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Washington County 'Little Washington' Pennsylvania
 Genealogy and Family History



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Bridegrooms by Surname Letter A

Marriage Notice for ayers_fisher_06-28-1923 From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of June 28, 1923, page unknown: 


On Wednesday, June 20, 1923 in the First Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh occurred the marriage of Miss Athalia FISHER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. FISHER, south of Oakdale, and Mr. Fred AYERS of Pittsburgh. The young couple will reside on South side, Oakdale, having purchased the Roy KAHL home. 

[ Fred AYERS to Athalia Fisher, 20 Jun 1923 ]

Marriage Notice for John E. AYRES to Miss Elizabeth KEHM marriage license only

* Researchers should check to make sure the wedding took place.

From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 27 September 1912:


A marriage license was issued in Pittsburgh on Wednesday to John E. AYRES of McDonald and Miss Elizabeth KEHM of Noblestown [Pa].

[ John E. AYRES to Miss Elizabeth KEHM marriage license only ] (S)

Marriage Notice for John L. AYRES and Mrs. Agnes R. PARKINSON, article 1




Marriage Notice for John L. AYRES and Mrs. Agnes R. PARKINSON, article 2

From the McDonald, PA Record of Oct. 6 1905, page unknown:


Married---By Rev. W. D. IRONS, D.D. on Wednesday, October 4, 1905, Mr. John L. AYRES and Mrs. Agnes R. PARKINSON, both of McDonald.


***A second article

From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 7 Oct 1905

John L. AYERS and Mrs. Agnes R. PARKINSON, both of McDonald, were united in marriage by Rev. W. D. IRONS, D.D., Wednesday evening, Oct. 4, 1905. They will reside on Valley street.

[ John L. AYERS to Agnes R. Parkinson, 4 Oct 1905 ] ayres_parkinson_10-07-1905_outlook

Marriage Notice for Harry Norman AYRES to Ruby Alice Longstreth, 7 Jun 1928

* Says she graduated twice?


From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of June 15, 1928, page unknown:


Miss Ruby Alice LONGSTRETH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LONGSTRETH of Sturgeon, and Mr. Harry Norman AYRES, son of Clark AYRES of the Southside, McDonald, were married in the courthouse, Warren, Ohio, on Thursday, June 7, 1928, by Mr. Rice, justice of the peace.  They were attended by the bride's niece, Ruby Longstreth, daughter of Charles LONGSTRETH of Warren [Oh].  The bride graduated from Oakdale high school in 1925 and from the McDonald high school in 1926.*  Mr. and Mrs. AYRES returned to the home of the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Clifford WADE, in Burgettstown, where they were given a rousing serenade.  After spending several days with relatives here they left on Tuesday for Warren [Oh], where Mr. AYRES has secured employment.  Three brothers of the bride reside in Warren [Oh].

[ Harry Norman AYRES to Ruby Alice Longstreth, 7 Jun 1928 ]  ayres_longstreth_06-15-1928  (F)

Header Marriage Notice for William? AYRES to ___ LOWE? LOWRIE? no date 1911

Marriage Notice for William? AYRES to ___ LOWE? LOWRIE? no date 1911


From the McDonald, PA Record of Jan. 27, 1911, page unknown:

In Society's Realm

Mr. and Mrs. William? AYRES, a bride and groom of recent date, were surprised at the home of Mrs. __ AYRES' parents, Mr. and Mrs. James LOWE? LOWRIE, Tuesday evening, when a number of friends gathered with a miscellaneous shower.  Music was the chief diversion of the evening.  After a dainty lunch had been served the guests departed, wishing the newly married couple a long and happy life.

enlargement of AYRES name, no date 1911 Ayres
[ William? AYRES to ___ LOWE? LOWRIE? no date, from ayers_low-_01-27-1911-record ] (F)



* (AD) = Typed by Volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.


This page includes:  
Fred AYERS to Athalia Fisher, 20 Jun 1923
John E. AYRES to Miss Elizabeth KEHM marriage license only
John L. AYERS to Agnes R. Parkinson, 4 Oct 1905
Harry Norman AYRES to Ruby Alice Longstreth, 7 Jun 1928
William? AYRES to ___ LOWE? LOWRIE? no date

This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated May 24, 2009 ; ; June 10, 2008 ; updated Oct. 10, 2009 ; updated Oct. 23, 2009


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This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023


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