Union School

School Board Officers 1865 - 1888

The Union school system was established in Greenville in 1867, by the selection of Prof. E. C. McClintock as principal, July 20 of that year. He re-organized the schools, and served until March, 1868. His successors, with dates of appointment, are as follows: Profs. C. C. Donnells, March, 1868; J. W. Walker, 1870; D. McKee, 1872; Thomas B. Roth, 1875; Jerome Leech, 1878; F. M. Bullock, 1880, and John E. Morris, the present incumbent, 1887.

The officers of the school board since 1865 have been as follows:

1865- Samuel Goodwin, president; T. M Reznor, secretary; A. L. Wick, treasurer.

1866-67 and 1868- William Achre, president; T. M. Reznor, secretary; A. L. Wick, treasurer.

1869-70- Philip Clover, president; T. M. Reznor, secretary; A. L. Wick, treasurer.

1871- William Achre, president; T. M Reznor, secretary; A. L. Wick, treasurer.

1872- William Achre, president; J. A. Leech, secretary; A. L. Wick, treasurer.

1873- T. M. Reznor, president; J. A. Leech, secretary; A. L. Wick, treasurer.

1874- J. C. Brown, president; J. A. Leech, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1875-76-77-78- J. C. Brown, president; D. McKee, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1879- J. C. Brown, president; D. Hum, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1880-81- J. T. Blair, president; D. Hum, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1882- E. S. Templeton, president; D. Hum, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1883- H. M. Hamblin, president; D. Hum, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1884- J. E. Brockway, president; D. Hum, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1885-86- A. F. Henlein, president; D. Hum, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1887- Rev. C. S. Tinker, president; Anson T. Clark, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer.

1888- J. C. Brown, president; Anson T. Clark, secretary; W. H. Beil, treasurer. 

The general progress of the Greenville schools during the past thirty years [1850s–1880s] has been highly satisfactory, and it is very doubtful if any other town of its size in Pennsylvania furnishes superior facilities to its youth for a thorough common school education. The present enrollment is about 950, and the average attendance 100 less. 

History of Mercer County, 1888, pages 417-418