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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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from McDonald Area and Surrounding areas

Doves holding broken wedding rings

Husbands and wives who were granted divorces.


The first McDonald PA folder can be accessed through this link.

The second McDonald PA folder can be accessed through this link.

Divorce Notices Submitted by Sandy Miklavic

Typed by Sandy Miklavic and Judith Florian


Bridegrooms by Surname Letter E


Marriage Notice for 
        Densel EDMONDS to Yvonne Mae Lewis, 24 Jul 1943 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 30, 1943, page unknown: 


Miss Yvonne Mae Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lewis of the Southside, and Densel Edmonds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Densel Edmonds of McDonald, were united in marriage at 8 p.m. Saturday, July 24, 1943, in the parsonage of the First Baptist church, McDonald, by the pastor, Rev. D. B. Mdondana.

The bride wore a pastel blue ensemble and a corsage of yellow roses. Her attendant, Miss Catherine Edmonds, sister of the bridegroom, wore a pastel green ensemble and a corsage of yellow roses. Edward Thornton of McDonald served as bestman.

Following the ceremony, open house was held and lunch was served on the lawn of the Lewis home.

Mr. Edmonds is employed at the Neville Island shipyard. Mrs. Edmonds is a graduate of Cecil township high school. The couple will reside at 305 Liberty ________, McDonald.   ...  [NOTE THE REMAINDER OF THE ARTICLE, IF THERE IS ANY, IS SCRUNCHED UP AND UNREADABLE.]

[ Densel EDMONDS to Yvonne Mae Lewis, 24 Jul 1943 ] edmonds_lewis_07-30-1943-ro  (CB)

Wedding Announcement for John EFT to Marie Oliver, (Mrs.), no date, in 8-30-1912 paper From the McDonald, PA Record of 30 Aug 1912, page unknown:


John EFT and Mrs. Marie OLIVER were married and are on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. EFT were unable to secure a house in Bulger so expect to start housekeeping in Candor, where their furnished home is ready. The groom has a position in the power house of the Bulger Block Coal Company.

[ John EFT to Marie Oliver, (Mrs.), no date, in 8-30-1912 paper ] Eft_Oliver_8-30-1912-rec (S)

Marriage Notice for Isadore EGBERT to Florain Darquin, no date, in 4-17-1897 paper From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of April 17, 1897 page unknown: 


Isadore EGBERT and Florain DARQUIN, both of McDonald.

The McDonald, PA Outlook of 17 Apr 1897

[ Isadore EGBERT to Florain Darquin, no date, in 4-17-1897 paper ] egbert_darquin_04-17-1897_outlook (S)

Marriage Notice for Andrew T. EILER to Eileen Gardiner, 5 Feb 1939 From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of May 5, 1939, page unknown: 


Miss Eileen GARDINER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George GARDINER of Home street, McDonald, and Andrew T. EILER, son of Mrs. Nellie J. EILER of East Lincoln avenue, McDonald, were united in marriage Sunday, February 5, 1939, in the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. L. G. RICHEY, in Addison, Somerset county. The Rev. Mr. RICHEY is a former pastor of the McDonald Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd STRIMEL of Crafton were the attendants. Mrs. EILER is a 1934 graduate of McDonald high school.  Mr. EILER graduated from McDonald high in 1932 and is employed at The Record-Outlook

[ Andrew T. EILER to Eileen Gardiner, 5 Feb 1939 ] eiler_gardiner_05-05-1939  (CT-L) 

Marriage Notice for 
Frederic G. EILER to Ruth N. Straus, 3 Jul 1928 From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper of July 13, 1928, page unknown: 


Miss Ruth N. Straus, of Louisville, Ky., and Mr. Frederic G. Eiler, Jr., of McDonald were united in marriage on Tuesday, July 3, 1928 in New York City. Mrs. Eiler before her marriage was a Denishawn dancer and appeared in several moving pictures under the name Ruth Morgan. Mr. Eiler is connected with Mr. Walter J. Salmon, a real estate operator of New York City. He is assistant operating manager of Salmon Towers and other office buildings in the heart of New York City?s business district. Mrs. Eiler is heir to a fortune of two hundred thousand dollars left her by her father, Frank P. Straus, a prominent Louisville attorney. Mr. and Mrs. Eiler will spend a week in Atlantic City and will go to Europe for a six-weeks tour. Upon their return, they will be at home in the Dorilton apartments, 71st and Broadway, New York City.

[ Frederic G. EILER to Ruth N. Straus, 3 Jul 1928 ]
eiler_straus_07-13-1928 (CB)

Marriage notice for 
Nicholas ELIENKO to Mary Ann Kozak, 19 Jun 1937 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 25, 1937, page unknown: 


Miss Mary Ann KOZAK, daughter of the late George and Mary KOZAK of the Ridge road, Cecil township, and Nicholas ELIENKO, son of John ELIENKO of Detroit, Mich., were united in marriage at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, June 19, 1937, in St. Mary's church, Cecil, the Rev. Fr. KOPERA officiating. The bride was attired in blue and white with white accessories. Her corsage was sweet peas and roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary KOZAK of Bridgeville, was attired in pink and carried larkspur and roses.  Mr. George KOZAK of McDonald was the best man. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride's brother. There were 75 guests with ten seated at the bride's table. The newlyweds will take a trip to Niagara Falls in July. Upon their return they will reside in Detroit, where Mr. ELIENKO is a inspector in the Chrysler factory. 

[ Nicholas ELIENKO to Mary Ann Kozak, 19 Jun 1937 ] elienko_kozak_06-25-1937 (CT-L)


* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  Densel EDMONDS to Yvonne Mae Lewis, 24 Jul 1943
John EFT to Marie Oliver, (Mrs.), no date, in 8-30-1912 paper
Isadore EGBERT to Florain Darquin, no date, in 4-17-1897 paper
Andrew T. EILER to Eileen Gardiner, 5 Feb 1939
Frederic G. EILER to Ruth N. Straus, 3 Jul 1928
Nicholas ELIENKO to Mary Ann Kozak, 19 Jun 1937

This page was added June 1, 2007 ; updated Sept 26 2007 ; updated Feb. 26, 2009 
; updated May 15, 2009 ; updated July 19, 2009 ; updated Aug. 24, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related notices!


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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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Life in Washington, PA

Brethren and other Families of "Washpa"
