History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
named), probates, deeds, surname finds, family trees, family histories, reunions and other information.
Site Search or Page Search (Ctl Key+F) easily finds items of interest.
Index to Migrations
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800) from Washington Co PA
Hennon, Welch, Dewitt
Early Migrations
(late 1700 to early 1800) to and from Washington Co PA to Shelby Co
Kentucky Brethren Families from Volume C 1809-1811
Migrations to Amwell Twp. Specifically
Page 1
From Boyd Crumrine County History.
to Amwell Twp. Specifically Page 2 From Boyd Crumrine County History.
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800) from Washington Co PA
to Jefferson Co., Ohio Vol. A 1788-1806
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800) from Washington Co PA
to Jefferson Co., Ohio
Volume B 1806-1809
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800) from Washington Co PA
to Jefferson Co., Ohio
Volume C 1809-1811
Early Migrations
(late 1700 to early 1800) from Washington Co PA to Jefferson Co., Ohio
Volume C 1809-1811
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800) from Washington Co PA
White-Richardson and Van Scyoc-Patterson
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early
1800) from Washington Co PA Jerman-Anderson Family
Early Migrations
(late 1700 to early 1800) to and from Washington Co PA Wm Keys and Christine Graham Keys to Washington County PA
Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800) to and from Washington Co PA Lane
Family with some migrations
to Ripley Co Indiana and Carroll County Ohio
Early Migrations (late 1700
to early 1800) from Washington Co PA Lovett Family to Carroll County