From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Feb. 10, 1928:
In the court of common pleas of Washington county, Pa., Josephine
LANG vs. Joseph W. LANG, subpoena sur libel for divorce, No. 53,
November term, 1927 A.D.
To Joseph W. LANG, respondent in the above mentioned case.
You are hereby notified in pursuance of the order of common pleas of
said county of Washington, to be and appear in the same court on the
first Monday of March next, being the fifth day of the
month, to answer the petition of libel hereto preferred by the
libellant, Josephine LANG, your wife, and show cause if any you
have, why the said Josephine LANG should not be divorced from the
bounds of matrimony entered into with you agreeably to the Act of
Assembly, in such cases made and provided. Hereof fail not under
the penalty of having said petition heard and a decree of divorce
granted in your absence.
(signed) Ody C. ABBOTT, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, January 17, 1928
Harry F. Moore, Atty. 4-4t
[ Divorce Notice for Joseph W. LANG from Josephine LANG, in newspaper 2-10-1928 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Jan. 27, 1928:
Rose LEGROS of McDonald [Pa] was on Monday granted a divorce from
Charles LEGROS : cause, desertion.
[ Divorce: Rose LEGROS from Charles LEGROS, in 1-27-1928 newspaper ]
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