Turner –
Samuel R. Turner died at Clark's Mils, Pa., December
13, 1902, aged seventy-nine years. He was born in Trumbull county, O., September,
1823, but came to Salem township, Mercer Co., Pa., in early childhood. Early in the fifties he was married to
Almira Piersol. He was converted when a youth, and was a consistent and active member of the church for over fifty years. He organized a class of church-workers at North Salem, of which he was leader for over twenty years. He was also an ordained local preacher of marked ability for a number of years, and rendered valuable service to the regular ministry. For the past twelve years he was a resident of Clark's Mills, and was loved and esteemed by the entire neighborhood. He was a continual sufferer, but was never known to utter a complaint. His life was a beautiful illustration of the true Christian character, and his influence in the community as well as his presence and devotion were held
by his pastor at Clark's Mills church and at Salem, where the interment took place.
Submitted by
Susannah Lewis