The Marbaker Family Bible Records
Submitted by Carol Brotzman

Edward and Thankful (Cottrell) Marbaker
Original Marbaker Settlers in Bradford County
Married January 14, 1845
Source: Almeda Wage Marbaker Gibbs Family Collection

Editor's Note: In the Spring of 2008, Carol Brotzman, of Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, PA, contributed the following materials from the Almeda Wage Marbaker Gibbs Family Collection to the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page. We are most grateful for this contribution. Carol's Brotzman ancestors actually came to live in the very house that the Marbakers called "home" in the 1800's. You can learn more about the Marbakers at The Freewill Baptist Church Records and Tuscarora and Rush Compact pages. In addition, there are Marbaker burials at Fowler Hill Cemetery.


Dusk at the Trible Farm
Susquehanna County, PA
Homestead of Joseph Marbaker
May 1, 2009
Photo Taken by Carol Brotzman

Carol obtained scanned copies of the Marbaker bible and other materials from Martha Walker, a Marbaker descendant living in California. Here are a series of loose pages found in the bible with transcriptions provided by Carol:

Marbaker Family Bible
Listing of Descendants
Photo by Carol Brotzman

Transcription [as written, with original punctuation and spelling, but editorial comments are in brackets]:

My Fathers & Family Bible Yours Ed Marbaker

Edward Marbaker Born November 06, 1826
Thankful Cottrell [his wife] Born December 16, 1821 [See marriage affidavit below]

[Their children]:
Edward Marbaker Born November 23, 1846
Joseph Marbaker Born October 25, 1848
Mary Marbaker Born November 7, 1850
Susan Marbaker Born April 28, 1854
Luther Marbaker Born October 3, 1855
Elias Marbaker Born September 27, 1858
Phillie Marbaker Born June 01, 1861

Affidavit to Marriage of
Edward Marbaker and Thankful Cottrell
Issued 1889
Found as a Loose Page in the Marbaker Bible
Photo by Carol Brotzman


By the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania this is to certify that on the fourteenth day of one thousand eight hundred and forty five before me Bela Cogswell Justice of the Peace in and for the county of Bradford Edwin Marbaker and Thankful Cottrell of Rush Township Susquehanna County having plighted the solemn vows of duty and devotion were by me legally united in marriage. Each of them declaring themselves free from prior engagement or other lawful impediment there upon the said Justice of the Peace declared them to be husband and wife according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Bela Cogswell
Justice of the Peace

[Note that Joseph Marbaker, brother to Edward, married Susan Cottrell, sister of Thankful. Edward and Thankful are listed more than once in The Freewill Baptist Church Records, while the family of Joseph and Susan appear in the Tuscarora and Rush Compact that brought into being the Beaver Meadows Church.]

Marbaker Family Bible
Two Pages from Family Record Section
Valentine Marbaker, Sr. et al Listing
Photo by Carol Brotzman


First page--

Aminta Marbacher was Born November 9, 1864 [Arminta Marbaker, daughter of Edward Jr and Almeda Marbaker]
Anna Eliza Squires died February 19 or 29, 1886 aged 55 years 5 months and 5 days [relationship not known]

Second page--

Valentine Marbacher Sr. was born March 21, 1791 [New Jersey]
Araminta R. Thatcher was born March 1, 1791 [New Jersey, his wife]
Valentine Marbacher Sr married Araminta R. Thatcher May 12, 1810

[Their children:]
Charles J. Marbacher was born March 01, 1811
William Marbacher was born December 02, 1813
Valentine Marbacher Jr. was born August 11, 1815
James Marbacher was born May 28, 1818
John Marbacher was born October 21, 1820
Joseph Marbacher was born August 12, 1822
Edmund Marbacher was born November 06, 1824
Nancy Elizabeth Marbacher was born January 31, 1826
William Marbacher died October 31, 1857

Marbaker Family Bible
Two Pages from Family Record Section
Edward Marbaker et al Listing
Photo by Carol Brotzman

[Editor's Note: The mother to this family is not listed here. She was Almeda J. Wage (August 04, 1846 - April 15, 1927), daughter of Chester Chapel and Mary Ellen Lent Wage. She married first to Edward Marbaker, who is listed here as Edward Marbaker Jr., on November 12, 1865. She bore him twelve children. They divorced about 1894. Shed died in 1927 in Johnson City, NY. Her obituary, unsourced but likely the Binghamton Press, was found in the Marbaker Bible and is shown below. Both are buried in separate lots in the Beaver Meadows Cemetery with their new spouses. Almeda remarried to Russell Gibbs, pictured below, on April 06, 1898 at Opposition, PA, now known as Beaver Meadows. The marriage certificate, also found as a loose page in the bible, is reproduced below the transcription for this page, courtesy of Carol Brotzman. Edward remarried to Lulu Kelley February 24, 1906, possibly in Virginia. He too came back to PA with his second wife. He died in Silvara Township, Bradford County in 1933. as per the obit shown below, and was buried at the Clapper Hill (Beaver Meadows) Cemetery.]

Mrs. Almeda Marbaker Gibbs

Mrs. Almeda Marbaker Gibbs, 80, died this morning at 5:45 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis R. Moore, 78 West Street, Johnson City. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. (Hettie) Moore, Mrs. Judson [Emma] Clark of Chapman Lake, PA., Mrs. W. J. [Mary Ellen] Stanford of Norfolk, VA. And Mrs. Lucy Wiley of Belle Lilen, Nebraska. six sons, Ceal Marbaker of Jermyn, PA. Charles Marbaker of Bristoe, VA., Miles Marbaker of Clapper Hill, PA., Ernest Marbaker of Dumfries, VA., Morton Marbaker of Peckville, PA., and William Marbaker of Pottsville, PA; a brother H. A. [Henry Orman] Wage of Johnson City; 34 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o’clock at the home of her daughter Mrs. Moore. The Rev. Gordon Davis will officiate. The body will be taken to Clapper Hill, Pa. for further services and ….. [missing burial details].


First page--

Edward Marbaker Jr. November 23, 1846 in Susquehanna County, PA [he died June 08, 1933)]

An obituary, no source given, found in the Marbaker Bible reads as follows:

Edward Marbaker dies: Burial on Clapper Hill

Silvara June 12.-- Edward Marbaker, age 87, passed away at his home here on June 8. Mr. Marbaker was the last Civil War Veteran in this locality. The funeral services were held at the Clapper Hill Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock with Rev. Frank Thomas officiating. Burial was in the Clapper Hill Cemetery with the American Legion having charge of the services at the grave.
The survivors are the widow, several children and grandchildren. The pall bearers were six grandsons: Clarence Marbaker, Oscar and Harold Marbaker, Harry and Raymond Marbaker, Monty Marbaker and Glen Ellis.

Edward Marbaker, Jr. served in the Civil War and an old photocopy of his discharge papers was found in the Marbaker Family Bible as well. Here is a picture of the photocopy and a transcript provided by Martha Walker, since the copy has the appearance of a "negative" and is hard to read otherwise:

Edward Marbaker, Jr. Civil War Discharge Papers
Old Photocopy Found in Family Bible
Photo by Martha Walker

Transcription [comments in brackets]:

To all whom it may concern

Know ye that Edward Marbaker Jr a private of Captain Thomas H. Baker's Company [T?], 51st regiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, who was enrolled on the thirteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty four to serve one year or during the war is hereby DISCHARGED from the service of the United States this twenty seventh day of July 1865, at Alexandria Virginia by reason of SG No 176 HdQtr Dept of Washington 22 AC July 21, 1865 passed on instructions from War Dept A G C dated June 30, 1865. No objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist.
Said Edward Marbaker Jr was born in Tuscarora in the state of Pennsylvania, is 18 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, dark complexion, hazel eyes, dark hair, and by occupation when enrolled, a farmer.
Given at Alexandria Virginia this farmer [crossed out] 27th day of July 1865.
[Note: The signature is illegible. Looks like it might be Wm J Bollons, Col Commanding the reg't']
Approved Edmin Earp
Capt [rest unreadable, may be 1st Mass H Arty]
A C M District of Alexandria Va.

There is a handwritten notation at the top that states:

Paid in full August 1st 1865
John Keattey

Here is how Edward Marbaker, Jr. and his family appeared in the 1870 and 1880 Federal censuses for Tuscarora Township, PA:

1870 Tuscarora

36 36 Marbaker Edward 20 M W Farmer 1000 315 PA
Almeda 23 F W Keeping house PA
Rosseleus 4 M W PA
Cloey E. 6/12 F W PA

1880 Tuscarora

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

Edward MARBACHER Self M Male W 33 PA Farmer PA PA
Almeda MARBACHER Wife M Female W 33 PA Keeping House PA PA
Rasselus MARBACHER Son S Male W 12 PA PA PA
Cloe E. MARBACHER Dau S Female W 11 PA At School PA PA
Chas. M. MARBACHER Son S Male W 9 PA At School PA PA
Miles MARBACHER Son S Male W 8 PA At School PA PA
Ernest MARBACHER Son S Male W 7 PA At School PA PA
Morton MARBACHER Son S Male W 5 PA At School PA PA
Arminta MARBACHER Dau S Female W 3 PA PA PA

Russelus Marbaker May 05, 1866 [original inscription is hard to read; he was known as "Seal" Marbaker]
Esther Marbaker September 18, 1867 [known as Chloe Marbaker]
Charley Marbaker April 14 1869
Miles Marbaker January 02, 1871
Ernest Marbaker December 06, 1872
Morton Marbaker February 07, 1874
Minta Marbaker April 07, 1876
Emma Marbaker April 19, 1880

Second page--

Hettie Marbaker October 30, 1881
Ellen Marbaker August 30, 1883 [known as Mary Ellen]
Lucy Marbaker November 15, 1885 [known as Kittie, and, on census records, as Kathryn]
[Editor's Note: All the children to this point were born in Pennsylvania]
Willie Marbaker September 01, 1890 [his real name was Prince William Edward Marbaker, born in Prince William County, Voy, Virginia]
[Editor's Note: From this point on, we do not know who these children were born to. The 1900 census records that Almeda had 12 children, all 12 alive at that time. Those are accounted for above. We have no further record or data regarding these children but they are listed on this bible page for some reason.]
Cillian Marbaker May 22, 1891
Daniel Marbaker May 28, 1878

Here is a more legible page with additonal information on this family, both parents and children:

Family of Edward and Almeda (Wage) Marbaker
Marbaker Family Bible
Photo by Martha Walker


Parents .......................Born Married Died

Edward Marbaker Jr Nov.23, 1846 Nov. 12, 1865 June 11, 1940
Almeda Wedge (should be Wage) Aug. 4, 1846 Nov. 12, 1865 Apr. 15, 1927


Rasselus F. Marbaker May 5, 1866 June 28, 1900 Feb. 11, 1940
Esther Chloe Marbaker Sept. 18, 1867 May 10, 1888 Oct. 6, 1921
Charlie Marbaker Apr. 14, 1869 Dec. 31, 1913 July, 1928
Miles B. Marbaker Jan 2, 1871 May 14, 1895 June 13, 1940
Earnest Marbaker Dec. 6, 1872 Jan 20, 1897 July 5, 1959
Morton Marbaker Feb 7, 1874 June 23, 1901 Oct 27, 1958
Arminta Marbaker April 17, 1876 [no date given] May 10, 1910
Emma Marbaker April 19, 1880 Oct 25, 1899 Dec. 8, 1948 [some records say 1947]
Hettie (Anna) Marbaker Oct. 30, 1881 Nov. 20, 1907 Feb. 5, 1964
(Mary) Ellen Marbaker Aug 30, 1883 Dec. 7, 1911 Feb 2, 1979
Lucy Marbaker Nov. 15, 1885 July 12, 1904 Mar 20, 1958
William Marbaker Sept 1, 1890 Jan 28, 1914 Sept 8, 1957

Russell Gibbs and Almeda (Wage) Marbaker
Possible Wedding Photograph from 1898
Photo by Carol Brotzman

Russell Gibbs and Almeda Marbaker Marriage Certificate
Found in Marbaker Bible
April 06, 1898
Photo by Carol Brotzman


I, A. P. Beeman hereby certify on the 6th day of April One thousand eight hundred and ninety eight at Opposition, Tuscarora, PA. Russell Gibbs and Almeda Marbaker were by me united in marriage in accordance with license issued by the Clerk of Orphans court Bradford County, Penna., numbered 3744
A. P. Beeman, Justice of the Peace
Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or Alderman

Marbaker Family Bible
Two Pages from Family Record Section
Henry Marbaker et al Listing
Photo by Carol Brotzman


First page--

Mr. Henry M. Marbaker [born ca 1851] was married to Sarah E. Smith June 05, 1869
[Editor's Note: Henry is the son of Valentine Marbaker Jr. (August 11, 1815 - February 16, 1883) and his wife Mary Fine (Bet. 1816 - 1817 - April 13, 1883)]
Jordan Reigle married Sarah Marbaker August 02, 1864 [Sarah was the daughter of Valentine and Mary Fine Marbaker]
Added supporting census data:

1850 United States Federal Census about Sarah E Marbacher:

Name: Sarah E Marbacher
Age: 7
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1843
Birth Place: New Jersey
Gender: Female
Home in 1850(City,County,State): Kingwood, Hunterdon, New Jersey
Household Members: Name Age
Valentine Marbacher 35 Father
Mary Marbacher 35 Mother
Sarah E Marbacher 7
Thomas Marbacher 5

Record 1880 United States Census
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Jordan REIGLE Self M Male W 35 PA Quarry Man PA PA
Sarah C. REIGLE Wife M Female W 37 NJ Keeping House NJ NJ
Joseph REIGLE Son S Male W 6 PA PA NJ
Anna REIGLE Dau S Female W 4 PA PA NJ
William REIGLE Son S Male W 2 PA PA NJ

Source Information:
Census Place Solebury, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Family History Library Film 1255107
NA Film Number T9-1107
Page Number 88A

Elias B Marbaker [September 27, 1858 - May 29, 1923] married Emma Cook (1852 - June 29, 1940) on July 02, 1882
[Editor's Note: The Rush Church record book shows July 1, 1882 by Rev Basford at the Rush Parsonage. They later divorced. Elias married 2nd to Elizabeth "Lizzie" Robinson on June 14, 1895. Emma and Elias are both buried in the Beaver Meadows Cemetery.]
Milton Warner and Mary Marbaker were married April 25, 1875
[Elias and Mary Marbaker are children of Edward and Thankful Cottrell Marbaker.]

Additional census data:

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Milton T. WARNER Self M Male W 26 PA Laborer NY PA
Mary E. WARNER Wife M Female W 30 PA Keeping House PA PA
John WARNER Brother W Male W 51 PA Laborer NY PA

Source Information: 1880 Census Place Tuscarora, Bradford, Pennsylvania

Second page--

Araminta B. Marbaker died January 19, 1856 [wife of Valentine Marbaker Sr.]
[Editor's Note: Arminta Thatcher was born about 1790. She married in New Jersey May 12, 1810 to Valentine Marbaker Sr. (Bef. March 20, 1791 - and likely deceased before 1850)] Valentine Marbaker Jr. died February 16, 1883 age 68 years [listed above with his wife]

Marbaker Family Bible
Two Pages from Family Record Section
Edward and Almeda (Wage) Marbaker et al Listings
Photo by Carol Brotzman


First page--

Edward Marbaker Jr.

Second page--

Almeda Wage married to Edward Marbaker November 12th 1865
Esther Marbaker [known as Chloe] married Phillip Hamley May 18, ?
Miles Marbaker married May Brown [May 14, 1895 in Towanda, PA, daughter of Charles S. and Juliet Ross Brown]
Ernest Marbaker married Ada Pearson January 20, 1898 [daughter of Watson Pearson or "Parsons"]

Here is a photo of Edward and Almeda (Wage) Marbaker, likely taken on or about their wedding day, November 12, 1865:

Edward and Almeda (Wage) Marbaker
Likely Wedding Photo
Married November 12, 1865
Photo by Carol Brotzman
Source: Almeda Wage Marbaker Gibbs Family Collection

The last picture here shows a receipt dated December 30, 1884. It is made out to "Ed" Marbaker, presumably "Senior" since he was called "Ed" in the Family Bible, for $6.50 for something he bought in Stevensville from William Burrows. Burrows, the signatory, was the husband of Parnel McLaud.

Receipt Made out to Edward "Ed" Marbaker, Sr.
Dated 1884
Found as a Loose Page in the Marbaker Family Bible
Photo by Carol Brotzman
Source: Almeda Wage Marbaker Gibbs Family Collection

Please direct any comments to Carol Brotzman and to Bob Sweeney, PhD, Sullivan County Historian.

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