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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
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Pioneer Families of Charleroi PA
Pioneer Families of Charleroi PA
John GREEN Family
From The Charleroi Mail, Charleroi, Washington County,
Pennsylvania, February 19, 1913, page one:
Pioneer of Borough Dead - John Green Dies at Home of His Son - Came Here When Town Was New -- John Green, aged 71 an early settler in Charleroi died at the home of his son, Rudolph Green at 718 Lookout avenue at 5:30 o'clock this morning. He was a prominent member of the Knights of St. George and a well known man throughout the community. One son, Rudolph and four grandsons survive. The wife of Mr. Green died nine years ago.
Funeral services will be held with requium (sic) high mass at 9 o'clock at St. Jerome Catholic church, Saturday morning.
Email if you are related to the GREEN family.
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023