History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituaries from March 5, 1897
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter, newspaper, Washington Co., Pa.,
Mar. 5, 1897, page unknown:
DEATH ROLL - MRS. [KLIZAH] HARDIN - Mrs. Elizar Hardin,
relict of the late John Hardin, died at the home of her son, Levi
Hardin, near Beallsville February 12, 1897.
Mrs. Hardin was a Miss Porter, and was born in Allegheny county,
Maryland, August 22, 1817, being in her 80th year when she died.
She was married to John Hardin in 1834, soon after which they
came to this county, where they both spent the remainder of their lives,
Mr. Hardin having died about 15 years ago.
The subject of the sketch had at the time of her death been a
member of the M. E. church for 53 years.
She was in her younger days a faithful attendant upon church
duties, but with advanced years and increasing infirmities she was not
able to leave home. She was
the mother of 12 children, eight of whom she outlived.
Three daughters, one son, and four grandchildren remain to mourn.
She was buried from the M. E. church, Beallsville, February 14,
followed to her last resting place by a large concourse of people, Rev.
A. H. Acken, pastor, officiating.
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter, newspaper, Washington Co., Pa.,
Mar. 5, 1897, page unknown:
ISRAEL DEEMS - Israel Deems, died Tuesday, March 2,
1897, of general debility, at the home of son-in-law, David M. Rhodes,
Uniontown, aged 90 aged. Mr.
Deems formerly lived at East Bethlehem, Washington county, but has been
making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes since last July.
Mr. Deems is survived by three children, Mrs. Mary E. Rhodes, of
Uniontown; William Deems, of Pittsburg [sic], and Simeon Deems, of the
county. The remains were
taken Thursday morning to the Taylor church, Washington county, ?
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter, newspaper, Washington Co., Pa.,
Mar. 5, 1897, page unknown:
MISS EMMA WOLFE - Miss Emma Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Wolfe, of Burnsville, died at her home Sunday afternoon,
February 28, 1897. The
funeral took place on Tuesday at 11 a. m., Rev. E. M. Kennison having
charge of the services. She
is survived by the parents, one brother and six sisters, two of the
sisters being teachers in the township schools -- Miss Haly and Mary.
Miss Wolfe was an earnest member of the Windy Gap [C. ?] P.
church, and an efficient worker in the Sabbath school and Endeavor
Society. She spent several
months in the West with her sister, Mrs. Anna Rockey, at Russell, Iowa,
hoping to improve her health. - Claysville Recorder.
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter, newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 5,
1897, page unknown:
DONE BY THE COURT - Before Judge Taylor. March 4. -
Estate of
Jane Anderson, deceased - Answer of executor to will to lift
confirmation of his account filed.
Mary M. Cain vs. David K. Cain - Libel in divorce; subpoena issued.
Acknowledgement of sheriff's deeds.
Martin, trustee for use vs. R. W. Munnell - Auditor's report filed and
confirmed nisi. [sic]
Before Judge McIlvaine.
Estate of Andrew Horn - Return of inquest in partition approved.
Advertisements [regarding funerals]:
Funeral designs a specialty by Crall, Swan building.
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023