History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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NOTE: WC-PA = Washington County PA
Migrations to Amwell Twp. Specifically
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From Boyd Crumrine.
"In 1773 fifteen or twenty families from
Morris County, N.J. (some of whom were descendants of the Puritans),
emigrated with their families to the Ten-Mile region. Among these were
the Cooks, Lindleys, and others." - to Amity PA
Presbyterian faith
Driven out by Indians in 1774 but returned in 1775
Henry Wick, second son of Lemuel Wick, married Hannah
Source: Boyd Crumrine History of... - Amwell
1812 left Amity |
Youngstown, OH. His brothers and sisters had
also moved to Ohio. |
The children of Henry and Hannah Wick (7)
1.Caleb, 2.Lemuel, Jr. 3.Henry Jr., 4.Hugh B., 5. Paul 6.Elizabeth,
7.Matilda L. Wick. Hugh B. and Caleb Wick died & buried at Youngstown, where they left large and wealthy families. |
About the year 1768 five brothers—Jesse,
Nathan, Isaac, Ellis, and Joseph Bane—came to Amwell township, whither
they had emigrated from the West Branch of the Potomac River in
Virginia, to which section they had migrated from New England. The
father of this family was a native of Scotland, and the mother was from
Wales. The sister, Elizabeth, who came with them became the wife of
James Tucker, a furnace-man and moulder, who died about 1818. Jesse,
Nathan, Isaac, and Ellis Bane all settled upon adjoining farms one mile
west of Amity village, in this township, but Joseph preferred the life
of a hunter and did not invest largely in landed estate. |
The Banes stayed in Washington Co PA except:
"Ellis Bane in time removed from his home in Amwell township to
Ryerson's Station, in Greene County,[PA] very near the State line,
and died there, leaving a number of children."
"Joseph Bane, one of the five brothers Bane, never married."
He served in the militia. Died in Kentucky.
Some Bane descendants (2st born generation in Washington PA) moved
"The Bane families were all Baptists,
and were the prime movers in the organization and establishment of the
church of that denomination, which is called the Ten-Mile Baptist
Church, one and one-half miles west of Amity." |
"In the autobiography of Thaddeus Dodd,
written in 1764 (published by the Rev. Cephas Dodd, in the
Presbyterian Magazine, August, 1854), he says, 'I was born near Newark,
N. J., on the 7th of March, 1740 [O.S.]. From there my
parents removed to Mendham, N. J., where the greater part of my life was
spent.' "
Daniel Dodd, a brother of the Rev. Thaddeus Dodd, came out to this
country soon after his brother, and settled near him. His name is
mentioned in the survey of Jacob Cook and others as adjoining them. He
purchased land which Nehemiah Scott patented, and where the village of
Amity now stands, and laid out that town in 1797.
"Through the winter of 1776-77 he
suffered from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. But in the
month of March, though still feeble, he started upon a journey to the
West. After preaching in parts of Virginia and Maryland, he crossed the
mountains, visited the settlements on Georges Creek, Muddy Creek, and
Dunlap's Creek, and then came to Ten-Mile. He remained here until
August, preaching in private houses, in the woods, and in Lindley's and
Bell's Forts."
" is not known that he visited this place again until he
brought his family and settled down permanently in the fall of 1779, one
hundred years ago. In the interval he had not been idle but busily
engaged in preaching the gospel in the adjacent parts of Virginia and
Maryland, where no churches seem to have been then organized, at least
there were no church buildings, as all the services were held at private
houses or in the woods. He was entreated to remain, and inducements
apparently stronger than any held out by Ten-Mile were brought to bear
upon him, but he had given his pledge to the people here; his heart was
here, and hither he came in September, 1779."
Thaddeus Dodd's children stayed in Washington
"Daniel Dodd married Charity Freeman, and had one son and six
daughters, --Mary, Ziba, Phebe, Azuba, and Sarah. They all removed West."
except the son, Daniel Freeman Dodd, who stayed and named his son as
Daniel Freeman Dodd also.
"It is evident from this that Mr. Dodd
first resided in what is now Morris township, near the Lindleys, and
from the survey books of the county it is found that he took out a
warrant for a tract of land on the middle fork of Ten-Mile Creek, which
was surveyed to him Nov. 22, 1786, as "Tusenheim," contains
four hundred acres. On this tract he lived till his death, which
occurred May 20, 1793." |