Death of Mrs. Sarah Hann
Mrs. Sarah Hann, daughter of Jacob and Mary Shilling
was born June 15th, 1819, on the old Trout homestead, one mile east of
Sharon, and died in West Middlesex, June 16th, 1899, from acute
indigestion. She had resided in Hickory Township, Mercer County her
whole life except last year having removed to West Middlesex.
The subject of this notice was married to Mr. Christopher
March 7th, 1843, whom she survived thirteen years. They began their
married life on a farm, now known as Mt. Equity. To the union was born
five children of whom the following survive her: Mrs. Lucetta J. Ewart, of Beckley, W. Va.; Miss Mary E. Hann of Mt. Equity. One daughter
Mrs. Phoebe Miles, died sixteen years ago. Of her father's family two yet remain,
Mrs. Mary Hann and Mrs. Jacob B.
Trout, both of Hickory township.
Mrs. Hann lived to see her children to the third generation, having 10
grand and three great grandchildren to rise up and call her blessed.
She was true and loving in all her duties as wife and mother, a
Christian woman in all the phrase implies, having with her husband in
early life united with the Lutheran church, and for many years being
faithful and constant members of the Amity Lutheran Church of Keel
Ridge. Services were held at her home in West Middlesex on Sabbath
evening and the funeral took place from Mt. Equity on Monday at 2 p.m.
The services were conducted Rev. T. D. Stewart of Unity
Presbyterian church taking his text from Rev 14 chapter and 13th verse.
A large concourse of friends and neighbors followed the remains to
Morefield Cemetery, where they were laid to rest by the side of her
husband. The pall-bearers were James Byers, John Love, John Philips, James Cole, G. C. Walker and
Joseph C. Gibson.
Submitted by Kenneth
C. Werden, Jr. |