History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1898
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 28,
1898, page unknown:
Advertisements -
J. R. Kuntz - druggist
Neeson and Jones - Tailors
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Mar. 29, 1898, page unknown:
DEEDS RECORDED - Old and New Instruments Left for Entry on the
Books. -
March 12, 1898 - Jane Hodgens to Josiah Blythe, lot in Carroll
township; price $1,500.
February [3 or 8], 1898 - Joseph William to Simond H. and Frank L.
Arnold one-half of lot 2 in Houstonville; consideration, $450.
March [21 ?], 18__ - Anna B. Gamble, administratrix, to John C.
Wilson [126 ? 186 ?] acres and 150 perches and [28 ?] acres and [149 ?]
perches of land in Nottingham township; price $6,427.41.
March 28, 1898 - John C. Wilson to Alford Loyds [28 ?] acres and
149 perches of land in Nottingham township; price $[954.73 ?]
March [23 ?], 1898 - John W. Grable and Samuel Grable,
administrators, to A. B. Rhoades, et. al. 137 acres and [23 ?] perches
of land in West Bethlehem township; consideration [$3,906.73 ?]
March 23, 1898 - Mary A. Duval to Selena Lowe part of lot 97 in
California; price $___.
March 26, 1898 - George B. Eckles, executor of Samuel Roney, to
George W Strope 91 acres and [28 ?] perches of land in Blaine township;
consideration $3,000.
REALM OF SPORT - The Golden Athletic Club has arranged an
excellent program for its show on Thursday evening next as follows:
[Burr ?] Rankin and Bob Tucker; ____ Anderson and Walter Jackson; Jerry
Marshall and J. A. Gordon; Geo. Tucker and Pat Holliday, of Pittsburg
[sic]; Milt Rankin and an unknown from Wheeling. All of these are to be
four round bouts. The final event will be a six round go between Geo.
Wanko and Joe Quinn, of Pittsburg [sic], lightweight amateur champion of
the country in ['85 ?]
Ernst Roeber won the wrestling match Saturday night from Yousouf,
the terrible Turk, on a foul. The match was on a high platform and there
were no ropes around the edge and in rushing Roeber, the Turk threw
Roeber off the platform and the referee decided it a foul. The audience
was disgusted at the performance.
It is reported that Dave Curran, the local baseball player, has signed
to play first base for the Indianapolis team of the Western league. A
large number of the Indianapolis players of last season have refused to
sign at the terms offered this season, Metz the first baseman, being
among them, and Curran, so rumor has it, will take his place. According
to the official averages of the Interstate in ['96 ?] he batted at .435
and fielded [. unreadable]; '97 he batted .286 and fielded [.
WARLIKE SENATORS - [Item about U. S. Senators wanting to declare
war against Spain, which is in control of Cuba and being upset over the loss of the Maine which dropped anchor in Havana harbor.
Also about the DeLome incident, not described. President McKinley is
considering an armistice proposition that came from Spain.]
AN ALLEGHENY ACCIDENT - One Man Will Probably Die - Three
Seriously Hurt - Special to the Reporter - Pittsburg [sic], March 29 -
By a cave in at an oven at the plant of the Pennsylvania Car Wheel Co.
Allegheny this morning three workmen - Morgan Smith, Thomas Farrell and
H. A. Cochran - were seriously injured and another, Albert Neel, a
carpenter, will probably die. They were buried beneath tons of brick and
Local Glances -
Oil closed Tuesday at 71 cents.
John [Roseborough], East Maiden street, is critically ill.
Mrs. Mary A. McKahan, North avenue, appeared to be slightly
improved Tuesday.
WASHINGTON SCHOOLS - Report for the Month Which Ended Monday - The
Washington schools closed another month Monday. The directors held a
meeting Monday evening, but nothing of importance was done. Here is the
report of the east side schools: PRIMARY DEPARTMENT.
Colored, Miss Workman - Enrollment, 46; average attendance, 38;
per cent of attendance, 85.
11 D Miss Young - Enrollment, 51; average attendance, 43; per cent
of attendance, 88; new pupils, 3.
1 D Miss Nolan - Enrollment, 51; average attendance, [42 ? or 43
?]; per cent of attendance, 91.
11 C - Miss Carroll - Enrollment, 42; average attendance, 37; per
cent of attendance, 93; new pupils, 1.
1 C - Miss [McEnrue ?] - Enrollment, 44; average attendance, 40;
per cent of attendance, 92.
11 B - Miss Ingles - Enrollment, 43; average attendance, 36; per
cent of attendance, 92; new pupils, 1.
11 A - Miss Bell - Enrollment, 45; average attendance, 88; per
cent of attendance, 95; new pupils, 1.
1 A - Miss Leslie - Enrollment, 45; average attendance, 40; per
cent of attendance, [87 or 97]; new pupils, 1.
D - Miss Henry - Enrollment, 57; average attendance, 53; per cent
of attendance, 95; new pupils, 1.
C - Miss Gilmore - Enrollment, 36; average attendance, 34; per
cent of attendance, 97.
B - Miss McCartney - Enrollment, 35; average attendance, [22 or 32
?]; per cent of attendance, 94.
A - Miss Gantz - Enrollment, 36; average attendance, 34; per cent
of attendance, [96 ?].
HIGH SCHOOL - A. A. Hayes, Miss Turner, Miss Hart, Miss Ankrom -
Enrollment, 78; average attendance, 74; per cent of attendance, 99.
The report for the west side schools follows:
III D - Miss Jones - Enrollment, 49; average attendance, 42; per
cent of attendance, 82.
II D - Miss Seaman - Enrollment, 49; average attendance, 44; per
cent of attendance, 89.
I D - Miss Frazier - Enrollment, 50; average attendance, 44; per
cent of attendance,92.
II C - Miss Hall - Enrollment, 47; average attendance, 42; per
cent of attendance, 94; new pupils, 2.
I C - Miss Aiken - Enrollment, 51; average attendance, 46; per
cent of attendance, 89.
II B - Miss Woodward - Enrollment, 45; average attendance, 42; per
cent of attendance, 91.
I B - Miss Hildebrand - Enrollment, 46; average attendance, 44;
per cent of attendance, 96.
A - Mrs. Young - Enrollment, 42; average attendance, [38 ?]; per
cent of attendance, 92.
D - Miss Wise - Enrollment, 53; average attendance, 48; per cent
of attendance, 95.
C - Miss Ruple - Enrollment, 38; average attendance, 37; per cent
of attendance, 97.
B - Miss Little - Enrollment, 33; average attendance, 29; per cent
of attendance, 94.
A - Miss Freeby - Enrollment, 34; average attendance, 33; per cent
of attendance, 97; new pupils, 1.