The Hunter Family Bible
Record of Deaths:
Photo by Rosalie Hunter Harrison

Prepared March 10, 2005
By Bob Sweeney
For the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Project

This page is devoted to presenting and recording text, pictures and anecdotes from and about bibles from northern Pennsylvania families. The Family Bible was much more than a religious document for the settlers and their children who came and lived in the communities along Loyalsock Creek, Muncy Creek and the Susquehanna River. Births, baptisms, mariages and deaths were recorded in these old books. Important letters, deeds, and other paraphernalia were often inserted into the pages of the Bible. Just look at the way in which the Wentzell Family Bible was recovered and conserved as an example of what we are talking about.

Here is a brief listing in order of the families whose bible records we'll be discussing, looking at and transcribing in part on this page:

Samuel Rogers
Isaac Rogers
Warburton Family Bible
Ferrel, Streby, Bird and Wakefield Bible
Rowe Bible
Charles and Catherine Streevy Bible

We'll add more as time goes by and information comes our way.

Sometimes bibles are recovered in conditions of near destruction. See, for example. the story of the recovery of the Samuel Rogers Family Bible at Old Reunions of Yesteryear, and the pictures shown with it. Note that this bible is to be distinguished from that kept by Isaac Rogers, a gradnson of Samule Rogers, and also recovered, as we discuss below. The Samuel Rogers Family Bible was saved by Jane Yaples and then restored as best possible by Ernie Hatton. Other times, bibles are recovered in much better condition, witness the previously mentioned Wentzell Family Bible. But even those lucky stories are somewhat amazing. It is just difficult to imagine under what circumstances anyone would either throw away an old bible or put it out for bid at a yard sale. However, that is exactly how many of these treasures are found and recovered.

Other bibles are preserved in fairly pristine condition. For example, look at the Secules Family Bible, also posted on the Old Reunions page. The original handwriting of those who incribed the information, perhaps Sarah (Flick) Secules herself, seems almost new. Another good example of a well preserved bible is the Cogansparger Family Bible in the possession of Elmira, NY descendants of that early German-American family of Bradford and Sullivan Counties.

The frontispiece on this page shows one page of the Hunter Family Bible. The bible is in the hands of the brother of Rosalie Hunter Harrison who made copies of the bible pages and sent them to her cousin, Dawn Fenton, for the Sullivan County Genealogical Page. We are grateful to Dawn and Rosalie for making the three pages shown here and the information on them available for local family research and history. Dawn is the great-great-great granddaughter of John and Margaret Hunter, the couple that first came to Sullivan county. She descends through John S. Hunter, George McClellan Hunter, and Flora Hunter (her biological grandmother). Flora died when Dawn's mother was only six months old. So, Flora's brother Milton Hunter and his wife, Pearl (Kunzman) adopted and raised Dawn's mom. Therefore, her biological great-uncle Milton is her adoptive grandfather. It turns out that Flora was married twice, first to David Bennett and then to Walter Walker, about whom Dawn knows mext to nothing. Her mother was born Bertha Melvina Walker.

The late Rosalie Hunter Harrison * also contributed photos of the records page of the Hess Family Bible. You can see these images below. This is a family that is entwined with the Hunters. The two bibles have been in the family "forever". When her parents moved about year and half ago, they gave them to her brother. It turns out Dawn and Rosalie share the same ancestors, except that Rosalie is one generation closer to the founder. Her great-grandfather, George Washington Hunter, had nine brothers and sisters, one of them being John S. Hunter, the ancestor of Dawn Fenton. Rosalie's parents are Elmer and Bernadyne (Goss) Hunter. Her dad's parents are Thomas Clement and Mabel Ette (Sawyer) Hunter. Then her great grandparents were George Washington and Margaret (Hess) Hunter. So, her great-great grandparents were John Hunter and Margaret Sheep Hunter, the original couple in this area. She can also trace back some of her Hess ancestors. Her great-great grandfather, George C. Hess, and his wife, Susannah (Remely) Hess, are both buried at the same cemetery at St. Gabriel Episcopal Cemetery just north of Benton, Columbia County, PA.. She has pictures of them, which we hope she will make availabe to this page in time. Rosalie's parents were still with us in March 2005, her father at age 86 and her mother at 77.

* Editor's Note: On October 9, 2010, Rosalie passed away after a long battle with colon cancer. At the request of her mother, we post the following tune in respect of her family: Your First Day in Heaven. We will all miss Rosalie and her positive attitude through it all.

In May 2005, Helen Gammon Smith graciously provided our site with the following genealogical history of the Hess family. She had a copy of a very old Hess pedigee made by Mrs. Ellis (Minnie) Remely. It lists the children of George Hess and Susanne Remely:

Margaret, married George Hunter
Nancy, married Boyd Cole
Clarence, married Reba Harvey
Alfred, married ____ Fritz

From the beginning of the recorded line, the sequence would be:

Jerrimias and Anna _______ Hess
Johann Conrad and Anna Maria (Best) Hess
Johann Wilhelm/William and Anna Catharine (Goddard) Hess
John, Sr. and Charity (Cole) Hess
John, Jr. and Nancy (Spencer) Hess
George C. and Susan (Remely) Hess
George and Margaret (Hess) Hunter

There are also many references to the Hess family in the early history of the Lutheran Church in northeastern Pennsylvania, which you can find in excerpts from the 1911 Pennsylvania German Magazine.

Lets' now get back to the Hunter history. John and Margaret (Sheep) Hunter and their family were among the very earliest settlers in the southeastern part of what is now Sullivan County. John and Margaret were married on January 10, 1827, per the marriage records shown below, and must have moved north shortly thereafter. If you look at the map on the top page for this site, you will see "John Hunter" listed among the "Early Settlers".

Thomas Ingham's 1899 History of Sullivan County recounts that:

The part of Davidson known as the Elk Lick settlement was an unbroken forest until 1823, when James Rogers and a Mr. Wilson first explored it. The next year they cut a road from the Susquehanna and Tioga turnpike, and moved in with their families. In 1826, John Keeler moved there with his family and soon after that John Hiddleson, Edmund Pennington, John R. Pennington, Christopher Speary, Samuel Speary, John Hunter, Robbins and a few others moved there. It was some time before they had a road to connect them with the Crawley-Anderson settlement.

The 1955 Historical Hodge-Podge history of the area tells us that:

John Hunter and family came from Columbia County while the district was part of Lycoming and settled on what later became part of Laporte Township. His son John Jr. remained on the farm he had helped to clear, married Ann Laird and reared a large family of boys. All these have died and their grandchildren have all become non-resident except Harold who lives in the old Laird home in Davidson at Nordmont. His brother Harry was elected county treasurer but died before his term in office expired. That was in 1941.

According to The Sullivan County Democrat for January 5, 1855, John S. Hunter, son of the founding couple, was married as follows:

John HUNTER married to Miss Ann LAIRD, both of Davidson, on Dec. 21st, by Robert TAYLOR, Esq.

So, the Hunter family goes back to the "beginning of time" in the Davidson/Nordmont area. Presented here for the first time ever in a public domain are the three pages recording the births, deaths and marriages of the Hunter family.

The Hunter Family Bible
Record of Births:
Photo by Rosalie Hunter Harrison

The Hunter Family Bible
Record of Deaths:
Photo by Rosalie Hunter Harrison

The Hunter Family Bible
Record of Marriages:
Photo by Rosalie Hunter Harrison

Here is a list of the relationships written in the Hunter Family Bible:


Elizabeth S. Hunter, May 14, 1829
John S. Hunter, May 28, 1831
James Hunter, March 22, 1833
Josiah C. Hunter, September 29, 1835
Manerva Hunter, April 25, 1838
Hannah J. Hunter, May 1, 1845
Sarah Amanda Hunter, May 9, 1846
Catherine L. Hunter, February 2, 1849
George W. Hunter, December 28, 1851


Elizabeth S. Hunter, April 20, 1862
John Hunter (father), January 25, 1876
Margaret Sheep Hunter (mother), November 24, 1883
John S. Hunter, 1897
James Hunter, date not given
Manerva Hunter, date not given
Mary M. Morris, April 18, 1909
Sarah A. (Hunter) Hess, April 16, 1901
Catherine L. (Hunter) Morris, February 12, 1907
Editor's Note: Rosalie reported in July 2006 that Catherine was the wife of Thomas Morris.
Josiah C. Hunter, April 7, 1923
Hannah (Hunter) Peterman, March 17, 1934
George W. Hunter, February 23, 1938


John and Margaret (Sheep) Hunter, January 10, 1827
Elizabeth S. (Hunter) and James Glidewell, August 8, 1850
Hannah J. (Hunter) and James Peterman, August 3, 1861
John S. and Ann (Laird) Hunter, December 23, 1853*
Manerva (Hunter) and Phillip Hess, December 6, 1858

*Note: Two day discprepancy from the report in the newspaper referenced earlier in this story.

Now let's take a look at the Hess Family Bible. Here are the two images provided by Rosalie:

The Hess Family Bible
Record of Births:
Photo by Rosalie Hunter Harrison

The Hess Family Bible
Record of Deaths:
Photo by Rosalie Hunter Harrison

Here is a list of the relationships written in the Hess Family Bible:


Alfred Hess, October 9, 1861
Frances Minerva Hess, November 11, 1866
Rizzie Alice Hess, August 4, 1886
George Oral Hess, September 19, 1898
Hazel Hess, December 29, 1889
Ralph E. Hess, July 7, 1891
(Lenna) Adella Hess, August 14, 1893
Nancy Ethel Hess, February 18, 1897
Alfred Larue Hess, June 21, 1901
Lois Catharine Hess, January 27, 1905
Mary Vonda Hess, June 9, 1908


Hazel Hess, October 13, 1890
Nancy Ethel Hess, November 29, 1910
Rizzie Alice (Hess) Ash, August 26, 1924
Ralph Ernest Hess, March 17, 1925

While we have not yet uncovered the relationships among these ancestors, we do know that the Hess, Hunter, Peterman, Ash, Hunsinger and Messersmith families were related by marriage in Columbia County, PA, just to the south of Sullivan County. Many of these families lived in that area before and after they entere Sullivan County. A superb introduction to these relationships, many pictures, and a visually very stimulating overview of twelve cemeteries in Columbia County was organized by Susan Messersmith, but the site became disabled in 2006. It was located at Cemeteries of Columbia County. An alternative site is Columbia County Cemetery Records, which is part of the PAGENWEB sie for this county hosted by Terri Cook.

The Marbaker Family Bible came to our attention in the Spring of 2008. A descendant of the Marbaker family living in California, Martha Walker, came into the Bible, several photos and other materials. She provided copies to Carol Brotzman of Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, PA, a regular contributor to the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page site. It is through the agency of Carol that we are able to present these items here. Ironically, and perhaps difficult to believe but one more of those small coincidences that come down through history, the Marbakers lived in Tuscarora in the 1800's and, even more coincidentally, they lived in the very house that Carol and her husband came to live in. The Brotzman family succeeded to the house after the Marbakers departed in 1902. Eventually, the original house burned down in 2004. Photos of the house taken in 1893 and 1955, respectively, are shown below.

The Marbaker Family House
Clapper Hill, Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, PA
June 1893
Photo by Carol Brotzman
Original Source: Marbaker Family Collection Courtesy of Martha Walker

The Brotzman Family House
Clapper Hill, Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, PA
The house burned down in 2004.
Photo by Carol Brotzman

According to Carol:

The old house had four additions made to it. The more recent picture shows the main part where two families raised 12 kids before Elisha Brotzman added the garage, the old house across the road and the woodshed on it to make the what we called the kitchen area.

Martha Walker told Carol that she remembers her grandmother recalling that her brother Charlie rode his horse through the front door, down the center hall, and out the back door of the old house. There is a lady and child at the end of the porch and several people in the yard in the older picture. They are not identified at this time.

You can see more photos of the Brotzman farm and find more links to the area at the Brotzman Site. It turns out that Edward Marbaker, Sr. and his wife, Thankful (Cottrell) Marbaker, were living on this land by 1850. The structure they lived in was farther back in a field from the house shown above, in which Edward Marbaker, Jr. and his wife, Almeda (Wage) Marbaker, came to live by at least 1868. Both these residences are shown on the Tuscarora Township maps for those years, respectively.

A second bible connected with the Marbaker family came to our attention thorugh the efforts of Carol Brotzman. It was apparently originally kept by Martha Elizabeth (Marbaker) Bell, daughter of Luther and Lenora (Smith) Marbaker; Lenora later married C. W. Hibbard. The chain of ownership would have been from Leonora Smith Marbaker Hibbard, wife of Luther Marbaker and Charles Worden Hibbard. She was the mother of Martha Elizabeth Marbaker Bell Rosengrant who was the mother of Cecil Bell *. Evidently, Cecil Bell had the bible next, inherited from his mother. He had no children and left it to Sandra Marie Yurgatis, a great grandchild of Charles Worden Hibbard, who possessed the bible in 2008. It contains the records of the Smith, Hankinson, Marbaker, Bell, Hibbard and related families. You can access the text at the Marbaker/Smith/Hankinson Bible page.

* Editor's Note: In August 2012, Jane Tingley Hunter sent us the following photo and comments on the relationship between Cecil Bell and the Marbaker family. Note the ads for varous "medications" on the wall, including the one behind Daniel promoting a "cure" for constipation!.

Daniel Rosengrant and Cecil Bell
In Daniel's Blacksmith Shop
Wyalusing 1910
Photo Courtesy of Jane T. Hunter
Great Granddaughter of Daniel Rosengrant and Granddaughter of Ruth Susan Rosengrant

Per Jane T. Hunter: I have in my possession a photograph taken circa 1910 that shows my great grandfather, Daniel Rosengrant (1868-1943), son of William Alexander and Susan (Demenda) Rosengrant, in his blacksmithing attire. Beside him, standing on a chair, is a little boy (about 2 or 3 years of age) whom my grandmother identified as "Cecil". I believe this is Cecil M. Bell (1908-1997), son of Judson C. and Martha (Marbaker) Bell. For what it's worth, my grandmother, Ruth Susan Rosengrant, daughter of Daniel and Catherine Rosengrant, lived to be 101 years old. She used to talk about Cecil and wondered what ever happened to him. She used to tell us that she thought Cecil was a half-brother of hers (in other words, that Daniel Rosengrant was his father). Obviously that was not true, but that's what she thought. She also used to say that she was allowed to name Cecil. I find that difficult to believe, but that's what she used to say. Yes, the intertwining marriages are especially difficult, especially when maiden names are not used. My grandmother's mother (Daniel Rosengrant's 2nd wife) was Catherine (1869-1901)...I've heard "Brown" and "McDonald" as maiden names--but no proof. Also, Catherine was married before Daniel to a Van Allen. Daniel, apparently, was married before his marriage to Catherine and had a son, William. After Catherine died, he remarried to Martha Marbaker (1885=1926), who had been married to Judson C. Bell (1882-1941). That is where Cecil Bell came in. Still trying to put all the puzzle pieces together!

Perhaps the most astonishing bible find uncovered in over ten years of administering this page was the location in late 2008 of the nearly 400 year old Warburton Family Bible in rural Kansas. The entire story is related at the Warburton Bible Page. Here is a photograph of what the bible actually looks like today:

Warburton Family Bible
Published in 1639
Side Perspective
Photo Contributed by George Warburton

In 2011, Gary Stemen sent us three photos of the Isaac Rogers Bible. As mentioned above, Isaac was a descendant of the Rogers family that kept the Samuel Rogers Family Bible, so the tradition of using bibles to keep family records was preserved over time in this family. According to Gary, this bible was published by The American Tract Society, and registered with Congress in 1861. It belonged to Isaac, but the date of his acquisition of it is unknown. The entries would indicate acquisition about the time of Isaac's marriage to Amy Nye in 1868, as that appears to be the initial entry. The birth dates of Isaac and Amy would have been entered at that time. The Bible was ultimately passed down to Harry C Rogers, a son of Isaac, who retained possession until his demise in 1981. At that time, Harry's wife Myrtle offered their granddaughters the opportunity to choose something from the family heirlooms as a remembrance. Gary's wife Susan, one of the grandchildren, chose the Issac Rogers Bible. The transcriptions are largely complete and contained in the discussion at The Isaac Rogers Letters, which recounts his correspondence to family back home during the Civil War. Here is that portion of the bible that records the family history:

Isaac Rogers Bible
Family Records

Photos Contributed by Gary Stemen


The next bible came up for auction on eBay in July 2011, and was purchased by Bob Sweeney for conservation and donation to the Sullivan County Historical Society in Laporte, PA. Here is the overview description as it appeared from the seller on eBay. Then, we present photos, courtesy of Lynn Franklin, and transcriptions and comments by Bob and Lynn both:

It is our pleasure to offer this ornate 19th Century Holy Bible containing, among other things, the genealogy of several members the Ferrell, Streby, Bird and Wakeley families.
We acquired this Bible at an antique estate auction in the tiny village of Evergreen, Bradford County, Pa., near the Sullivan County line. The family having the auction was named Hugo *, and I believe the families mentioned here were from Sullivan County and related to them.
* Editor's Note:: On November 22, 2015, we received an e-mail from Brian Strieby, who confirmed that his great aunt, Grace (Strieby) Hugo, owned this bible. Brian administers the online Strieby Genealogy and History site. He is the grandson of Homer Lloyd Strieby, brother to Grace.
Recorded here are the marriage of James R. Ferrell and Adaline (aka "Adeline", "Adalina") Bird in 1878, and others with the last names of Ferrell, Vough, Watts, Streby and Rinebold. Those that are dated run up to 1911. Births of various Ferrells, Manville Vough, two Wakeleys and four Strebys are noted from 1880 to 1932. Deaths are also recorded
Covers are deeply "carved" and decorated with lots of impressed gilt. Five or six ribs on the spine add more character. Unfortunately, the front of the Bible has paint spatters. Color pages, and engraved black and white plates decorate the interior. The covers are rubbed with a little of the leather peeling. Here are photos of the external binding and cover:

The Family Bible of Adeline (Bird) Ferrell
and Descendants ("FSBW" Bible)
Cover and Binding
Photos by Lynn Franklin

Inside, the binding has broken and someone has attempted a crude repair by gluing the text block to the spine. As a result, some of the front pages do not open easily as they should. There also are missing pages, including the title page * in the front of the book. Yet other pages are torn or tattered around the edges, all this back to about page 36. While there are some page-groupings toward the back of the book protruding somewhat and thus tattered, most of the damage seems to be to the first 36 pages. There is also tattering, tears and extra folds to the index section.
The family photo section of four pages is ready to accept CDVs ** and tintypes, but none are included.
Gilt lettering and decoration on the spine and front is strong. All page ends are gilt, though about half of that has faded. Still, this Bible is in fairly good condition for an often-referenced book of this age.
Family Bibles were important parts of 19th Century homes and family, where they were often consulted, read aloud at family gatherings, and carried wherever the family moved.
* Editor's Note: The title page actually is preserved, but is located several pages into the front text, and is pictured below.
** Editor's Note: "CDV" is an acronym for the French "carte de visite" or visiting card. This style of antique photography became popular in the 1850s and particularly during the Civil War period. The CDV photograph combined albumen print (a mixture of egg whites, sodium chloride, and silver nitrate) mounted on paper cards. The photographer might imprint his name and location on the card or its back as well. Special CDV photograph albums were even made to hold a family's collection, such as the slots in the back of the FSBW Bible.

We'll refer to this bible going forward as the "FSBW Bible", using the initial letters of the families involved. As the photos below, taken by Lynn Franklin, indicate, the bible contained inserted cards, preserved plants, paper cut outs, and page markers with homilies, in addition to details of family events. Moreover, the bible itself is an unusually comprehensive source of information about the history of bible development, the culture and geography of the Holy Land and surrounding areas, and other historical information. From a print run first published in Syracuse, NY in 1872 by the Wesleyan Methodist Publishing House, then reissued several times thereafter, the FSBW Bible was presented to Mrs. Adeline (Bird) Ferrell on April 28, 1882 by her mother, Mrs. Harriet B. "Hattie" Bird, wife of Charles Bird. Adeline, daughter of Charles and Hattie (Molyneux) Bird was married on October 15, 1878 to James R. Farrell, son of Richard and Mariah (Redden) Ferrell.

The FSBW bible was subsequently passed down to their daughter, Bertha E. Farrell (1890-1968), who married Homer L. Streby (1890-1966). "Mrs. Homer L. Streby" is stamped inside the cover of the Bible, as also shown below. Here is her name stamp located inside the front cover:

Bertha Elsie (Ferrell) Streby
"Mrs. Homer L. Streby, Jr.
Name Stamp
Inside Cover of FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

At some point or time after 1968, we surmise that the bible was actually given to E. Grace (Streby) Hugo (1932-2011), wife of Richard Ralph Hugo (1931-2010), and daughter of Homer and Bertha. Here is her Obituary, detailing the connections between these families. Thereafter, the Bible appeared in the Hugo family estate sale where a buyer acquired it for resale on eBay some time after her death in April 2011. This eBay auction brought the bible into the hands of Bob Sweeney.

Let's now look at some more of Lynn Franklin's photos and accompanying transcriptions by Lynn and Bob Sweeney:

The FSBW Bible Title Page and Frontispiece
Photos by Lynn Franklin

The FSBW Bible Presentation Page
To Mrs. Adeline Ferrell
From Mrs. Harriet B. Bird
Dated April 28, 1882
Note: Actual Marriage Date: October 15, 1878 is Smudged Out on This Page
Photo by Lynn Franklin

Marriage Certificate
James R. Farrell and Adeline Bird
Copy of Original
Placed in the FSBW Bible
Dated April 28, 1882
Actual Marriage Date: October 15, 1878
Photo by Lynn Franklin

The marriage document was apparently witnessed by Ruth and Angeline Bird, sisters of the bride. The "Minister of the Gospel" who married them and also signed the original document was "S Bedford". This is undoubtedly the Reverend Sylvester Bedford (1848-1922), whose father Henry Bedford was married first to Martha Ann Vough (1825-1856). Martha was the sister of Abram Vough, the father of Elmer E. Vough, who would eventually marry Hattie Ferrell, the oldest daughter of James R. and Adeline (Bird) Ferrell. The signatory under the two sisters is E. A, Bedford, who most likely is Elizabeth Ann (Rathbun) Bedford (1851-1923), wife of the minister performing this ceremony. We are grateful to Larry Pardoe for suggesting the "Bedford" identification, to Lynn Franklin for verifying the Bedfords by direct examination of the original FSBW bible with a magnifying glass, and to Carol Brotzman for the identify of the Reverend Bedford and his wife. Incidentally, the subjects of this story and the minister who married them were members of the Welseyan Methodist Church, which split off from the original Methodist Church due to the opposition to slavery by the Wesleyan branch. You can read more about these Bedfords at Henry and Sylvester Bedford.

The Births Page
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

The list of births reads as follows:

Harriet Maria Ferrell, born on Sunday, August 22, AD 1880
Charles Michael Ferrell, born on Wednesday, March 15, AD 1882
Roscoe Walter Ferrell, born on Sunday, Decmber 2, AD 1883
Oliver Chester Ferrell, born on Friday, August 13, AD 1886
Melvia Jane Ferrell, born on Saturday, April 14, AD 1888
Bertha Elsie Ferrell, born on Friday, January 3, AD 1890
Carrie Viola Ferrell, born on Monday, March 16, AD 1891
Mary Sarah Ethel Ferrell, born on Tuesday, September 28, 1897
Carrie Viola Ferrell, born on March 16, 1891

The Marriage Record
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

The marriage record, with expanded information verified from other sources marked in red, reads as follows:

Hattie Marie Ferrell to Elmer Edward Vough, Monday, Jan. "1th" [sic], 1900 *
Charles Michael Ferrell to Myrtle C. Watts, Jan. 1st, 1910 #
Bertha Elsie Ferrell to Homer Lloyd Streby, Wednesday, May 3rd, 1911
Melvia Jane Ferrell to John Burton Wakeley ** on Sept. 17, 1913
Ethel Mary Sarah Ferrell to Paul R. Streby on Sept. 16, 1916
Chester Oliver Ferrell to Alice Cordelia Reinbold *on December 22, 1917
* Editor's Note: Hattie died on April 25, 1901, shortly after giving birth to their son Manville; subsequently, Elmer married Adeline B. Rinebold ("Reinbold") on July 3, 1903. Adeline was the daughter of George E. and Ruth (Bird) Rinebold. Ruth Bird was a sister to Hattie (Bird) Ferrell. Adeline was also first cousin to Alice Rinebold, daughter of Eli and Adaline (Sayman) Rinebold; Alice married Chester O. Ferrell, brother of Hattie M. (Ferrell) Vough.
# Editor's Note: Myrtle (Crist) was formerly married to Jerry C. Watts, as shown in the 1900 Federal census for Davidson Township, Sullivan County, PA.
** Editor's Note: You can learn more about the Wakeley family in Descendants of John Beaumont, which includes a picture with John Burton Wakeley and several of his relatives in the fourth generation of the lineage. There is more about this family also at The Wilbers: A Farm Family from Wheelerville.

The Deaths Page
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

The deaths listed here, once again with expanded comments in red, are as follows:

Carrie Viola Ferrell, died Thursday April 2nd AD 1891, aged 2 weeks and 3 days, dtr of James R. and Adeline (Bird) Ferrell
Harriet Maria (Ferrell) Vough, died April 25th * AD 1901, aged 20 years, 8 mths and 2 days, shortly after giving birth
Adalina ("Adeline") "Bird" Ferrell, died Sunday AD July 4th 1909, aged 57 yrs, 3 mths, 6 days
James R. Ferrell, died December 12th AD 1927
Roscoe Walter Ferrell, died March 18th AD 1926
* Editor's Note: Her tombstone at Warburton Hill Cemetery reads April 24, 1901, a date confirmed by multiple additional sources.

The Memoranda Page
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

The memoranda items listed here, once again with expanded comments in red, are as follows:

Manville C. Vough, born Tuesday 16 April AD 1901, son of Elmer and Hattie (Ferrell) Vough
Kenneth William Ferrell #, born Tuesday 4 April AD 1911
Charles Durward Ferrell, born 30 Nov 1910, son of Charles Michael and Myrtle Watts Ferrell ## *
John Lawrence Ferrell, born Sept. 13, 1912, son of Charles Michael and Myrtle Watts Ferrell ##
Homer Larue Ferrell, born Sept. 11, 1914, son of Charles Michael and Myrtle Watts Ferrell ## *
Ethel Regina Wakeley, born on May 24, 1914, dtr of John Burton and Melvia Jane (Ferrell) Wakeley
Bertha Adeline Wakeley, born on January 20, 1917, dtr of John Burton and Melvia Jane (Ferrell) Wakeley
Evaline Almeda Wakeley, born on March 03, 1933, dtr of John Burton and Melvia Jane (Ferrell) Wakeley
Caroline Edna Streby, born August 5, 1917, dtr of Paul and Ethel Mary Sarah (Ferrell) Streby
Adaline Helen Ferrell, born on July 2, 1919, dtr of Chester Oliver and Alice Cordelia (Rinebold) Ferrell
Stanley Gamilee Ferrell, born on January 17, 1923, son of Chester Oliver and Alice Cordelia (Rinebold) Ferrell
Homer Lloyd John Streby, born on May 5, 1921, son of Homer Lloyd and Bertha Elsie (Ferrell) Streby
John Francis Gordon Streby, born on Sept. 26, 1924, son of Homer Lloyd and Bertha Elsie (Ferrell) Streby
Eudora Grace Streby, born on August 15, 1932, dtr of Homer Lloyd and Bertha Elsie (Ferrell) Streby
# Editor's Note: Kenneth was actually born to John Burton and Mary (Lewis) Wakeley. Mary died in 1912 whereupon John Burton subsequently married Melvia Jane Ferrell. We do not know at this time if the recording of his birth in the FSBW bible as a "Ferrell" is an error, or perhaps the child was known as a Ferrell within the family after Melvia married John. As an adult, he called himself "Wakeley" or versions of that surnamen, not "Ferrell". He died in 1987 in Tillson, Ulster County, NY.
## Editor's Note: Myrtle C. Watts Ferrell is one and the same as Carrie M. (Crist) Ferrell. The latter name is listed as the mother of Homer Larue Ferrell in some death records. She is also called "Myrtle Crist" in at least three online family trees, but she is buried as "Carrie M. Ferrell" at Hillcrest Cemetery in Sonestown, PA, next to her husband and several other "Ferrells". Charles M. Ferrell is shown married to Myrtle in the 1930 Federal Census for Davidson Township, Sullivan County, PA. She was born Carrie Myrtle Crist, daughter of Smauel and Mary Crist, in late 1880 or early 1881. This family lived right next door to the Watts family in Davidson, into which Myrtle ("Carrie") married at about age 18 or 19. She later married Jerry Watts, first, then Charles Michael Ferrell. Here are two obituaries: Charles M. Ferrell and Myrtle (Crist) Ferrell.
* Editor's Note: Charles Durward, Homer Larue and their father, Charles Michael, are all buried at the Hillcrest Cemetery in Sonestown, Sullivan County, PA.

The FSBW Bible contained at purchase, as do many of these old bibles, assorted other items--book marks, a greeting card, several paper cutouts, several pressed plant leaves, just for example. One page contained ten obituaries cut from local newspapers and pasted into the bible itself. Several photos of these artifacts are pictured below, along with the "Obituaries" Page, to which posted obituaries are linked. Once again, we are grateful to Lynn Franklin for these beautiful photographs.

Pressed Ferns
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

FSBW Bible
Photos by Lynn Franklin

Ribbon Possibly Used as Bookmark
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

Paper Cutouts
Found in FSBW Bible
Photos by Lynn Franklin

Calling Card
Martha A. Streby
Likely Martha A. Vough (1867-1940)
Wife of Clinton Streby *
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin
* Editor's Note: Clinton Streby was the brother of Homer Lloyd Streby's father, Lloyd Streby. Clinton and Lloyd married sisters, Alma and Martha A. Vough, daughters of David and Mary Ann (Bitner) Vough. Lloyd's son, Homer Lloyd Streby, married Bertha Elsie Ferrell, so Martha A. Vough was Bertha's aunt by marriage.

Obituaries Page
FSBW Bible
Photo by Lynn Franklin

Photos of the actual obituaries pasted into the original FSBW Bible, with links to their posted transcriptions and additional commentary is provided below. One common theme seems to connect all of these people--they were devoted members of the Wesleyan Methodist branch of that denomination. This common identity shows up in the references below and elsewhere to the personalities found in the FSBW Bible.

Clementine J. Vough: Obituary
"Clemmie" (Little) Vough (1857-1885) married Earnest W, Vough (1857-1911), the brother of Elmer Edward Vough, who married Hattie Ferrell. After Clemmie died, Earnest remarried to Anna J. Norton on July 30, 1886, and they susequently had several children. You can learn more at Settlers XLVIII: The Descendants of John Vough and Hannah Winder.

Dora Plotts: Obituary
Dora (Bird) Plotts (1871-1905), daughter of George Copeland and Harriet (Kaye) Bird, was the wife of Rush B. Plotts. George Copeland Bird was a brother of Charles Bird, the father of Adeline (Bird) Ferrell. So, Adeline and Dora were in fact first cousins. Dora is buried at the Estella Cemetery in Estella, Sullivan County, PA.

Hanna Saam: Death Notice. Hannah Saam (1868-1907) was a daughter of Addison and Lavina (Goughler) Rinebold. She was a sister of George Rinebold, the husband of Ruth Bird, sister of Adeline (Bird) Ferrell. Hannah married Reuben Saam (1861-1934), son of John Reuben Saam and Rebeca Hunsinger. She and her husband are interred at St. Paul's United Methodist Cemetery in Overton, PA.

Harriet Bird: Obituary
Harriet (Molyneux) Bird (1825-1903) was the daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Rogers) Molyneux, the wife of Charles Bird, and the mother of Adeline (Bird) Ferrell. Harriet Bird is interred at the Bird Cemetery in Millview, Sullivan County, PA. She shares a grave marker with her husband, Charles, although her stone is incorrectly marked "1826" *.
* Editor's Note: Both her obituary, which states she was 78 at the time of her death in 1903, and a reference in the biography of Oliver H. Bird, in Thomas Ingham's Sullivan County Biographies, which gives 1825 as her birth year, support that date as the correct one.

Harriet Ferrell Vough: Death Notice
Harriet, born August 20, 1880, died April 24, 1901, was the first wife of Elmer Edward Vough. She died shortly after giving birth to thier son, Manville Vough, in April 1901. She is buried at Warburton Hill Cemetery. Elmer subsequently remarried to Adelien B. Rinebold, daughter of George and Ruth (Bird) Rinebold. Ruth, as we have previously seen, was a sister of Adeline (Bird) Ferrell. So, Elmer remarried to the first cousin of his first wife.
The marriage of Vough and Ferrell actually connects up some of the oldest families in the Sullivan County area. On the one side was Harriett Maria Ferrell, daughter of James and Adeline (Bird) Ferrell; granddaughter of Charles and Hattie (Molyneux) Bird; great granddaughter of both George Bird and Thomas Molyneux, gr-great granddaughter of both Powell Bird and William Molyneux--original settlers in the area at the end of the 18th century. On the other side was Elmer Vough, son of Abram and Ann (Molyneux) Vough, grandson of Edward and Rebecca (Bird) Molyneux, gr-grandson of both William Molyneux and Powell Bird--the same ancestral relatives as those of Hattie Ferrell. Technically, Elmer and his first wife, Hattie, were second cousins, once removed.

Ida Glidewell Shaffer: Obituary
Ida H. Glidewell was born January 12, 1881 and died September 22, 1901. She was the daughter of George W. (1841-1905) and Carolyn "Carrie" (Kaye) Glidewell (1844-1907). Carrie was the younger sister of Harriet (Kaye) Bird, who was married to George Copeland Bird, brother of Charles Bird, the father of Adeline (Ferrell) Bird. In fact, in the 1860 Federal Census for Elkland, PA, Carolyn Kaye (actually enumerated as "Caroline Hayes") is living with George and Harriet (Kaye) Bird in Elkland. Both Harriet and Carrie were daughters of William and Ann (Bedford) Kaye. Carrie eventually married George Glidewell, a Civil War veteran, in 1867; their daughter, Ida, married Fred Lloyd Shaffer, son of Jesse and Isabelle (Lockett) Shaffer. Ida died in childbirth, giving birth to Ida Grace Shaffer on the same day she died. She is buried along with her parents at Bethel Cemetery in Elkland, Sullivan County, PA. Note that Fred Shaffer, Ida's husband, had a sister Zilpha who married John R. Fleming. You can learn more about this relationship at Aunt Eliza's Scrapbook. We are indebted to Carol Brotzman for her research on the Kaye family for this commentary.

Lewis McCarty: Obituary
Lewis McCarty, son of Joel and Anna (Woodhead) McCarty, was born September 21, 1846 and died February 10, 1905. He is buried at Millview Cemetery near Forksville, PA, along with his first wife, Angeline (Bird) McCarty. Angeline, the twin sister to Adeline (Bird) Ferrell, died on April 12, 1898. Thereafter, Lewis remarried in March 1899 to Lucy Bird, born March 30, 1846, daughter of Powell and Sarah (Molyneux) Bird. This Powell Bird was a brother of Charles Bird, father of the first wife of Lewis McCarty. That makes Lucy a first cousin to the deceased Angeline (Bird) McCarty and to Adeline, her twin sister. Lucy and the twin sisters were also great granddaughters of Powell and Lydia (Hannant) Bird, via George and Sally (King) Bird, their grandparents. Lucy (Bird) McCarty was also a relative via the Molyneaux line--her mother, Sarah P. (Molyneaux) Bird, was a sister of Hattie (Molyneaux) Bird, mother of Angeline and Adeline. So, Lucy was a double first cousin to the deceased Angeline, first wife of Lewis. Talk about keeping it all in the family!

Lillian McCarty: Obituary
Lillian McCarty, daughter of Lewis and Angeline (Bird) McCarty, was born on May 31, 1888 and died on January 21, 1907.

Mrs. J. K. Bird: Obituary
Carolyn "Carrie" Yonkin (1844-1907), daughter of Peter (1821-1897) and Catherine (Suber) Yonkin (1823-1908), married John King Bird, son of George and Sally (King) Bird and grandson of Powell and Lydia (Hannant) Bird. John K. Bird (1837-1923) was a brother of both Charles and George Copeland Bird. Therefore, Carrie (Yonkin) Bird was a sister-in-law to Harriet (Molyneaux) Bird, the mother of Adeline (Bird) Ferrell. John and Carrie are interred, along with many other Bird family members, at the Bird Cemetery near Millview, Sullivan County, PA. Note that Fannie Bird, a daughter of John K. and Carrie (Yonkin) Bird, subsequently married Frank Yonkin, son of Edward and Ella (Smith) Yonkin. Edward was a nephew of Peter Yonkin, Sr., the father of Carrie (Yonkin) Bird. Therefore, Fannie (Bird) Yonkin married her first cousin, once removed.

Anna [sic] B. Rowe: Obituary
Anna B. Rowe, daughter of Ezra C. and Margaret Ann (Molyneux) Rowe, was born April 9, 1881 and died June 13, 1903 from appendicitis. She was related to the Bird family by two separate branches of descent from Powell and Lydia (Hannant) Bird, the original Bird settlers in the area. The lines of descent are via marriages of two sisters, Lydia and Rebecca Bird, daughters of Powell and Lydia (Hannant) Bird. You can learn about this heritage in detail at The Grain of Salt. The Rowe branch comes down via the marriage between Lydia Bird and Jonas Yoras, who later changed his name to "Rowe". The Molyneux connection comes down from the marriage of Edward Molyneux to Rebecca Bird. Anna B. Rowe, the subject of this obituary, was the great granddaughter of both Rebecca (Bird) Molyneux and Lydia (Bird) Rowe. Technically, she was also the third cousin, once removed to Adeline (Ferrell) Bird. Complex enough??! Anna B. Rowe is buried at Warburton Hill Cemetery with her parents. Here is her photo, courtesy of June Rowe Howard:

Anna Belle Rowe (1881-1903)
Daughter of Ezra C. and Margaret A. (Molyneux) Rowe
Photo courtesy of June Howard

Postscript: The following article was published in The Sullivan Review, Dushore, PA, on April 25, 2012:

. . . while dusting

In July of last year a Bible went up for sale on e-bay. Bob Sweeney, the winning bidder, has since presented it to the Sullivan County Historical Society for the museum's inclusion with other county family Bibles. This particular one was originally published in 1872 and then reissued annually for several years thereafter. It was presented to Adeline Bird Ferrell on April 28th, 1882 by "Mrs. Kermit B. Bird." Mrs. Bird, who was Harriet Molyneux Bird (born Jan. 12, 1826 and died Jan. 12, 1903), was the wife of Charles Bird (born June 21, 1824 and died Oct. 15, 1897). They were the parents of Adeline (born 1852 and died in 1909) who married James R. Ferrell in 1878. This may sound like the pieces to a complicated puzzle but in this case these details are needed to make the family connections throughout the other information contained within the Bible. The Bible was then given to Adeline and James' daughter Bertha Ferrell Streby, wife of Homer L. Streby. Following Bertha's death in 1968 it came into the possession of the Hugo family in the Overton/New Albany area. The description, abbreviated here, was what was posted on E-bay: "It is our pleasure to offer this ornate 19th Century Holy Bible containing, among other things, the genealogy of several members of the Ferrell, Streby, Bird and Wakeley families. We acquired this Bible at an antique estate auction in the tiny village of Evergreen, Bradford County, Pa., near the Sullivan County line. The family having the auction was named Hugo. . . Recorded here are the marriage[s] . . . and others with the last names of Ferrell, Vough, Watts, Streby and Rinebold. Those that are dated run up to 1911. Births of various Ferrells, Manville Vough, two Wakeleys and four Strebys are noted from 1880 to 1932. Deaths are also recorded. Covers are deeply "carved" and decorated with lots of impressed gilt. Five [raised] ribs on the spine add more character. Color pages and engraved black and white plates decorate the interior." Bob's wife, Lynn Franklin, took photographs of both the outside and pertinent pages inside. Visitors are encouraged to look at these in booklet form first before any handling of the Bible itself, thus preserving this artifact. Bibles of old had such pages for family history entries that can be so beneficial to researching genealogy. We are proud to offer this piece to visitors as well as the many other sources and examples of history within the walls of the museum. Should you care to view this and other illustrations from the past, contact us at (570)946-5020 or e-mail museum@scpahistory.com for an appointment. Otherwise, stop in if you see the "Open" sign in the window.


The Rowe Family Bible


Ezra C. and Margaret A. (Molyneux) Rowe
Photo courtesy of June Howard
Their great granddaughter

The Rowe Family Bible
Originally Owned by Ezra and Margaret (Molyneux) Rowe
Published in 1871
Photo by June Howard

While working on the previous bible, June Rowe Howard let us know that she, in fact, had in her possession the Rowe Family Bible. This bible was owned originally by Ezra and Margaret (Molyneux) Rowe, the parents of "Sister" Anna Rowe, whose obituary is the last entry on the Obituary Page of the FSBW Bible. According to June:

Thanks so much for sending me the posting of the FSBW Bible. I was especially thankful to read the obituary for Anna Rowe who was my grandfather's sister. I knew she died young but did not know all the details of her life that this article revealed. I also learned that I have much in common with her--"she was accomplished in music and consecrated that talent to the church." What is more, I appreciated learning more about the double Bird-Molyneux connection that I also share. I need to spend more time reading over the rest of the FSBW Bible parts that were posted to learn more of the Bird, Molyneux, Ferrell, and Streby names listed. I have in my possession the family bible (1871) of Anna's parents, Ezra and Margaret (Molyneux) Rowe which I acquired in a very unusual way. It was given to me by my father's sister-in-law who got it from someone in Athens, PA, who found it at a yard sale and gave it to her. She knew of my interest in genealogy and she gave it to me, for which I will ever be grateful.
June Howard
January 2012

Let us now look through several pages from the Rowe Family Bible:

Inside Cover Page
and Title Page
Rowe Family Bible
Philadelphia, PA
by William W. Harding
Photos by June Howard

Old Testament Sketches:
Daniel in the Lion's Den
Eliezer and Rebekah
Boaz and Ruth
Rowe Family Bible
Photos by June Howard

New Testament Front Page
Nativity Scene
Rowe Family Bible
Photos by June Howard

New Testament Sketches:
Jesus and the Samarian Woman
St. Paul at Ephesus
Rowe Family Bible
Photos by June Howard

Births, Marriages and Deaths
Rowe Family Bible
Photos by June Howard

Here is a transcription of the details in these pages, with additional information from other sources inserted in red.:


Ezra C. Rowe, July 18, 1844
Margaret Ann (Molyneux) Rowe, Aug. 25, 1854
Ira Nelson Rowe, Apr. 13, 1892
Fred Eugene
Rowe, Jan. 16, 1874
George Watson Rowe, Feb. 11, 1876
James Harlan Rowe, May 11, 1878
Anna Belle Rowe, Apr. 9, 1881
Bessie Alice Rowe, Feb. 1, 1889
Clara E. Rowe, June 14, 1896


Ezra C. Rowe and Margaret A. Molyneux, January 1, 1871
Ira Nelson Rowe and Mary Jane Mann, June 19, 1901
Fred E. Rowe and Nellie E. Webster, October 1, 1902
George W. Rowe and Jennie Molyneux, Feb. 28, 1900
James Harlan Rowe and Maude Winifred Musselman, May 14, 1902
Clara E. Rowe and Richard William Liddiard, January 19, 1916 *
* Note: She later married Frank E. Sargent
Bessie Alice Rowe and Frank Tiffany, May 27, 1922


Anna B. Rowe, June 19, 1903
Margaret A. Rowe, Dec. 26, 1919
Ezra C. Rowe, Oct. 16, 1922
Bessie Tiffany, Sept. 5, 1924
James H. Rowe, May 5, 1932
Nellie E. Rowe, June 4, 1945
Fred E. Rowe, July 7, 1953
Ira N. Rowe, Feb. 12, 1954
Clara E. Rowe, Mar. 24, 1977, Athens


Bessie Alice (Rowe) Tiffany, Tiago Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford COunty, PA
Ira Nelson and Mary Jane (Mann) Rowe, Quicks Bend Cemetery, Wilmot Township, Bradford County, PA
Clara E. (Rowe) and Frank E. Sargent (second husband), Tioga Point Cemetery
James Harlan and Maude Winifred (Musselman) Rowe, Tioga Point Cemetery
Frederick Eugene Rowe, Montoursville Cemetery, Montoursville, Lycoming County, PA
Nellie E. (Webster) Rowe, Montoursville Cemetery, Montoursville, Lycoming County, PA

George Watson Rowe is buried at Oaklawn Cemetery, Hanover, Luzerne County,PA. His wife, Jennie (Molyneux) Rowe, from whom he was divorced, died in Detroit, Michigan and is buried at Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford, County, PA.

It seems to be a common occurrence for these old bibles to hold other mementoes, such as the pressed leaf shown here:

Pressed Leaf
Rowe Family Bible
Photo by June Howard

As with other old bibles that hold obituaries, letters and other snippets of local life from years gone by, this one contains a newspaper clipping stuck inside the back cover. The article is photographed and transcribed below:

As shown above, June Howard is both a Rowe and Molyneux descendant. You can learn more about her Molyneux branch and see more pictures of her ancestors at The Molyneux, Fleming and Whelan Families.

Aerial View of Dushore in 1941
Undated Photo Clipped from Sullivan Review
Rowe Family Bible
Photo by June Howard

The article picture caption reads:

The above photo was taken by James Lamberson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lamberson of Headley avenue, in the summer of 1941. It does not show the Dushore Theater, which has since been built on Main street. If you look close, you will be able to read the word "DUSHORE", painted on the roof of the A & P Store, at the corner of Main and German streets. The picture was taken at an altitude of 1, 000 feet, with an old Kodak owned by his father.
James Lamberson and his brother J. David Lamberson were the first persons in Dushore to own and operate a plane.


The Charles and Catherine (Galough) Streevy Family Bible
Nelson & Phillips Publishing Company, New York 1879
Record of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Photo by Steve Garber

The Charles and Catherine Streevy Bible


On December 24, 1867, Charles Streevy of Overton married Catherine S. Galough also of Overton. The marriage took place in Monroeton, PA. Some time in or just after 1879, gave his wife a Family Bible. Their names are inscribed on the cover. This bible was published by Nelson and Phillips Publishing COmpany of New York City in 1879 (per the seller). The bible came up for sale on eBay in April 2019, and was eventually purchased by an unknown party for about $70. We were were notified by Jim Yonkin of this activity. We were subsequently able to capture scans takn by Steve Garver of several bible pages with demographic information, which in turn were transcribed and contributed by Andy Smith. We present these materials below.

Charles (1847-1907) was the son of John (1814-1881) and Mary (Staley) Streevy (1813-1855) of Overton; the Streevy family was one of the earliest settling families in the area bordering Bradfrod and Sullivan Counties. Streevy is a variant of "Streby", the distinction simply being the choice by related families in the area to use one or the other variant. All are related by descent to George Streby, the well known author of the Streby History of Sullivan County. Charles was also a veteran of the Civil War. His wife, Catherine, was born in Jersey Shore, Lycoming County, PA,and lived from 1846-1909. She was a daughter of Daniel and Rebecca (Sherman) Galough. The Galough family are of Prussian descent and originated in Huntingdon County, PA before coming to Sullivan County. By 1850, they were living in Watson Township, Lycoming County under the surname "Geerlock". The name was spelled and spoken in many different variants: e.g., Galough, Garlough, Gearlock, Geerlock, Geerlo, etc. In fact, when her father Daniel Galough died sometime between 1853 and 1860, Catherine and her brother Jacob went with their mother, Rebecca (Sherman) Galough,to live with George Pardoe, her second husband.

Both Charles and Catherine are interred in the Liberty Corners Cemetery in Bradford County, PA. They ended up having at least six children; Frederick Streevy (1869-1935), Nellie Lillian (Streevy) Heath (1871-1908), May Rebecca Streevy (1873-1881), Burton Samuel ("Berty") Streevy (1875-1941), Clarence Clayton Streevy (1882-1936) and Nellie May Streevy (1894-1911). Nellie (Streevy) Heath died young from tuberculosis.

So, what records do we find in this bible? Let's use the same pattern of information that the bible uses, as shown in this set of Bible Images:

Charles Streevy of Overton Penna. and
Catharine S. Garlough of Overton, Penna
Married Dec. 24, 1867 at Monroeton, Penna.
By Sevellyn Alden, minister of the Gospel
Witnesses: Samuel Cranmer and Nancy Cranmer

Charles Streevy born Nov. 27, 1847
Catharine S. Streevy born Jan. 11, 1846 *
Frederick Streevy born July 6, 1869
Nellie Lillian Streevy born Nov. 21, 1871
May Rebeca (sic) Streevy born Aug. 23, 1873
Burton Samuel Streevy born Jan. 21, 1875
Clarence Clayton Streevy born Nov. 23, 1882
Nellie May Streevy born Dec. 16, 1894
* Note: This is Catherine S. Galough Streevy.

Charles Streevy died Sept. 14, 1907
Nellie Lillian Heath died Feb. 3, 1908
May Rebeca Streevy died March 24, 1881
Catharine Streevy died March 6, 1909 *
Fred Streevy died Jan. 19, 1935
Clarence Streevy died March 15, 1936
Nellie May Streevy died April 16, 1911
* Note: This is Catherine S. Galough Streevy.

John Streevy born March 27, 1814; died Dec. 31, 1881
Mary Streevy born Oct. 19, 1813; died Dec. 16, 1854

Note: There's a separation between this and next names, suggesting the following are their children:

Mary Ann Streevy born April 20, 1834
Angeline Streevy born April 22, 1836
Alfred Streevy born April 12, 1837; died May 15, 1892
Wilson Streevy born April 17, 1839; died 1895
William Streevy born June 6, 1841
Henry E. Streevy born Jan. 16, 1843; died May 3, 1868; killed in Civil War
Mary Ann Streevy born March 22, 1845
Charles Streevy born Nov. 27, 1847; died Sept. 14, 1907
Thomas Streevy born Oct. 21, 1849
Betsey Ann Streevy born Sept. 25, 1850; died De. 29, 1920

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