History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1888
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 1888, page unknown:
Advertisements - L. H. Draner and T. E. Redman - Plumbing and
Gasfitting - South Main St. 4 under C. W. Adams
J. H. Doyle - gents' clothing - 3rd floor rear Boyle's Building
opposite the Court House
Hayes and Wilson - Horse Shoeing - North Franklin St.
W. _. Rutledge - Steel Wire Door Mat
Also long list of Sheriff's sales and Borough Officers elections -
but too faint on copy to read them.
Article from The Daily Reporter, Washington Co., Pa., Tues., Feb.
21, 1888, page unknown:
Geo. Polites - grocery
Brown & Son - cough drops [druggists?]
J. M. Thompson's - grocery
A. T. Baird & Co. - grocery
A. D. Coffey's millinery store - re: a house in Fairview to rent
Geo. Davis - [possibly hardware type store
Rettig & Chartees Stable - new car load of Iowa horses - sale
Thurs. Mar. 1, 1888
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Feb. 28, 1888, page unknown:
M. A. Ames took his wife to Pittsburg[sic] to see an oculist to
see if her eyesight can be restored and left her there for
Also AMES name appears in The Observer newspaper
on Sept. 27, 1878 [article not Xeroxed].