History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituaries from June 1, 1940
Transcript of Obituary from The Morning Observer newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., June 1, 1940, p. 2:
[Not all the Obituaries from this date.]
MRS. J. PARK HOOTMAN - Mrs. Elizabeth S. Hootman, widow of
J. Park Hootman, died at 9:20 o'clock Friday night, May [31], 1940, in
her home 624 East Beau street, at the age of 70 years.
Mrs. Hootman had been a resident of Washington for 49 years.
She leaves three daughters, Mabel, wife of L. D. Hair, of West
Middletown; Hazel, wife of Wick C. Carroll, of Buffalo Village; and
Ursula, wife of Frank Hunt, of Washington; three sisters, Mrs. Loula
Barr, of Washington; Mrs. Martha Herron, of Gretna, and Mrs. Nora
McCollum, of Washington; one brother, Walter S. Patterson, of Eighty
Four, and 10 grandchildren.
Friends will be received at the Devore Funeral Home from Saturday
afternoon until 2 o'clock Monday, when services will be held in the
funeral home. Burial will be in the Washington Cemetery.
Transcript of Obituary from The Morning Observer newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., June 1, 1940, p. 2:
[Not all the Obituaries from this date.]
ALVIN LINCOLN WHITE - Mrs. George Darsie, of East
Chestnut street, received notice of the death of her brother, Alvin
Lincoln White, of Fort Myers, Fla., which occurred May 26.
Mr. White graduated from Bethany College in the early ['80's ?] and
later from the School of Engineering of Columbia University. For many
years he was a civil engineer at Wheeling, W. Va. where he built the
Main Street bridge and installed the water system. He organized the
first bank in Fort Myers, Fla., and became its president. He also
organized a school [insert 'of'] engineering in Florida, and was
president of the Fruit Growers Association of Florida and developed his
own grove of _____rable [considerable??] ___. He continued his
activities until his health failed.
Even after he had been an invalid for six years he ... [rest is
too blurry to read].
[Last paragraph is the list of survivors but it is too blurred to
Transcript of Obituary from The Morning Observer newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., June 1, 1940, p. 2:
[Not all the Obituaries from this date.]
JOSEPH SHUPENKA - Funeral services for Joseph Shupenka,
Sr., 57, of Daisytown, who died in Brownsville General Hospital Thursday
night of injuries suffered in an automobile accident last Sunday, will
be held in the home Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Further services will be held
in the St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church at Daisytown. Burial will be in
Mt. Calvary Cemetery.
Mr. Shupenka, a native of Poland, had lived in the United States for the
past 30 years and for the past 17 years had been employed by the Vesta
Coal Company.
Surviving are five children, John and Mrs. Victoria Snear, Daisytown;
Mrs. Sophia Edmonds, California, and Joseph and Helen, at home; a
brother, Frank, California, and two brothers living in Poland. His wife
died six year [sic] ago.
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023