents for the present.

[ Frank HAINAUT to Ellen Gilbert, 26 Aug 1943 ] hainaut_gilbert_09-10-1943_ro  (F)




This page includes:  Peter S. HABYANET to Elsie R. McGinnis, 7 Aug 1939
Roger HACKNEY to Margaret Flaherty, 27 Aug 1928
William A. HADDEN to Frances Lytle, 3 Aug 1937
Alfred J. HAINAUT to Irma E. Briceland, 11 Nov 1909
Charles Alfred HAINAUT to Elizabeth Mae Hookey, 18 Nov 1933
Frank HAINAUT to Ellen Gilbert, 26 Aug 1943

This page was added June 8, 2007 ; update Aug. 6, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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