History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
named), probates, deeds, surname finds, family trees, family histories, reunions and other information.
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituary of Minnie Frances Muzum 1936
wife of Gilbert W. Nuzum
Transcript of Obituary from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 22,
1936, page 5:
MRS. GILBERT NUZUM - Mrs. Minnie Frances Muzum, aged 61
years, wife of Gilbert W. Nuzum, died in her home, 550 Fayette street,
Tuesday at 2 p. m., following a week's illness of pneumonia. She was a
member of the Church of God, of Claysville.
She leaves her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Clifford Magnes, of
Washington, and the following brothers and sisters: Wright Carpenter, of
Meadowdale, W. Va.; Henry Carpenter, of Parkinsburg, W. Va.; Mrs. Minnie
Adams and Miss Sarah ____ of Parkersburg; Mrs. L[+4 letters] [last name
about 4 letters], of Meadowdale; and Mrs. ___ Gilpin, of Duncan, W. Va.
The body will be shipped to Meadowdale Thursday and funeral
services will be held there Friday at [1 p. m. ?] in the Meadowdale
[Baptist Church ??]. Burial will be in the Meadowdale Cemetery.
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023