History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1876
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1876, page unknown:
Wednesday the 23d day of August 1876 - Account of L. F. Baker, Esq.
guardian of Joseph Walker
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
16, 1876, page unknown:
Wednesday, The 23rd Day of August 18th - for conformation and
allowance. - A G. Day, Register. Register's, Washington, Pennsylvania,
July __, 1876.
Account of Charles Weir, guardian of the minor children of children
Christian Hagar, dec'd. Account of J. P. Wood, executor of the will of
Mary J. Shane, dec'd.
Account of L. F. Baker, Esq. guardian of Joseph Walker.
Account of John Kelley as A. J. Motgomery, administrators of Hon.
William Montgomery, dec'd.
Account of M. S. Longdon, guardian of Mary M. Longdon.
Account of Levi Dague, guardian of Eschel M. Dague.
Account of R. H. McNay and J. M. Sprowls, executors of Jas. McNay, dec'd.
Account of David Ritchey, executor of Elizabeth Ritchey, deceased.
Account of W. C. Campbell, administrator of James Fielding, deceased.
Account of Rebecca McConshey, executrix of [B. ?] K. McConahey,
Account of Melissa Snee, administratrix of Wm. S. Snee, dec'd.
Account of Nelson Phillips, administrator of John Dixon, deceased.
Account of S. P. Riddle, Esq. Trustee to sell the real estate of Wm.
Rankin, deceased.
Account of R. D. Greary, guardian of minor heirs of Aaron A___,
deceased. Account of A. Tucker and A. P. Throckmorton, executor of Thos.
Tucker, dec'd. Account of Azariah Crow, guardian of John K. Rendall.
Account of West Frey, guardian of Wm. H. Vanvoorhis [sic and no caps on
Voorhis]. Account of James Hamilton, guardian of Wm. Slusher.
Account of Thomas Hanna, trustee to see the real estate of Daniel
Sanders, dec'd. Account of Wm. Michner, guardian of minor heirs of John
Deems, dec'd.
Account of Boyd Crumrine, Esq. administrator of Wm. ___ Hayner,
Account of Matthew R. Werch, administrator of Robert McBuracy, dec'd.
Account of Davis McClure, guardian of James E. Devore, now deceased.
Final account of J. M. Thomas, executor of L______ Thomas, dec'd.
Account of R. T. C. Stephenson, executor of Christopher Stephenson,
[rest of article cut off]