The Late Christopher Hann
Christopher Hann a well known and highly respected citizen of Hickory township, passed away Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th. He had been in failing health for the past year, but was not confined to his bed until Christmas.
Deceased was born in Sussex county, N. J., August-14th, 1814, making his age 72 years, 4 months, 15 days. He moved to Western Pennsylvania with his parents in early youth, (being the eldest son,) was married to
Sarah Trout in 1843. She with four children, three daughters and one son, survive him; one daughter,
Phebe T., having gone before him.
To visit him in his late home and partake of his hospitality, made an impression never to be forgotten; the hearty welcome made one's heart glad. He was of a benevolent disposition,always ready and willing to lend a helping hand to his less fortunate fellow-mortals, when found worthy. He was a faithful member and officer of the Lutheran church, and firmly upheld the doctrine of that denomination, but recognized good wherever found. Politically Mr. H. was a staunch Democrat, but never an extreme partisan, and respected good men of all parties.
By his death the family has lost an affectionate husband and father, the church a firm supporter and the community a kind and obliging neighbor. But their loss is their gain, for he could say with the apostle,
" I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown." Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Hall of Sharon, took place on New Year's Day. The remains, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends, were interred in
Moorefield cemetery.
Submitted by Kenneth
C. Werden, Jr.