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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Marriage Notice for John CRUMMY to Ida Best, 20 Jun 1894 From the McDonald, PA newspaper of June [after the 20th], 1894, page unknown:


CRUMMY - BEST - On the 20th inst., at the Presbyterian parsonage, by Rev. Mr. JORDAN, Mr. John CRUMMY to Miss Ida BEST.

[ John CRUMMY to Ida Best, 20 Jun 1894 ] crummy_best_june-1894  (F)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for CRUMMY to Norma Suplit, 7 Sep 1940
Part 2 Marriage Notice for CRUMMY to Norma Suplit, 7 Sep 1940


(Other Weddings on page six)

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 20, 1940, page unknown: 


On the silver wedding anniversary of her parents Saturday, September 7, 1940, Miss Norma SUPLIT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fernand SUPLIT of Rebecca avenue, Wilkinsburg, became the bride of Mr. John CRUMMY, son of Mrs. Ida CRUMMY of McDonald, at a 4:30 ceremony in the First U. P. church, Wilkinsburg. The Rev. Alexander MAGE of the Irons memorial French U. P. church of McDonald, who united her parents in marriage, officiated, assisted by the Rev. James Best. Arborvitae and garden flowers in profusion were used for altar decorations.

Rustling taffeta gowns, fashioned with full skirts, short puffed sleeves, and sweetheart necklines were worn by the bride and her attendants-Miss Eleanora SUPLIT of Wilkinsburg who selected rose, and Mrs. Olga CAMPFIELD of McDonald, wearing blue. The bride's fingertip veil of tulle was held in place by a tiara of orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of white roses centered with pink. Miss SUPLIT carried red roses, and Mrs. CAMPFIELD's flowers were yellow roses. Quaint Colonial hats completed their attire. Mr. Lawrence CRUMMY of Coraopolis, a nephew of the bridegroom, served as bestman and the ushers were Mr. David MASQUELIER and Mr. Glenn MCKEE of McDonald. Miss Elizabeth KINTSING played the organ music.

A reception followed in the SUPLIT home at which time friends not only congratulated the bridal pair, but offered best wishes to her parents on their anniversary. Aides at the reception were Mrs. Arnold PROILLOCHS of Edgewood, Mrs. John DONNELLY of Weirton heights, Mrs. Louis MASWUELIER and Miss Leah and Miss Hilda SUPLIT of McDonald, and Miss Josephine GILMORE of Wilkinsburg.

Mrs. SUPLIT was attired in blue crepe and had a corsage of pink roses and Mrs. CRUMMY selected powder blue and had yellow roses. 

For traveling the bride wore an ensemble of wine red wool with navy accessories.

The young couple are now at home at 1108 Wood street, Wilkinsburg.

[ John CRUMMY to Norma Suplit, 7 Sep 1940 ] 
crummy_suplit_09-20-1940_ro (TR)


LICENSE for Leigh L. CRUMMY to Maude DAVIS in 11-27-1914 newspaper - license

See below for the marriage. 

From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Nov. 27, 1914, page unknown:

Marriage Licenses

Leigh L. CRUMMY........McDonald
Maude DAVIS..............Midway

Charles W. Brabson.....Midway
Elva McCARTY.............Midway

Clement MARMAGIN....Sturgeon
Helen TENNYSON........Noblestown

[ Leigh L. CRUMMY to Maude DAVIS in 11-27-1914 newspaper - license ]
crummy_davis_licenses_11-27-1914-record (F)

Marriage Notice for Leigh Lawrence CRUMMY to Maud Davis, Thanksgiving Day, in 12-4-1914 paper From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Dec. 4, 1914, page unknown:


On Thanksgiving Day, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DAVIS, occurred the wedding of Miss Maud DAVIS and Leigh Lawrence CRUMMY of McDonald. The Rev. J. P. JORDAN of McDonald officiated, in the presence of fifty guests. The bride wore a gown of white crepe de chine and carried white roses. Her sister, Miss Mary DAVIS, was bridesmaid, and wore a gown of blue silk, trimmed with yellow rosebuds, and carried yellow chrysanthemums. The groom was attended by Mr. Norman MACHIN. The wedding march was played by Miss Rose WADE of Warwood, W. Va., a cousin of the bride. The house was beautifully decorated in blue and yellow. A dinner wedding [sic=wedding dinner] was served at four o'clock. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. CRUMMY of McDonald, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT and Mr. and Mrs. RUSSELL of Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT of Oakdale, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander WOOD and Mr. and Mrs. William WEBER and family of McDonald, Mrs. E. S. WADE and daughter Rose [WADE] of Warwood, W. Va.

[ Leigh Lawrence CRUMMY to Maud DAVIS, Thanksgiving Day, in 12-4-1914 paper
crummy_davis_12-4-1914-rec (F)

Marriage Notice for J. Boyd CRUMRINE to Miss Nell KENNEDY, Thurs., Dec. 2nd?, 1923 From the McDonald, PA Record (or Outlook ?) newspaper Jan. 4, 1924, page unknown:

Weddings of the Week


J. Boyd CRIMRINE, Washington's burgess and judge-elect of the orphans court of Washington county, and Miss Nell KENNEDY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David KENNEDY of Mt. Morris, Greene county, were quietly married Thursday afternoon, December [2 ?], 1923, at the home of Dr. George phillips at Morgantown, W.Va.  There were no attendants.  Mrs. CRUMRINE was formerly a teacher in the East Washington schools, but of late years has been teaching in Uniontown [Pa].  Mr. and Mrs. CRUMRINE left immediately following the ceremony for a short wedding trip among Eastern cities.

[ J. Boyd CRUMRINE to Miss Nell KENNEDY, Thurs., Dec. 2nd?, 1923 ]
crumrine_kennedy_1-4-1924-record_nt.JPG (Florian)

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown: 

Frye CUBBAGE to Cassie Cochran, 22 Jan 1918
Marriage Notice for George J. CUJAS to Dorothy Ruth Hainer, 11 Oct 1940 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 18, 1940, page unknown: 


Mr. and Mrs. John L. HAINER of Valley street, McDonald, wish to make known the marriage of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Ruth, to George J. CUJAS of R. D. 3, McDonald, which took place in the residence of the Rev. Dr. WISE of Wellsburg, W.Va., on Friday, October 11, 1940. Their attendants were Miss Elizabeth Lilly of Raccoon and Ralph Kennedy of Hickory. The young couple will reside in R. D. 3, McDonald.

[ George J. CUJAS to Dorothy Ruth Hainer, 11 Oct 1940 ]  cujas_hainer_10-18-1940_ro  (TR)


* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi Ratican.


This page includes:  John CRUMMY to Ida Best, 20 Jun 1894
John CRUMMY to Norma Suplit, 7 Sep 1940
Leigh Lawrence CRUMMY to Maud Davis, Thanksgiving Day, in 12-4-1914 paper
J. Boyd CRUMRINE to Miss Nell KENNEDY, Thurs., Dec. 2nd?, 1923
Frye CUBBAGE to Cassie Cochran, 22 Jan 1918
George J. CUJAS to Dorothy Ruth Hainer, 11 Oct 1940

This page was added May 28, 2007; updated June 28, 2007


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