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The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1890
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Apr. 9, 1890, page unknown:
South Strabane Items - Correspondence of the
Reporter, April 8. -
Thos. Ross is lying very ill with pneumonia at his home in Strabane.
The South Strabane literary society, which has been flourishing
the past winter closes next Friday evening with a grand exhibition.
Miss Mary Hootman, who has been teaching school the past winter in
Carroll township, returned home Saturday.
The young people gave a supper to J. L. Brady and lady on last
Friday evening; owing to the inclemency of the weather not half the
invited company were present.
Mr. Samuel DeNormandie and wife spent Sabbath day with Mrs.
DeNormandie's parents, near Strabane.
J. E. Hootman & Co. have opened a store in Strabane; they will
keep everything usually called for in a country store.
Advertisements -
At J. [M. ?] Neff's - No. 108 South Main street, a complete line
of plumber's supplies, bath tubs, water closets, sinks, boilers, gas
fixtures, pumps, etc. at prices that are as cheap as anybody. Glad to
show you the goods.
[ I. or J. ??] C. Ryan, merchant tailor, can save you money in the
purchase of a suit of clothes.
Hull's ladies fine shoes are beauties and cheap.
Have just received another fine collection of etchings. They range
in price from $3 up to $100 each. - A. B. Caldwell.
L. B. Sharp - [grocery store - copy is too blurred on this Xerox]
Vowell's drug store
_. M. Sharp - clothing and goods
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 18, 1890, page unknown:
A. T. Baird & Co.
[can't read one ad]
For Less. All
kinds of lake fish at J. Conner's, 117 North Main street.
[can't read one ad]
The Perfection Cook Pot.
Granite lined, for sale by Mitchell & Seaman, is the best on
the market.
S_____ and honest workmen, good work, honest work
and square work are all combined in my shoes.
Spring stock on shelves. J.
Shan Margerum.
Matchless Repeating Air Rifle.
And the Daisy single shot gun.
Just the thing for shooting cats, sparrows, rats, frogs and
candidates. Very cheap.
Mitchell and Seaman.
Men's fine, medium and working shoes.
H. Hull.
[one skipped - no names]
Ice Cream. Day
and Evening, at J. M. Thompson's, No. 151 South Main street.
Ice Cream. Polites'
if you wish a dish of ice cream.
Sheep Shearers Wanted.
To buy their wool twine at Mitchell & Seaman's.
Also sheep shears and other implements needed for use on the
[next one too blurred to read]
Closing out a large stock of
Smyrna rugs. Now is the time
to secure a bargain, at G. W. Robert's drug store, Washington, Pa,
Advertisements -
Will have - Fresh, Saturday morning, Asparagus,
Cucumbers, Rhubarb, Lettuce, Radishes.
- A. T. Baird & Co.
Arrived ! Mantel
Folding beds at - F. Herrmann's.
For Sale - One three-roomed [caps] frame house
[caps] on Fayette street, West End: good well of water.
Also house on corner of Ewing and McCarrell avenues; lot, 150x45.
Inquire of Wendle [Barger ?] - Fayette St., or at B. & O.
Granite State ____ and Loan meets [Saturday ?],
April [19th ?]. All delinquent share holders are requested to settle
their dues or their stock will be canceled as the treasurer has to make
his report. - F. Herrmann, [35 ?] East Wheeling Street.
W. H. Hixon, Auctioneer.
Can be found at J. M. [Thompson's ?], No. [1_2] South Main
street, on Monday and Tuesday of each week.
[rest of Ad is too blurred on this Xerox to read].