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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B



Marriage Notice for Arthur P. BENNETT to Mabel Cecelia Kennedy, 17 Nov 1926 From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Nov. 19, 1926, page unknown: 

[ BENNETT is the Groom. ]

A very pretty wedding took place at nine o'clock Wednesday morning, November 17, 1926, in St. Alphonsus' church, McDonald, when Miss Mabel Cecelia KENNEDY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. KENNEDY Sr., of Fanny street, became the bride of Arthur P. BENNETT of Clairton, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BENNETT of Sturgeon. The wedding took place before a nuptial high mass sung by the pastor, the Rev. Fr. J. A. BURGOON.  The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin and a white tulle veil arranged in coronet effect and held in place with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses showered with lilies of the valley. Miss Genevieve KENNEDY, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and she wore a gown of yellow canton crepe with a large black picture hat and carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. John JOYCE of Clairton was best man. The bridal party entered the church and marched to the altar in the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin played by Miss Margaret MURPHY. During the ceremony Miss MURPHY played "To a Wild Rose."  Following a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. BENNETT will reside in Clairton, where Mr. BENNETT conducts a barber shop. The bride was a telephone operator
in the local Bell exchange.

[ Arthur P. BENNETT to Mabel Cecelia Kennedy, 17 Nov 1926 ]  bennett_kennedy_11-19-1926_outlook (AD)

Part 1 Marriage Notice for George BENNETT to Marion Aileen Maloney, 19 Aug 1939
Part 2 Marriage Notice for George BENNETT to Marion Aileen Maloney, 19 Aug 1939
From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper from Aug. 25, 1939, page unknown: 


Miss Marion Aileen Maloney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Maloney of Center avenue, McDonald, and Mr. George Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett of Sturgeon, were united in marriage at 4:30 o?clock Saturday afternoon, August 19, 1939, in the home of the bride?s parents. The Rev. O. E. Gardner, D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church performed the ring ceremony.

The bride?s gown was wine-colored, with white accessories. Her corsage was of gardenias. A wedding dinner was served to 25 guests, with 10 seated at the bride?s table. Sixty guests attended the evening reception. The young couple left on a trip to Geneva, Ohio, and to Erie. Upon their return on August 28, they will reside at 216 Center avenue, McDonald.

Mrs. Bennett is a 1938 graduate of McDonald high school. Mr. Bennett, a graduate of South Fayette high school, is employed by the office of West Penn Power Co., Pittsburgh.

Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. William Fox of Connellsville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelso of Carrick, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett, Jr., and daughter Patricia of Imperial, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bennett of Sturgeon, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Maroley of Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gordon of Muse, Francis McKissick and Miss Helen Buchner of Oakdale, Gladys Marlier of Carnegie, and Marion Bogatay of Moon Run.

[ George BENNETT to Marion Aileen Maloney, 19 Aug 1939 ] bennett_maloney_08-25-1939 (CB)

Marriage Notice for Mathew BENNETT to Sarah L. Robertson, no date, in 6-17-1893 paper From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of June 17, 1893, page unknown:

[Multiple Marriage Notice ]


[BENNETT is the Groom.]

On the 9th inst., by Rev. Mr. IRONS, at the residence of the bride's mother, at Laurel Hill, Mr. Mathew BENNETT, of McDonald, and Miss Sarah ROBERTSON.

[ Mathew BENNETT to Sarah L. Robertson, no date, in 6-17-1893 paper ]


Note: Sandy had on the master list Mathew BENNETT to S. L. Robinson, no date, in 6-17-1893 paper.  There must be another notice somewhere since she only had initials, and this clearly says Sarah Robertson.  The surname was also wrongly listed as Robinson, so maybe the error was in another notice.

Marriage Notice for Oliver M. BERGER to Meryle McBride, 10 Oct 1917 From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Oct. 19, 1917, page unknown:

[ BERGER is the Groom. ]

Miss Meryle McBRIDE of Imperial, Pa., and Oliver M. BERGER of Philadelphia were united in marriage on Wednesday evening, October 10, 1917, at 7:45, at the home of the bride?s aunt, Mrs. J. C. REED, in Norwood avenue, Pittsburgh. The Rev. T. A. GIBSON of Verona officiated. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Elsie REED, and Edgar WERNER, cousin of Mr. BERGER, was best man. The wedding march was played by Miss Alice REED. Mr. and Mrs. BERGER left the same evening for their future home in Philadelphia.

[ Oliver M. BERGER to Meryle McBride, 10 Oct 1917 ]  berger_mcbride_10-19-1917_record   (LD) 

Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct. 24, 1894, page unknown:

No image sent.

O. BERLIN to Miss Mulvey, no date, in 10-24-1894 paper

Marriage Notice for Miss Celia MITCHELL and Mr. Morris BERNARD From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of May 1, 1908, page unknown


Miss Celia MITCHELL and Mr. Morris BERNARD were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Renoli MITCHELL, East Lincoln avenue, Thursday afternoon, April 30, at two o'clock by Justice of the Peace A. B. COCHRAN. Mr. and Mrs. BERNARD left that evening for Linton, Ind., where they will make their home. Mrs. Louis WAUTLET, a sister of the bride who has been here from Linton on a visit, accompanied them.

[Morris BERNARD to Celia Mitchell, 30 Apr 1908] (CB)

Marriage Notice for Paul BERNARDI to Elizabeth Falcocchio, 2 Aug 1947 From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 8, 1947, page unknown: 


Miss Elizabeth Falcocchio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Falcocchio of Canonsburg, was united in marriage with Paul Bernardi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Bernardi, R. D. 3, McDonald, at a quiet ceremony on Saturday, August 2, 1947, in St. Patrick?s church, Canonsburg. The Rev. Fr. J. Edward Istocin, pastor, performed the double-ring ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Mary Modrak, organist.

Given in marriage by Wilbert Horstman, the bride was attired in white with a corsage of roses and baby?s-breath. Ann Bernardi, the bride?s only attendant, wore a summer dress and a corsage of roses. James Walker of R. D. 1, Canonsburg, was bestman.

A reception for 40 friends and relatives was held in the home of the bride following the ceremony.

The young couple left on a short honeymoon, after which they will reside in McEwen Heights, R. D. 1, Canonsburg.

Prior to her marriage the bride was employed by the Continental Can Co., Canonsburg. Mr. Bernardi attended South Fayette high school.

[ Paul BERNARDI to Elizabeth Falcocchio, 2 Aug 1947 ]  bernardi_falcocchio_08-08-1947_ro  ( CB)


* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.


This page includes:  
Arthur P. BENNETT to Mabel Cecelia Kennedy, 17 Nov 1926
George BENNETT to Marion Aileen Maloney, 19 Aug 1939
Mathew BENNETT to S. L. Robinson, no date, in 6-17-1893 paper
Note: Name should be Mathew BENNETT to Sarah L. Robertson, no date, in 6-17-1893 paper
Oliver M. BERGER to Meryle McBride, 10 Oct 1917
O. BERLIN to Miss Mulvey, no date, in 10-24-1894 paper
Morris BERNARD to Celia Mitchell, 30 Apr 1908
Paul BERNARDI to Elizabeth Falcocchio, 2 Aug 1947

This page was added May 24, 2007 ; updated Jan 29, 2009 ; updated July 31, 2009 ; updated Oct. 3, 2009 ; updated Oct. 8, 2009 ; updated Oct. 15, 2009


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