History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1948
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa, Aug. 24, 1948, page unknown:
"Imperial Evens Series With Avella Merchants"
baseball - [names from article]
Vic PREGEL of Imperial team
Tony SCARLOT of Avella
____ TESLA
"Van Voorhis Wins, 5-1, Over Bentleyville Nine" - sports
Chime kovich
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Aug. 24, 1948, p. 7: [Top of column is cut off.]
and Mrs. Alfred H. Sweet, South Watson avenue, left today for a
fortnight's vacation which they will divide between New York City and
points in New England. While in New York Mrs. Sweet will attend the
Culbertson's Bridge Teacher's Convention scheduled for August 27, 28,
and 29.
Joseph Pearlman and daughter, Lee of Carnegie, are visiting the former's
mother, Mrs. L. Webber, [68 ?] West Katherine avenue.
Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Reed, McKinley avenue, are vacationing in Kentucky.
Johnson, Philadelphia, spent the weekend here. Mr. Johnson formerly
lived in Washington.
The Rev.
George Yount, Arlington, Va., spent the weekend with his parents, here.
Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Gibson and daughter, Darla, 430 McKinley avenue, have
returned from a vacation in Ocean City, N. J.
Virginia Hastings, Morgantown, W. Va., spent the weekend here.
Mr. and Mrs.
John Morgan, Quaker City, O., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Clokey, Jr., Franklin Farms.
Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Warne, 456 Second street, spent the weekend with their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Warne, and grandson, David, in
Toledo, O.
Mrs. Frank
F. Nicholas, 520 Central avenue, has returned to the City after spending
a vacation with her family at Elk Lake near Waymart. Mr. Nicholas spent
the weekend at Elk Lake.
Mrs. Ada
Zahniser, 245 West Chestnut street, and her sister, Mrs. Marion Johnson,
769 1/2 Broad street, and her niece, Miss Patricia Zahniser, 110 Elm
street, spent the weekend at Indiantown Gap visiting Mrs. Zahniser's
son, Master Sergeant Don J. Zahniser of Regimental Headquarters Company
and Private George R. Zahniser, Company H, a brother of Miss Patricia
Zahniser. Mrs. Walter [Conklin ?], [345 ?] West Chestnut street, wife of
Staff Sergeant Walter [Conklin ?], cook for Company K was also a member
of the party. They witnessed the Governor's Review on Sunday and
returned to the City today.
and Mrs. [Lloyd ?] [Freeman ?], ___ North Main street..." [rest is
too blurred to read on the Xerox copy.] [It continues in the next
column.] ..."...Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Collins, Glendale, Okla. They
visited the Will Rogers Memorial at Claremore, Okla.
Frederic S. Welsh, Jr., Rochester, N. Y. and John Reed Welsh and
wife, Briarcliff Manor, N. Y., have returned to the respective homes
after being here to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Maude Reed
[Tuttle ??]. While here they visited another aunt, Mrs. Etta Reed Mowry,
[5 ?] Highland avenue. Frederic S. Welsh and John Reed Welsh are the
sons of the late Mrs. Alice Reed Welsh."
[Two more items are in this column but they are both too blurry on the
Xerox to read anything.]In a column cut off during Xeroxing are these
names - probably about where newly graduated high school students plan
to attend college this fall.
... Joan McNary, Miss Farmer's Schol [sic] of Cookery, Boston.
The following girls have enrolled in nursing schools: Shirley
Arnold, Allegheny Hospital; Rowene Carson, Washington Hospital; Phyllis
Champ, Presbyterian Hospital; Helen Boyan, Dorothy Dunn, Marian Marshall
and Carol Woods, Canonsburg Hospital and Mary Lou Leonard, West Suburban
Hospital, near Chicago, Ill.; and Lillian Bellish, Shadyside Hospital.
"Theresa Heiser and Mary Jo Mastic have enrolled in the Robert
Morris Business School in Pittsburgh.
Daughters of America To Meet Tomorrow - Washington Council No. 61,
Daughters of America will hold a meeting tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in
the I. O. O. F. Lodge Rooms, West Chestnut street.
At 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon a benefit card party will be held
with the social committee, Mrs. Ellen Salsberry, chairman, in charge.
A social hour will follow the evening's business session.
Amity Methodist Class - The Women's Bible class of the Amity
Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Catherine Garner
Wednesday, Aug. 25, at 12 o'clock noon. Mrs. Freda Elliott will have
charge of the program.
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Sat., Dec. 11, 1948, p. 7:
Story-telling Hour At Brownson House - Mrs. Richard Warrick is in
charge of a story-telling hour now being held at Brownson House.
Assisting her will be other members of the Daughters of the Current
Events Club whose project is assisting with the Brownson House program
and giving financial assistance to the Neighborhood House
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Dec. 14, 1948, p. 2:
[Article cut off] - one name is ______ G. Grover, Supervising Principal
of East Washington Schools
Births - [see birth file]
[Article cut off] - some names in it are: [excerpt only]
Louis A. Prete, of Bobtown, works in the outside gang at the Shannopin
____ Orban, worked with Mr. Prete at the mine
Orban had been shot and robbed of almost $1,700.00 by a driver who had
picked him up to give him a ride.
Mr. Orban was admitted to Washington Hospital after he was found on the
roadside by his friend, Mr. Prete.
Ad- "The ordinary Christmas Tree is one of the most
inflammable objects known. Have You Enough Fire Insurance?
SMITH. Phone 2313 Washington Pa. Complete Insurance Service.
44 West Wheeling St.
"News Views by David Smith" -[article cut off,
is about Christmas season & emotions evoked]
[article cut down center] - is about Washington High
School students were shown moving picture [e.g. motion picture or movie]
"God of Creation" - Rankin? Moffitt of the Moody Bible
Institute, Chicago, Ill. - ___G. Grover, Supervising Principal of the
East Washington Schools...