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 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D



Marriage Notice for Emile DEWEY to Rosetta Delmontague, 21 Jul 1937 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of July 23, 1937, page unknown: 


Rosetta DELMONTAGUE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. DELMONTAGUE of Sturgeon, and Emile DEWEY, son of Victor DEWEY of Laurel hill, McDonald, were united in marriage at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June 21, 1937, in the McDonald M. E. parsonage, the Rev. Loyola C. MATTHEWS officiating. The bride was attired in a yellow organdie gown with white accessories. She wore a white picture hat and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas and white roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. William REDMAN of Sturgeon, was attired in black and white with white accessories. She carried white lilies. Mr. Francis BENARD of Laurel hill was the bestman. Others in attendance were Miss Rose Marie DELANEY, Miss Wilma CADOUL, Miss Blanche DELMONTAGUE, Miss Julia KADYK, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DELMONTAGUE, Mr. and Mrs.
Lucien VUYE, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DELMONTAGUE, Mr. Joseph DELMONTAGUE, and Miss Margaret GORMAN, all of Sturgeon. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the DEWEY home in Laurel hill. There were 25 guests. Mrs. DEWEY is a graduate of Pike high school.  Mr. DEWEY is a 1935 graduate of McDonald high school and is employed in the Pittsburgh Coal Cleaning plant north of McDonald. The young couple will reside in Laurel hill. 

[ Emile DEWEY to Rosetta Delmontague, 21 Jul 1937 ] dewey_delmontague_07-23-1937_ro (CT-L)


Marriage License for Joseph DEWEY to Celia Bacu, license, in 10-28-1905 paper

* Researchers should check to make sure the marriage actually took place.

From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 28, 1905, page unknown:


Celia BACU and Joseph DEWEY were granted a license at Washington [Pa] on Thursday to marry.

Joseph DEWEY to Celia Bacu, no date, in 10-28-1905 paper ] dewey_bacu_license_10-28-1905_outlook (LD)


Newspaper column heading 'Weddings of the Week'

Marriage Notice for Mr. Frank DeZomba to Miss Mildred BLAIR, Wed., July 21, 1926

From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Jan. 18, 1927, page unknown: 

Weddings of the Week

[DeZOMBA is groom]

Miss Mildred BLAIR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William BLAIR, Jr. of Center avenue, McDonald, and Mr. Frank DeZomba, son of Mr. and Mrs. John DeZomba, of Cecil, were united in marriage in Wellsburg, W. Va., on Wednesday, July 21, 1926.

[ Mr. Frank DeZomba to Miss Mildred BLAIR, Wed., July 21, 1926 ]
de-zomba_blair_1-18-1927-record_d.jpg (F)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Charles DHANS to Aida Daccorso, 24 Sep 1938
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Charles DHANS to Aida Daccorso, 24 Sep 1938
Part 3 Marriage Notice for Charles DHANS to Aida Daccorso, 24 Sep 1938
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 30, 1938, page unknown: 


A pretty wedding was solemnized at eleven o'clock Saturday morning, September 24, 1938, in the Gladden U. P. church when Miss Aida DACCORSO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DACCORSO of Cecil, became the bride of Charles DHANS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles DHANS of Primrose. The Rev. Alexander KALASSY of Ligonier performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white taffeta gown with a short train. Her hat was net, shaped as a heart, with a short veil. She carried a bouquet of colonial white roses with ribbon streamers. The bride's sister Olga, the maid of honor, was attired in a peach taffeta gown. Her bridesmaids were Miss Mae PHILLIPS of Cecil, who wore a plum colored taffeta gown, and Miss Alice DANCH of Treveskyn, cousin of the bride, who wore a gown of a soft shade of peach-blue taffeta. All of the bride's party carried colonial bouquets of tea roses. The best man was Adrian TIESSIER of Cecil. The users were Frank DACCORSO, brother of the bride, and the bride's cousin, Joseph CHAPPINI of Jeannette. The bride's mother and the bridegroom's mother wore blue with black accessories and corsages of roses. The wedding music was played by Mickey BELL of Canonsburg who also sang "I Love You Truly" and "I'll Be Faithful." After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served in the bride's home to 150 relatives and friends. A reception was held in the evening in the Liberty hall with 300 present. Lunch was served. Dancing was the diversion. The bride attended the Cecil high school. The couple left for a wedding trip to Detroit and Canada. After their return they will occupy rooms in the bride's home. The newlyweds received many beautiful gifts. An interesting feature of this ceremony was that the bride's parents were married by the same minister on January 23, 1915, in Treveskyn in the bride's home. Mrs. DACCORSO was baptized by him in 1896 at Mt. Carmel. The bride herself was baptized by him in January of 1916 in the Gladden U. P. church.

[ Charles DHANS to Aida Daccorso, 24 Sep 1938 ]
dhans_daccorso_09-30-1938_ro  Parts 1, 2, and 3 (WD)   

Marriage Notice for John G. DICK to Margaret Worstell, 14 Apr 1908 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of April 24, 1908, page unknown:


Married at Sunnyside, Pa., April 14, Miss Margaret [WORSTELL], daughter of William WORSTELL of Primrose to John G. DICK, of Sunnyside.

[ John G. DICK to Margaret Worstell, 14 Apr 1908 ] dick_worstell_04-24-1908 (S)

Marriage Notice for William T. DICKERMAN to Phoebe E. Davidson, 9 Aug 1939 From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 11, 1939, page unknown: 


Miss Phoebe E. DAVIDSON, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. M. DAVIDSON, of Midway, and William T. DICKERMAN of Chicago, Ill., 
were united in marriage at 6:30 o'clock Monday evening, August 9, 1939, in the Northside Gospel Tabernacle, Pittsburgh. The pastor, the 
Reverend Tracy MILLER, read the service in the presence of a few members of the family and friends.

The bride was gowned in a street-length dress of peacock blue with accessories of navy blue. A corsage of white orchids and lilies-of-the-valley completed the ensemble, her only ornament being a diamond dinner ring, the gift of the bridegroom. 

Following the ceremony, dinner was served at the William Penn hotel, Pittsburgh, covers being laid for eight. 

Mr. and Mrs. DICKERMAN left immediately after the dinner for a wedding trip to Atlantic City, New York City, and other Eastern points of interest.
After September first they will be at home at the South Shore View Apartment hotel, South Shore drive, Chicago, in which city Mr. DICKERMAN
has a well-established law practice. 

[ William T. DICKERMAN to Phoebe E. Davidson, 9 Aug 1939 ]  dickerman_davidson_08-11-1939  (CT-L) 


* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.

This page includes:  Emile DEWEY to Rosetta Delmontague, 21 Jul 1937
Joseph DEWEY to Celia Bacu, license, in 10-28-1905 paper
Mr. Frank DeZomba to Miss Mildred BLAIR, Wed., July 21, 1926
Charles DHANS to Aida Daccorso, 24 Sep 1938
John G. DICK to Margaret Worstell, 14 Apr 1908
William T. DICKERMAN to Phoebe E. Davidson, 9 Aug 1939

This page was added May 28, 2007; undated June 28, 2007 ; updated Aug. 15, 2009
; updated Aug. 16, 2009 ; updated Oct. 10, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

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