History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1912
Article from The Observer newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Sat., Mar. 16, 1912, p. 1:
Dam on Hootman
Farm Goes Out - Considerable Damage Wrought Yesterday at Strabane, East
of Washington - The thaw and rains of Thursday night and yesterday
morning caused the waters of the Little Chartiers Creek to go on a
rampage with the result that a dam on the John Hootman farm, at
Strabane, east of Washington broke yesterday afternoon at __ o'clock.
The entire
breast of the dam which was about 150 feet wide let go practically at
the same time and the water flooded out over the bottom land and
traveled for 700 or 800 feet with considerable force.
outbuildings on Wm. Hootman farm and the same number on the property of
the Smith sisters were carried away in the torrent. A bridge over the
National Pike checked the water to the extent that no damage was done to
properties beyond it."
[An article titled "____ Admitted That She Stole a Keg of
Beer" is partly cut off and blurred, but names seen are:
Ina Shorters " of Washington's __ known colored
characters..." was accused of stealing an 8 gallon keg of beer from
[possibly?] Samuel Asbury. Asbury made a complaint against her with
Justice of the Peace [Carmich ?? ]. [The rest cannot be read.]
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., May 8, 1912, page unknown: AGED VETERAN WALKS 932 MILES TO REUNION - Macon, Ga.,
May 7 -- J. C. Williamson, a Confederate veteran, aged 73 years, walked
from his home, Louisville, Tex., to this city, a distance of 932 miles.
He says he came to attend the veteran’s reunion and to find a
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., May 8, 1912, page unknown:
J. W. Shidler, of Marianna, was a Scenery Hill business caller
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., May 8, 1912, page unknown: [Local Glances kind of item] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, of Brownsville, and Henry Henshaw, of
Waltersburg, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henshaw, of
Scenery Hill, Sunday.
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., May 8,
1912, page unknown: [Local Glances kind of item] Mrs. D. F. Beall spent Sunday as a guest of friends at Millsboro.
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., May 8, 1912, page unknown: [Local Glances kind of item]
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Van Voorhis, of Charleroi, and Frank Myers, of
Jacksonville, Fla., visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hosack,
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Tues., May 28, 1912, page unknown: DEEMSTON - Deemston, May 27. - Sunday afternoon the Civil war
veterans of Deemston borough were at Beallsville, where they
participated in the Memorial Day exercises. Thursday the veterans will
attend the services at Taylor's M. E. church near Centerville.
The Sunday
school of the M. P. church which was recently reorganized with new
officers is progressing by bounds, and the membership is over 60. The
attendance is excellent and great interest is being taken. C. L. Luellen
is superintendent."
preaching services will be held in the Mount Zion M. U. church next
Sunday, June 2, but on the following Sunday the regular services will be
Mrs. Howard
Cornell, son, William, and daughter, Miss Iva, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Burson, of West Bethlehem township, Tuesday.
L. V. Martindell
arrived home this [week?], from a visit in New York.
John Leonard, wife and son, John, Jr., returned to Homestead, after a
visit here with relatives.
Clyde McCarty, of this
place, was attending to business matters in Pittsburg[sic], Wednesday.
Mrs. James Arygle[?],
of Braddock, __, returned home after visiting at the Michener home,
Deemston, and with relatives at Millsboro.
Mrs. Sarah Eyre
[cannot read rest of names]
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Tues., May 28, 1912, page unknown:
[The previous column was cut off in Xeroxing; the top of next column has
the end of the entry from the previous column] - "...visited the
latter part of the week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Deemston, May 27 - Sunday afternoon the Civil War Veterans of
Deemston borough were at Beallsville, where they participated in the
Memorial Day exercises. Thursday the veterans will attend the services
at Taylor's M. E. church, near Centerville.
Sunday school of the M. P. church which was recently reorganized with
new officers is progressing by bounds, and the membership is over 60.
The attendance is excellent and great interest is being taken. C. L.
Luellen is superintendent.
preaching services will be held in the Mount Zion M. U. church next
Sunday, June 2, but on the following Sunday the regular services will be
Howard Cornell, son William and daughter, Miss Iva, visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James Burson, of West Bethlehem township, Tuesday.
[I. ?
or L. ?] V. Martindale arrived home this week after a visit in New York.
Leonard, wife and son John, Jr. returned to Homestead, after a visit
here with relatives.
McCarty, of this place, was attending to business matters in Pittsburg
[sic], Wednesday.
James Arygle, of Braddock has returned home after visiting at the
Michener home, Deemston, and with relatives at Millsboro.
Sarah Eyre, of [Humbolt ?] **, accompanied Mrs. Emeline Berkhimes ? and
son, William, home, Thursday, and will spend a few weeks among relatives
and friends in the borough.
EAST MILLSBORO R. D. 21 [sic] -
East Millsboro R. D. No. 21 [sic], May 27 - Mrs. May Christopher,
of Lambert, is visiting her father, J. D. Hackney.
Master Pat
Covert, small son of [W. ?] A. Covert, of Aspinwall, is visiting __
[his?] grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Covert.
and Mrs. Levi Crawford visited their daughter, Mrs. Riley Harn, of East
Riverside, Saturday.
J. W.
King was a business caller at Arensburg ? Wednesday.
and Edith King are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Nixon, of Blainsburg."
[On the next page is story about the War 50 years ago...the Civil War.]
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., May 29, [1912 ?], p. 11:
Stepped on
a Needle - Independence, May 23 - Lindsay Arnold, the 6-year-old son of
Simon Arnold, of near this place, is suffering from a very severe wound
in the foot as a result of stepping on a needle. In an effort to extract
the needle it was broken off. Arrangements were made to take the boy to
a Washington hospital this morning for an operation but after the foot
had been packed in ice over night [sic] the broken needle was found and
extricated. Mr. Arnold moved to the Liggett farm north of the village on
April 1 from Houston."
Memorial Services at Lone Pine - Memorial services will be held in
the Lone Pine Christian church on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The North
Ten Mile Baptist congregation will unite with the local congregation in
these services and the sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Robert A.
Foster. All soldiers and the members of the Lone Pine P. O. S. of A.
lodge [sic, no cap on lodge] are cordially invited to be present."
REV. A. B. ELLIOTT CALLED TO CENTER - Freeport Clergyman Offered
Pulpit By Presbyterian Congregation at Thompsonville - Pulpit Vacant for
About a Year - Canonsburg May 23 - A very largely attended
congregational meeting was held Wednesday evening at the Center
Presbyterian church in Peters township. Rev. M. C. Reiter moderator of
the session preached a sermon, after which it was unanimously agreed
that the members of the congregation were ready to vote on the calling
of a pastor. No nominations were made, but upon the first ballot, Rev.
A. B. Elliott, of Freeport, Pa., was unanimously called to become their
pastor. It is expected that Mr. Elliott will accept.
congregation has been without a pastor for more than a year, during
which time the pulpit has been supplied. The last pastor, the Rev. M. M.
McDivitt, accepted a call to Blairsville.
Two other
congregations in this vicinity which have been without pastors have made
out calls to ministers, which have been accepted and the installation
exercises will be held soon. These are the Central Presbyterian,
Canonsburg, and the Cross Roads United Presbyterian, Chartiers township.
The Rev. J. W. McLeod [?] tonight was installed pastor of the Central
church, and next month the Rev. William Bamford will formally assume the
pastorate of the Cross Roads congregation."
[Untitled article] - In a letter to Attorney R. P. Kennedy, of
Uniontown, from George H. England, the famous old baseball star, a
picture is inclosed [sic] of England and the 'only' Edward Delehanty, as
they appeared when they broke into the game at Mansfield, O., in the
year 1887. England, now located in Pittsburg [sic], recalls the days of
yore when Attorney Kennedy was in his prime as a first baseman, and
closes by asking to be remembered to 'any of the old guard that might
still be in the land of the living.'
McDONALD - McDonald, May 23 - Miss Mary Chambon, of Homewod, spent
Saturday, and Sunday with friends and relatives in McDonald.
Donaldson is spending a vacation of a few days at Cambridge Springs.
Soffell, of Pittsburg [sic], is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. George Smith,
on Lincoln avenue.
Commissioners Hill, Berry and Smith were McDonald visitors on
Alexander spent Friday at the McDonald home.
C. B. Blick, of Baltimore, is visiting relatives here.
A. G.
McClelland, of Clarksburg, W. Va., is spending a few days here with
large number of McDonald people went to Pittsburg [sic] on Monday and
Tuesday to see Ringling Brothers' circus.
Magarovski formerly of McDonald, now of Castle Shannon, was a business
visitor here on Tuesday.
The Book
reception on Friday evening given by members of the woman's club, for
the benefit of the Free library, was very much of a success. [rest not
typed here]
Mrs. C. R.
Springer entertained at a bridge party Tuesday afternoon in honor of her
house guest Miss Mc_____ [rest cut off this Xerox copy]"
[Rest of column cut off this Xerox copy.]