History of and Other Families (o_f) from
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Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1887 Page 1
Articles from The Weekly Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., July 23, 1887, page unknown: [The following
combines 2 Xeroxes made from 2 sections of the same page of the
newspaper.] [top of column cut off on xerox]
Co. H
practiced guard mounting at the college park Tuesday evening, in the
presence of a number of spectators.
Bailey has the coolest room in town at his restaurant. Patent fans run
by steam do the business.
Wm. Cockins
and daughter, of Leavenworth, Kansas, are guests of Mr. C.'s brother,
John L. Cockins, Canonsburg.
A cow on
Sunday last gored and severely injured a twelve year old daughter of C.
Buckingham, of near Zollarsville.
Wiley &
Son, undertakers, have purchased two very handsome casket pedestals,
covered with broadcloth and satin with nickel corner pieces.
"Twenty-eight rats were captured in a [boss ?] trap at the
residence of Nelson Vankirk, this place, Tuesday night. The hot weather
will not trouble them any more.
Lieut. Col.
J. M. Kent, Waynesburg, of the 10th Regiment, has tendered his
resignation, which has been accepted. His successors will be elected at
an early date.
Parties are
in the habit of riding hurriedly out West Maiden street, on horse back,
much to the danger of pedestrians. On Tuesday a little child was nearly
run over by one of them.
Mrs. Fammy
McGahey has made application for a divorce from her husband, Thomas
McGahey, through her next best friend, S. M. H. Bebout. The parties
reside in South Strabane township.
Mr. Speers,
of near lock No. 4, one of the engineers on the steamer J. G. Blaine,
has been laid up at his home from sickness for the past three weeks. He
is able to be up, and we hope will soon resume his station.
Moundsville campmeeting [sic] will be in full blast on the 3rd of
August. The groves have been improved and a large auditorium erected.
The special attractions this year are the Revs. Sam Jones and Sam Small.
During a
family quarrel at the home of Jas. McDonald, colored, on Tuesday, Mrs.
McDonald threw a quantity of concentrated lye into her husband's face. A
physician rendered the necessary aid.
Mr. T.
Rider, Fallowfield, while engaged at the Devore sawmill, on the Carson
farm a few days since, had his foot twisted and lacerated by the
circular saw. He was pushing a truck back with his foot at the time.
A member of
the borough council, one of the representatives of the council ward,
requests us to state that unless the parties who have been making a
practice of dumping filth, &c., in the rear of the old graveyard,
discontinue the same, they will be prosecuted.
Simonton and wife, who have been travelling in Europe during the year
past, landed in New York, on Sunday. They will make a short visit to
Judge Simonton, a brother of Prof. Simonton, in Bedford, Pa., and will
arrive in Washington about Saturday evening.
McDonald correspondent of the [italics] Argus [italics] says: - John S.
Willets, the notorious faith cure apostle, has returned to Midway and
taken possession of the street corner near J. S. McCarty's, where he
exhibits his panorama and lecture every evening on the terrible things
that will occur in the near future.
Clem Brady,
grandson of Jesse Jordan, was stricken down in the harvest field on the
farm of Isaac Dayer [NOTE- i. e. Dager], Amwell township, on Wednesday.
He was conveyed to the house, and a physician summoned, who pronounced
him suffering from sunstroke. On Thursday he had recovered enough to be
brought to the home of his grandfather in this place.
Garrett, the president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company,
writes to Mr. Singerly, of the Philadelphia [italics] ? Record ?
[italics] that all negotiations for the consolidation of that road with
others are at an end, the syndicate failing to meet their engagement.
The B & O Railroad and Telegraph are just as they were at the
[Next entry is
too blackened and fuzzy to read - it is about fixing the eastern wall of
the Washington public school building which was erected about 30 yrs.
ago and had a crooked wall when it was finished. The rest is
[The next column is also cut off at the top]
Mrs. John
Paxton, of Clokey, and sister, Mrs. Robert Arnold, of Houstonville,
returned on Wednesday from a week's visit to friends in Dallas, W. Va.
Wm. M.
stevenson, of the Pittsburgh [italics] Commercial [italics] Staff, son
of Rev. Ross Stevenson, this place, left Wednesday for a month's sojourn
along the St, Lawrence.
A son
of Policeman Greer while out hunting, on Tuesday, had a shot gun to
burst in his hands. Fortunately the break was so near the muzzle that
the boy sustained no injury.
The rains
of Wednesday night filled Pigeon Creek to overflowing, swelling the
streams also in the neighborhood of Kammerer. In that vicinity a number
of fences and bridges were washed away.
case of barratry against Capt. Wishart and others of the Law and Order
Society at Pittsburgh was dismissed at the hearing, and the prosecutor,
O'Conner, arrested and jailed for perjury.
McCabe, formerly of Paris this county, who has been engaged for a number
of years in the Post Office Department at Washington, D.C., was last
week made chief of the Contract Department at a salary of $1,600.
colored man was arrested by the police as a suspicious character.
Burgess Hazlett gave him five hours to get out of town. He is said to
fill the description of the man who attempted to burgularize Dr. Davis'
house last Sunday night."
string of oaths uttered by a young man at Mt. Morris, Greene county, a
few days since, cost him $23.60. An indignant citizen had counted the
oaths and made information against the young man. [NOTE: fined for
Willie, the
12-year-old son of Dr. W. L. McCleary broke his left arm while visiting
his uncle, Cal McCleary, in East Finley township, Wednesday. He was
thrown from an ox on which he was riding and trampled on.
Owing to
the sudden illness of Rev. J. R. Foulkes, the first issue of the Prohibition
Standard, at Claysville, will not make its appearance until next
week. Mr. Foulkes has passed the crisis in his sickness and hopes to be
at his post soon.
On Sabbath,
the 17th, a storm of wind and rain struck the Hoe farm of Jacob Swagler,
near Scenery Hill. It blew down twelve hay stacks in one meadow and
scattered them in every direction; it also blew down his oats that was
not cut and damaged it considerably.
Mrs. Lilly
Allender, of [TenMile ?], had Wm. Parker and Susan Morrow arrested on a
charge of assault and battery, Thursday evening. Unless the case is
compromised sooner the accused will be given a hearing at 4 p. m.
The police
were notified Friday morning to look out for Maggie Thompson, one of the
inmates of Morganza, who escaped from that institution on Thursday
night. Detective Fryer of Morganza and Policeman Redman captured her and
the former will take her back.
Farnsworth, of Clarion, Pa., was married on the 20th instant to Miss
Laura Gahey, of Speer's post-office, Washington county, Pa. The nuptials
took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Farnsworth is a
soldier of the regular army. He is stationed in Dakota territory.
[Column Three is cut off on the top and bottom, therefore I cannot
list all names. The story is about a murder case (deceased is a woman)
where they are empanelling a jury. This *may* have been a case moved
from Hancock county, *if* I am reading it correctly.] Twenty jurors were
questioned. Here are the names of some of the jurors that I can read:
John Melvin, Jr. - accepted
Geo. Lambert - accepted
David Ralston - excused
J. W. Johnson - excused
Edward W. Hart - accepted
R. A. Shay - accepted
Wm. Allison - opposed to capital punishment - excused
Geo. Prosser - distant relationship to the murdered woman - excused
Robert O. [Taylor ?] - excused
Edward Carothers - accepted
Wm. A. [Jenter ???] - [can't read]
Robert Wilson, Cumberland - [can't read]
[cannot read any other names]
"List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at
Washington, Pa. on Tuesday, August 2, 1887: [caps added by typist]
John McNAIR,
Jacob NAH**, Jas. L. DAVIS,
John M. CLARK,
[E. ? S. ?] HULL,
Chas. R. SHINE,
Cabin [H. ? B. ?] NEELY,
Wm. McKAY,
"Mrs. James [DAGGS ?],
Mrs. Fannie McGUFFIN,
Mrs. Elizabeth HARTLEY,
Mrs. Catherine LOVEJOY,
Mrs. Lottie [BANKO ? HANK_ ?],
Mrs. Thos. W. CHAMBERS,
Misses H. M. WOLF,
Carrie McCARN**?,
Sophie M. MARSHALL, Mil** J. *ONTLEY [?MONTLEY ?].
"Persons calling for the above please give date of
advertisement." |
Articles from the The Weekly Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Tuesday, August 2, 1887:
[Advertisement] - "Wm. Smith and Son - Clearing
Sale of Clothing - [rest cut off this Xerox].
"[caps] Canton Township School Tax [caps]" -
[excerpt] the undersigned will be at Clark's Schoolhouse on Sat., Sept.
17th, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., for payment of school tax... W. W.
WEIRICH, Treasurer.
[excerpt only] "For Sale or Rent - In Beallsville,
Pa., on Main Street, Two Lots, running back to an alley. On one lot
there is a large two-story [caps] brick dwelling [caps]. On the corner
lot is a very large [caps] livery stable [caps]. All in good order.
Anyone wishing to engage in the livery business, this would be a good
opening. Also, for rent, a [caps] store room [caps], now occupied as a
clothing store, on corner of Main and Maiden street. Inquire of W. B.
FLICK, Beallsville, Pa."
"House and Lot at Public Sale - I will offer at
Public Sale, Saturday, August 20th, 1887, My house and lot, situate in
Claysville, Washington county, Pa. House two stories, 16x32 feet, two
rooms back, 12x18; six rooms in all. The house is very convenient for
two families.
at the same time and place I will offer a pasture lot of about 2 acres
and one-half very convenient to the above named property. This property
will be sold at a bargain. Sale to begin at ten o'clock, when terms will
be made known. W. G. PATTERSON, Claysville, Pa."
"[caps] Public Sale [caps] of Valuable Real Estate
! ! The undersigned, executors of the estate of [caps] Jacob Weirich
[caps], deceased, late of Franklin township, Washington county, Pa.,
will expose at public sale, on Thursday, September 8, 1887, At 1 o'clock
p. m., the following described real estate, viz: The homestead farm,
containing [106 ?] acres, more or less, on the National road, four miles
west of Washington. The improvements consist of a comfortable [caps]
house [caps] of seven rooms; new barn; good orchard. The land is of good
quality and well watered. [caps] Terms [caps] made known on day of sale.
- [W. A. ?] ELY, Israrl [sic] WEIRICH, Executors, Washington, Pa."
"[caps] A Good Farm [caps] ! At [caps] Private Sale
[caps] ! In the supposed Oil and Gas Belt of North Western Washington
County, Pa. - The farm of Miss Eleanor Orr, situate in Cross Creek
township, near Patterson's Mill, containing about [bold] 137 1/2 Acres
[bold]. About 100 acres in a good state of cultivation...." [rest
cut off of this Xerox copy]"
"Sheriff's Sale - [caps added to names by typist] -
By virtue of a writ of Fiera Facias, issued out of the Court of common
Pleas, of Washington county, and to me directed, upon which inquisition
and exemption have been waived, there will be exposed at public sale in
front of the Court House, in the borough of Washington, Washington
county, Pa., on Monday, the 15th day of August, 1887, at 1:30 o'clock p.
m., of said day, the following described real estate: "All the
right, title and interest of the defendant B. F. RYAN in and to a
certain tract of land, situate in Amwell township, Washington county,
Pa., bounded and described as follows: Adjoining lands of WASHINGTON
containing fourteen acres, more or less, upon which are erected a Log
Dwelling House and other buildings. "Taken in execution as the
property of R. F. RYAN at the suit of WM. L. DILLE for the use of H. K.
BELL, now for use of WM. L. DILLE. - - J. T. HEMPHILL, Sheriff. -
Sheriff's Office, Washington, Pa."
"Sheriff's Sale - [caps added to names by typist] -
By virtue of a writ of Fiera Facias, issued out of the Court of common
Pleas, of Washington county, and to me directed, upon which inquisition
and exemption have been waived, there will be exposed at public sale in
front of the Court House, in the borough of Washington, Washington
county, Pa., on Monday, the 15th day of August, 1887, at 1:30 o'clock p.
m., of said day, the following described real estate: "All the
right, title and interest of the defendant ORLANDO MITCHELL and MARK
MITCHELL, administrators of HIRAM MITCHELL, deceased, in and to a
certain tract of land, situate in Bentleysville, Washington county, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: Adjoining lands of THOMAS RICHARDSON,
JOHN FEN*TERS and A. J. McCORMACK, containing five acres, more or less.
No improvements. "Taken in execution as the property of ORLANDO
MITCHELL and MARK MITCHELL, administrators of HIRAM MITCHELL, deceased,
at the suit of JOHN _. JONES, administrator of [JAMES ?] JONES,
deceased. - - J. T. HEMPHILL, Sheriff. - Sheriff's Office, Washington,
"Sheriff's Sale - [caps added to names by typist] -
By virtue of a writ of Fiera Facias, issued out of the Court of common
Pleas, of Washington county, and to me directed, upon which inquisition
and exemption have been waived, there will be exposed at public sale in
front of the Court House, in the borough of Washington, Washington
county, Pa., on Monday, the 15th day of August, 1887, at 1:30 o'clock p.
m., of said day, the following described real estate: "All the
right, title and interest of G. W. DICKEY and JAMES H. DICKEY, in and to
a certain tract of land, situate in Donegal, Washington county, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: Adjoining lands of JOHN G. POGUE, JOHN
M. ______ [rest of article cut off this Xerox copy]"
Article from the The Weekly Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 3, 1887, page unknown:
"Centreville [sic] - Miss Jesse Hawkins of Beallsville is visiting
friends in town: Miss Mattie Seaman, of Washington is visiting relatives
here also. FRITZ "