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 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter F



Marriage Notice for J. Merle FURMAN to Audrey Phillips, 15 Aug 1927 From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Feb. 16, 1928, page unknown:

[ FURMAN is the Groom. ]

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. PHILLIPS announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Audrey PHILLIPS, to Mr. J. Merle FURMAN, of Lima, Ohio, the wedding having been performed in Wellsburg, W. Va., on August 15th, 1927. Mrs. FURMAN is a graduate of McDonald High school and of the Indiana State Teachers' college, Indiana, Pa. She has been teaching domestic science at the Langeloth school this term.  Mrs. FURMAN will leave tomorrow for Lima, Ohio, where she will join her husband, who is in the insurance business. For the present, Mr. and Mrs. FURMAN will travel through the middle west.

[ J. Merle FURMAN to Audrey Phillips, 15 Aug 1927 ] furman_phillips_02-16-1928_outlook (LN)

Marriage Notice for Emile FURNEAUX to Belva Carlier, 24 Aug 1922 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 1, 1922, page unknown:

[ FURNEAUX is the Groom. ]

Miss Belva CARLIER, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth CARLIER of Laurel hill, and Emile FURNEAUX, formerly of Sturgeon, were married in Detroit, Mich., Thursday, August 24, 1922. The bride had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary CAIRNS, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. FURNEAUX will reside in Detroit, where the groom is employed. 

[ Emile FURNEAUX to Belva Carlier, 24 Aug 1922 ]  furneaux_carlier_09-01-1922 (CT-L)


Engagement Notice for Murray Herman FUTTERMAN to Frances Herzberg (newspaper of 5 August 1927 engagement)

Wedding: NOTE:  The date of 1927 is the engagement. The 1928 date is for the wedding. 

* See second article below

From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 5 August 1927, page unknown:


Mr. and Mrs. Allan SIMON of Los Angeles, Calif., have announced the engagement of Mrs SIMON's sister, Miss Frances HERZBERG, to Mr. Herman FUTTERMAN of San Pedro, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. FUTTERMAN of West Lincoln avenue, McDonald. The engagement will terminate in an early fall wedding.

Marriage Notice for Murray Herman FUTTERMAN to Frances Herzberg, The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 25 or 30 Mar 1928 From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of Mar. 30, 1928, page unknown: Note: says 25th in one place but 30th in another place

[ FUTTERMAN is the groom. ]

Mr. and Mrs. Allen SIMON of Los Angeles, Calif., recently issued invitations to a large number of friends, many of whom reside in San Pedro, to attend the wedding of their sister, Miss Frances HERZBERG, to Mr. Murray Herman FUTTERMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. FUTTERMAN of West Lincoln avenue, McDonald [Pa].  The wedding took place Sunday evening, March 25, 1928, at eight o'clock in the Mary Louise, with Rabbi MAGNUM officiating. A reception followed the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miss Alice JOHNSON of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. Myer FUTTERMAN of Pittsburgh [Pa] was his brother's best man.  Robert SNODGRASS and Frank PENAYER of San Pedro were the ushers. Miss Herzberg is well known in San Pedro, where she frequently was the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nat HERZBERG, former residents of San Pedro, now of Los Angeles. Mr. FUTTERMAN is connected with the BARONAB-BENNETT store in San Pedro. --Los Angeles Tribune

[ Murray Herman FUTTERMAN to Frances Herzberg, (The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 5 August 1927 engagement) ; 25 Mar 1928 (wedding)]  futterman_herzberg_engagement_08-5-1927-rec (s)  Murray Herman FUTTERMAN to Frances Herzberg, The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 25 Mar 1928(wedding) futterman_herzberg_wed_03-30-1928 (AD)
Marriage Notice for Myron M. FUTTERMAN to Berde Elaine SHENKAN,  Thursday, November 29, 1928

* See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Outlook of Dec. 13, 1928, page unknown:

[ FUTTERMAN is the Groom. ]

Mr. Isaac SHENKAN of Denniston Avenue, Pittsburgh, announces the marriage of his daughter, Berde Elaine [SHENKAN], to Myron M. FUTTERMAN, of Los Angeles, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. FUTTERMAN of McDonald, shich was solemnized on Thursday, November 29, [1928,] at the Temple Israel, Hollywood, Calif.

The bride wore a Patou model of russet transparent velvet, with shoes and hat matching, and a corsage of orchids. She was attended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Murray FUTTERMAN, who wore a gown of beige lace with velvet hat to match and a corsage of orchids. Mr. Murray FUTTERMAN, brother of the groom, served as best man. A dinner for the immediate families was held at the Hotel ambassador. After a motor trip to lower California, Arizona and Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. FUTTERMAN will be at home at 1908 Third Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.

[ Myron M. FUTTERMAN to Berde Elaine SHENKAN,  Thursday, November 29, 1928 ]  futterman_shenkan_12-13-1928 (S)

Marriage Notice for Myron M. FUTTERMAN to Berde Elaine SHENKAN, Thursday, November 29, 1928 From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 14 Dec 1928, page unknown:

[ FUTTERMAN is the groom. ]

Mr. Isaac SHENKAN of Denniston Avenue, Pittsburgh, announces the marriage of his daughter, Berde Elaine, to Myron M. FUTTERMAN, of Los Angeles, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. FUTTERMAN of McDonald, which was solemnized on Thursday, November 29, at the Temple Israel, Hollywood, Calif.

The bride wore a Patou model of russet transparent velvet, with shoes and hat matching, and a corsage of orchids. She was attended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Murray FUTTERMAN, who wore a gown of beige lace, with velvet hat to match, and a corsage of orchids. Mr. Murray FUTTERMAN, brother of the groom, served as best man. A dinner for the immediate families was held at the Hotel Ambassador. After a motor trip to lower California, Arizona and Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. FUTTERMAN will be at home at 1908 Third Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.

[ Myron M. FUTTERMAN to Berde Elaine SHENKAN,  Thursday, November 29, 1928 ] futterma_shenkan_12-14-28 out (S)

Marriage notice for 
Kenneth F. FYE to Ethel M. Gardner, 13 Apr 1944 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of April 21, 1944, page unknown:


Miss Ethel M. GARDNER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. GARDNER of East Lincoln avenue, McDonald [Pa], and Kenneth F. FYE, son of Mrs. Maude FYE of Primrose [Pa], were united in marriage Thursday evening, April 13, 1944, in the home of the Rev. O. C. METZGAR, pastor of the Coraopolis [Pa] Baptist church.

[ Kenneth F. FYE to Ethel M. Gardner, 13 Apr 1944 ] fye_gardner_04-21-1944-ro (AD)


* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.

This page includes:  J. Merle FURMAN to Audrey Phillips, 15 Aug 1927
Emile FURNEAUX to Belva Carlier, 24 Aug 1922
Murray Herman FUTTERMAN to Frances Herzberg, (The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 5 August 1927 engagement) ; 25 Mar 1928 (wedding)
Myron M. FUTTERMAN to Berde Elaine Shenkan, 29 Nov 1928
Kenneth F. FYE to Ethel M. Gardner, 13 Apr 1944

This page was added June 3, 2007 ; updated Sept. 28, 2008 ; Updated March 18, 2009 ; updated Aug. 1, 2009 ; updated Oct. 21, 2009


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