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Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1923
Articles from The Observer
newspaper, Washington Co.,
, Sat., May 12, 1923, p. 5:
Miss Throckmorton Recital - Thursday night Miss Romance Throckmorton played the fifth recital of the series being given by the pupils of Mrs. Rudolph Hanau.
The first number given was the Sonata in G Minor by Grieg. The many changes of motive and rhythm in this characteristic Norwegian composition gave Miss Throckmorton ample opportunity to show her versatility as an interpreter. Each of the four movements was beautiful, though perhaps the Andante Molto and the Menuetto were especially enjoyed.
The 'Nocturne in A Flat' by Chopin: Schumann's Novelette in E major, and the Etude Melodique byRogers were each noteworthy. The exquisite delicacy of the tone shading in 'Fireflies' by Beach, was especially delightful.
The closing number of the program was Chopin's Ballade in G minor, which Miss Throckmorton played with great brilliancy.
The last recital of the series, in which Mrs. Hanau will present a number of her pupils will be an event of the near