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Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1879 Page 2
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter,
Mar. 8, 1879, page unknown:
[title cut off?] Messrs. S. B. & C. Hayes are having
different rooms in their carriage manufactory in this borough,
whitewashed and everything about the premises cleaned up in anticipation
of an improved trade. They recently added to their working force;
from inquiries that have been made concerning lumber and carriages it is
believed the beginning of good times is at hand. There is a demand
for lumber which they supply indicating that considerable building will
be done the coming summer.
Beallsville Items - For the Reporter,
- Mrs. Siminton, formerly of this place, is visiting friends here.
- There will be an entertainment here on Monday night.
- Mitchell Duvall will be sent to Dixmont again.
- Baker Brothers have purchased [the] Horn Brothers store in
- Wilson Holland, of Centerville, has rented S. B. Holland's house
and will move here in April. He is going to open a boot and shoe
- Ed Springer and Misses Elmira Springer and Jennie McDonough, have
returned from Ohio.
- [from correspondent]- Frank Ellwood
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup 25 cents a bottle
First class Rag Carpet made to order at Catfish Woolen Mills,
Ruple's Alley, near West end of Beau street. - Kennedy Bros.
Another fresh arrival of the great Bonanzas Stoves, at J. J.
Jordan's, very cheap.
If you want good bread boy Victor flour. It will make
more bread, whiter bread, and is more palatable, more nutritious than
any flour in Western Pennsylvania. It is made at the Washington
Flouring Mills from pure Flint wheat.
[last one unreadable on my copy]