History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Son Joseph William Pallini, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pallini, New
Year's Day Baby
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Bavuso, New Year's Day Baby
Tax Exemptions:
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. David Lucas born Dec. 31, 1956
Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Lebois of California Pa Dec. 31, 1956
Two New Year's Babies Born to Area Mothers
Joseph William PALLINI bears the distinction of being the only baby born on
New Year's Day at Charleroi-Monessen Hospital.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pallini, of 1605 Sycamore street [sic],
Monessen [Pa.]. "Little Joe" arrived in the world at 9:11
yesterday morning. He tipped the scales at six pounds and four ounces.
Joe and his mother are doing nicely---and so is "Big Joe".
A New Year's Day baby was born at Monongahela Memorial Hospital. A girl
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dominick BAVUSO, of R. D. 3, Monongahela.
A Belle Vernon father, David LUCAS, of 929 Fayette road [sic], received a
$600 tax exemption when his wife gave birth to a girl at Charleroi-Monessen
Hospital on Dec. 31 [1956], about 15 hours before the 1956 income tax deadline.
Another tax-exemption baby was born to Gaston LeBOIS, of California
[Pa.]. The boy arrived at 7:23 p.m. the day before New Year's.
Researched and typed by Judith Florian, or typed by volunteer
Amy Denecke of New Jersey.