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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C



Marriage Notice for Adam COCHRAN to Suzanna McMillen, 14 Oct 1939 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 20, 1939, page unknown: 


Miss Suzanna MCMILLEN of East Lincoln avenue, McDonald, and Adam COCHRAN of Coal street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 6:46 p.m. Saturday, October 14, 1939, in the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church, McDonald, the pastor, the Rev. G. E. GARDNER, D.D., officiating. John MOTTE of Rennerdale, nephew of the bride, was the bestman. Other attendants were Mrs. Sarah BURCHFIELD, sister of the bride, her daughter, Mrs. John MOTTE, and her son Billy of Rennerdale.

The bride wore brown crepe with dark brown and gold accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses. Mrs. MOTTE wore navy blue crepe and Mrs. BURCHFIELD wore forest green crepe. Both wore navy blue accessories and a corsage of fall flowers. A dinner was served in the Pitt hotel dining room to six guests. A large wedding cake formed the table centerpiece.

Mr. and Mrs. COCHRAN will reside at 219 Coal street, McDonald.

[ Adam COCHRAN to Suzanna McMillen, 14 Oct 1939 ] cochran_mcmillen_10-20-1939_ro (TR)

Article 1 Part 1 Marriage Notice for Arnold COCHRAN to Mary Ankley, 24 Jun 1922
Article 2 Part 2 Marriage Notice for Arnold COCHRAN to Mary Ankley, 24 Jun 1922

*See second article below

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 29, 1922, page unknown:

[ COCHRAN is the Groom. ]

On Saturday evening, June 24th Miss Mary ANKLEY of Dormont and Arnold COCHRAN of Oakdale were quietly united in marriage at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. STEWART of Dormont. The 
ceremony was performed by the Rev. SMILEY, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Dormont before an embankment of palms and ferns. The bride was given in 
marriage by her uncle, A. E. STEWART and was gowned in white net, carrying a bouquet of pink roses. The maid of honor, Miss Gladys CAMPBELL was gowned in pink canton crepe. 

The bride was [sic=is] a daughter of Mrs. Coulter CAMPBELL of Bridgeville and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James W.
COCHRAN of Oakdale. Only the immediate friends of the families were present. The wedding march was played by Miss Claudia HAZLETTE. The bride is a graduate of Slippery Rock normal [sic=Normal School]. The groom is a blacksmith by trade. Mr. and Mrs. COCHRAN will go to housekeeping in the Montour parsonage on the Steubenville pike. 

[ Arnold COCHRAN to Mary Ankley, 24 Jun 1922 ] cochran_ankley_06-29-1922 (SF)


Article 2 Marriage Notice for Arnold COCHRAN to Mary Ankley, 24 Jun 1922


*Note: HAZLETTE is often spelled HAZLETT in SW PA.

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 30, 1922, page unknown:

[ COCHRAN is the Groom. ]

On Saturday evening, June 24, 1922, Miss Mary ANKLEY of Dormont and Mr. Arnold COCHRAN of Oakdale were quietly married at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, 
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. STEWART, in Dormont.   The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. SMILEY, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Dormont, before an embankment of palms and ferns. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, A. E. STEWART.  She was gowned in white net and carried a bouquet of pink roses.  The maid of honor, Miss Gladys CAMPBELL, was gowned in pink canton crepe. The wedding march was played by Miss Claudia HAZLETTE.*  The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Coulter CAMPBELL of Bridgeville and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. COCHRAN of Oakdale. The bride is a graduate of Slippery Rock normal school. The groom is a blacksmith by occupation. Only the members of the immediate families attended the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. COCHRAN will go to housekeeping in the Montour parsonage on the Steubenville pike.

[ Arnold COCHRAN to Mary Ankley, 24 Jun 1922 ]  cochran_ankley_06-30-1922_record (CT-L) 

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:

George COCHRAN to Ada Winters, (Mrs.), 24 Jul 1914 ] 

Part 1 Marriage Notice for Robert Murray COCHRAN, Jr. to Mary Louise McQuistion, 10 Sep 1942
Part 2 Marriage Notice for Robert Murray COCHRAN, Jr. to Mary Louise McQuistion, 10 Sep 1942
Part 3 Marriage Notice for Robert Murray COCHRAN, Jr. to Mary Louise McQuistion, 10 Sep 1942
Part 4 Marriage Notice for Robert Murray COCHRAN, Jr. to Mary Louise McQuistion, 10 Sep 1942

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 18, 1942, page unknown:


On Thursday afternoon, September 10, 1942, at 4 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church of McDonald, Miss Mary Louise McQUISTION, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James FINLEY McQUISTION, of McDonald became the wife of Sergeant Robert MURRAY COCHRAN, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert COCHRAN, Sr., also of McDonald. Dr. Oscar E. GARDNER, pastor of the church, officiated. He was assisted by Dr. Homer D. WHITFIELD of Beaver, PA., who married the parents of the bride twenty-five years ago.
The attendants were Miss Charlotte Anne MCDOWELL, cousin of the bridegroom, bridesmaid; Doris Anne MCQUISTION, sister of the bride, junior bridesmaid; James COCHRAN, brother of the bridegroom, bestman. The ushers were Jon WALKER, Jr., Joseph BAIER, Jr., Calvin HENNON, and Richard MCCARTY, all of McDonald. Miss Hazel SPEER, organist of the church, played the Lohengrin Wedding March as the bridal party entered the church and the recessional was the Mendelssohn Wedding March. The decorations in the church were greens and two large standards of white gladioli and chrysanthemums.

The bride's gown was ivory satin with a touch of old lace at the neckline and cuffs, and a fingertip veil. She carried white asters and gladioli with a white orchid center, and individual spurs of blue delphinium in the shower. The bridesmaid wore blue taffeta in three shades of the basic color, a blue tulle headpiece, and carried pink gladioli and blue delphinium. The junior bridesmaid wore pink taffeta trimmed in velvet ribbons of the same shade, a blue velvet visor and mitts, and carried a colonial bouquet of sweetheart roses and blue delphinium.

The bride was given in marriage by her father and the ring ceremony was used. Intermezzo was played softly while the vows were taken. A large company was assembled in the church and a impressive touch was given when all repeated the Lord's Prayer at the close.

The ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents with about eighty persons in attendance. In the receiving line, beside the bride and bridegroom, were their parents and attendants. At the bride's table were the bridal party, already mentioned, and Miss Peggy Lou DOUGLASS, Miss Elizabeth MCANINCH, and Miss Betty Lou WEIR.

Out of town guests included Mr. Nat LUTES, Miss Emma LUTES, Miss Nelle DUKE, Miss Hannah STEPHENS, and Dr. R. T. WILEY of Elizabeth. Dr. and Mrs. Caleb MCCUNE, Miss Martha McCUNE, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MCCUNE of McKeesport, Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. NEISH, and Miss Mary Elizabeth NEISH of Aliquippa. Mr. and Mrs. George E. McQUISTION and children Ruth, George, and James of Springdale. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. WILEY, Miss Helen WILEY and Mrs. W. K. BUNTON of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Albert HARVEY of Midland, Mes. W. L. MELLWAIN of Seaford, Long Island, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer JOHNSTON of Canonsburg, Mr. and Mrs. John N. O'NEIL of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Earl WHITNEY, and Mrs. Nelson RUNGER of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Victor BAKER of Pleasant Hills, Mrs. Russell BERNARD of Hollidays Cove, W.Va., Dr. and Mrs. H. D. WHITFIELD of Beaver, and Mrs. Irwin SPROWLS and Mrs. Clark PATSCH of Houston.

After the reception, the young couple went on a motor trip to Cleveland. Sergeant COCHRAN is stationed at Edgewood arsenal base hospital, Maryland, to which he will return.

[ Robert Murray COCHRAN, Jr. to Mary Louise McQuistion, 10 Sep 1942 ]  cochran_mcquistion_09-18-1942_ro (CR-K)


* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi Ratican.
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
* (SF) = Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  Adam COCHRAN to Suzanna McMillen, 14 Oct 1939
Arnold COCHRAN to Mary Ankley, 24 Jun 1922
George COCHRAN to Ada Winters, (Mrs.), 24 Jul 1914
Robert Murray COCHRAN, Jr. to Mary Louise McQuistion, 10 Sep 1942

This page was added May 24, 2007 ; updated June 15, 2009 ; updated June 27, 2009 ; updated Aug. 4, 2009 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009


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