Mercer County PAGenWeb

  Union School

The Union School

Early in 1865 the fine Union school building on east Main Street was commenced, and pushed toward completion through that and the following year; but it was not until 1867—68 that it was entirely finished, its total cost being about $25,000. It is a brick structure, 60x74, three stories in height, and contains eleven rooms. In 1878 the west side building was erected, likewise made of brick, containing eight rooms, at a cost of some $10,000. It is pleasantly located, and is used at present as the High-school building. 

History of Mercer County, 1888, page 417

The union school system was established in 1867 by E. C. McClintock, who was chosen principal in that year. The union school building, which still [1909] stands on east Main street, was commenced in 1865 and completed in 1867-68, at a total cost of about $25,000.

Twentieth Century History of Mercer County, 1909, page 112.   

Union School Building,


Built 1868

Illustration from the History of Mercer County, 1877 

(Click image to enlarge)



School Board Officers, 1865-1888 and an account of Union School

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