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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B



Marriage Notice for Clarence R. BOYD to Gula Gale Gordon, 3 Jan 1925 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Friday, Jan. 9, 1925, page unknown: 

Weddings of the Week. 
[ BOYD is the Groom. ]

Miss Gula Gale GORDON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. GORDON of Imperial, and Clarence R. BOYD, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. BOYD of Coraopolis, were united in marriage at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, January 3, 1925, in the manse of the Valley Presbyterian church, Imperial, by the pastor, the Rev. W. B. PURNELL. Miss GORDON attended West Chester normal school and Mr. BOYD attended the University of Pittsburgh. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. BOYD left on an automobile trip
for Philadelphia and New York. Upon their return they will be at home in Coraopolis.

[ Clarence R. BOYD to Gula Gale Gordon, 3 Jan 1925 ] boyd_gordon_01-09-1925 (DG)

Marriage Notice for Mr. Frank BOYD to Miss Edna CURRY, Thursday, February 24, 1910 From the McDonald, PA Record of March 4, 1910, page unknown:


At the home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. H. P. WHITESIDES of Pittsburg [sic], Miss Edna CURRY of McDonald [Pa] and Mr. Frank BOYD of Burgettstown were united in marriage, Thursday, February 24, at high noon. Following the ceremony the couple left for a wedding trip through Ohio. They will reside at Coraopolis [Pa], were [sic=where] the groom is employed by the Lake Erie Railroad Company.

[Mr. Frank BOYD to Miss Edna CURRY, Thursday, February 24, 1910 ] boyd_curry_3-4-1910_record (F)

Marriage Notice for James I. BOYD to Lizzie Hootan, no date, in 7-17-1897 paper From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of July 17, 1897, page unknown:


James I. BOYD and Lizzie HOOTAN, both of Oakdale.

[ James I. BOYD to Lizzie Hootan, no date, in 7-17-1897 paper ]
boyd_hootan_07-17-1897_outlook (S)

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of Jan. 6, 1928:


One of the prettiest weddings of the holiday season was solemnized Monday, December 26, 1927, at 5:30 o'clock, in the home of William J. STEVENSON of New Castle street, New Wilmington, when his daughter, Rachel Dickson STEVENSON, 

became the bride of John Herriott BOYD, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. BOYD of Waugh avenue, New Wilmington.

The ceremony was solemnized beneath an arch of laurel and the home was beautifully decorated with California heather and pink roses. Dr. J. H. BOYD, father of the bridegroom, officiated with the ring ceremony.


Marriage Notices for John Herriott BOYD to Rachel Dickson STEVENSON, Mon., Dec. 26, 1927

The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a gown of white transparent velvet and her veil of Venetian lace was caught with a bandeau of pearls.  She carried a shower of bride's roses and lilies of the valley.

Miss Flora Ella MARTIN of New Castle, as maid of honor, wore a gown of pink taffeta and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses, Miss Willa Margaret BOYD, in a gown of orchid taffeta, and Miss Mary Jean BOYD , in a gown of green taffeta, both with arm bouquets of pink roses and sweet peas, were bridesmaids.

Albert JOSEPH of Martins Ferry, Ohio, served as best man, and the usher were Robert A. HOUSTON and George C. CLARK of New Wilmington.

A wedding dinner supplemented the ceremony and a large wedding cake centered the bride's tables.  Aside from the bridal party covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. MARTIN of New Castle, Miss Lyda BOYD of Wheeling, W.Va., Oliver McLEAN of Youngstown, Ohio, Mrs. J. Howard BOYD and Mrs. George C. HERRIOTT of New Wilmington.

The bride is a graduate of Westminster college and is now a teacher in the Wanpum high school.  Mr. BOYD is a Westminster graduate and a student at West Virginia Medical school.

Mr. and Mrs. BOYD left later for a motor trip.

Saturday evening Miss Flora Ella MARTIN entertained at the rehearsal dinner at the Castleton.  Cut flowers were used effectively in the decorations and covers were arranged for ten.  A bridge party was later enjoyed at the STEVENSON home in New Wilmington. -- New Castle News

[ John Herriott BOYD to Rachel Dickson STEVENSON, Mon., Dec. 26, 1927 ]
boyd_stevenson_1-6-1928-record (F)

Marriage Notice for Paul H. BOYD to Eleanor Tyner, 15 Jun 1938 From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of July 8, 1938, page unknown: 


Mr. and Mrs. R. F. TYNER of St. Petersburg, Fla., announce the marriage of their daughter Eleanor [TYNER] to Paul H. BOYD , also of St. Petersburg, Fla., former residents of McDonald, which took place Wednesday, June 15, 1938. They have gone to housekeeping at 1011˝ Ninth street, South, St. Petersburg, Fla.

[ Paul H. BOYD to Eleanor Tyner, 15 Jun 1938 ] boyd_tyner_07-08-1938 (CB)


* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.

This page includes:  
Clarence R. BOYD to Gula Gale Gordon, 3 Jan 1925
James I. BOYD to Lizzie Hootan, no date, in 7-17-1897 paper
John Herriott BOYD to Rachel Dickson STEVENSON, Mon., Dec. 26, 1927
Paul H. BOYD to Eleanor Tyner, 15 Jun 1938

This page was added May 24, 2007 ; updated July 15, 2007 ; updated Oct. 28, 2009


White wedding bells with pink hearts

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