History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituary of Alvia E. McCarty 1936
well known water well driller
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan.
9, 1936, p. 9:
ALVIA McCARTY - Alvia E. McCarty, well known water well
driller, died in his home 830[?] Fayette street, at 8:45 o'clock
Wednesday night, at the age of 72 years.
Mr. McCarty was born May 4, 1863, at Potomac, W. Va., near West
Alexander, a son of Harrison and Emily Howard McCarty. He followed
water well drilling all his life. The last 42 years of his life he
lived in the house where he died. He was a member of National Lodge
No. 81, I. O. O. F. and Encampment, of Washington. He also held
membership in the P. O. S. of A. Lodge and in the Third Presbyterian
Church of this city. He was one of the best known residents of the
Eighth Ward of this City.
He leaves his wife, Mrs. Nancy Catherine Ray McCarty; two daughters,
Bertha, wife of Jesse V. Mounts, of near Washington, and Hazel, wife
of T. D. Vankirk, of Middlesboro, Ky; one brother, Ross of Byers,
Colo., three sisters, Mrs. Dora Scott, Washington; Mrs. Myrtle Hutson,
Washington, and Mrs. Clara McCarty, Lawrence, Kas; and one grandson,
Alvin Vankirk.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Friday, in the home, in
charge of the Rev. W. F. Harkey. Burial will be in the Washington
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023